DEMON HUNTER: Legend of the werewolf

“What exactly are you saying” Taeyeon and Seohyun exchanged puzzled looks.

Rachel bit her bottom lip before continuing. “Well, Nate has been acting a bit weird lately and whenever we bring up Daniel he gets all defensive and starts yelling” the blond girl explained.

“How does that make you suspect he is a werewolf” Seohyun asked looking for a connection. It was weird that just when they had begun to suspect a supernatural thing like werewolf was behind the attack, this comes along.

Rachel looked a Natalie as if asking for permission before she explained “I first noticed something was off on the night of Daniel’s death”



“Where’s Daniel is he okay, please tell me he’s okay” Natalie sobbed into Eva’s chest. “We don’t know sweet heart” Eva replied gently her hair. Just then Rachel appeared with a jacket and covered Natalie’s exposed chest. She couldn’t help but notice the blood covering her entire upper body, blood that wasn’t hers.

The area had been cleared as everyone at the bond fire had either gone home in fear of recent events or had run into the woods in search of Daniel’s attacker. Eva and Rachel decided to stay behind ad calm down the hysterical Natalie.


Rachel had called the 911 a few minutes ago so the three girls sat on a log infront of the fire and patiently awaited the police. It was silent the only signs of life being the crackling of the fire and Natalie’s faint sobs.

“What was that?” Rachel jumped when she heard the rustling of braches. Her heart beating rapidly, Rachel’s biggest fear was that Daniel’s attacker had come back. The three girls remained silent waiting for another sound. “I didn’t hear any-” Eva was interrupted by a second wave of rustling sounds, this time loud enough for everyone to hear.

“We need to get out of here” Eva grabbed Natalie and was about to leave when a figure appeared fro the woods. Taken by surprise the three girlsscreamed in unison.

“Shh calm down” Nate slowly approached. They all sighed in relief.

“Nate!” Natalie ran into her brother’s arms gripping him tightly.

“Nate it’s awful, Daniel has bee-”

“I know” Nate simply replied.

“Nate what are you doing here?” Rachel stole the words right out of Eva’s mouth. Nate had not initially been at the bonfire so it was a surprise to see him there.

 “That’s not important, what matters now is that we get you guys out of here it’s not safe” Nate held onto his sister.

“It’s okay Nate, the police are gong to be here any second so just-”

“The police, I have to go. I can’t be seen here” Nate let go of Natalie, getting ready to leave.

“Nate please don’t g-” Natalie tried to protest but Nate cut her off.

“Don’t say you saw me here okay” he begged and when the three girls nodded he vanished into the woods. Minutes later police sirens could be heard while red and blue lights illuminated the skies.



“Wait a minute, are you saying that Nate was there that night?” Taeyeon was baffled. She read the case file a thousand times and could even recite the names of the every single teenager at that party. She was petty sure Nate was not on that list.

Rachel only nodded in reply.

“How? The official case file does not put him on the scene of the crime” Taeyeon pulled out the case file just to be certain and sure enough Nate Donovan was not on the list.

“He wasn’t at the party but he was there” Natalie explained talking for the first time; everyone was focused on her now.  “That night we were supposed to for the party Nate said he wasn’t feeling well and that I should go without him but then right before Daniel’s attack I saw him”



Natalie giggled as Daniel traced kisses along her neck. She had her back again a tree while Daniel’s body was firmly pressed against her pinning her against the tree. Natalie threw her head back enjoying the feeling of Daniel’s lips on her skin.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the girl was in love with Daniel but she did enjoy his company. They had been on and off for a year now andweren’t officially a couple, but Natalie was determined to make it happen.

Just as things were getting steamy a hand tugged on Daniel’s shirt collar pulling him away from stopping Daniel before he could do anymore. Annoyed with the loss of contact, Natalie opened her eyes only to find her brother landing a hard punch right in the middle of Daniel’s face.

“Get off my sister” he exclaimed getting ready to throw another punch.

“Nate stop” Natalie exclaimed trying to pull her brother away from her Daneil but he efforts were in vain. Effortlessly Nate pulled his armway from his sister and punched Daniel one more time in the same spot.

“Nate pleases stop” Natalie cried out but the older male just ignored her.

“Put on your shirt we are getting out of here” he threw in her direction a yellow blouse, which she had been wearing a few minutes again, back at her.

“I’m not going with you” Natalie shook her head firmly holding the yellow blouse against her chest.

“I warned you” Nate threatened Daniel before he disappeared into the woods.





So instead of making one lone chapter I decided to split it into two. The next chapter will be up in  a few minutes.

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Chapter 8: Gosh. Is Nate really a werewolf?
And is he the killer???
Chapter 7: Omg update please! This is so good!
Chapter 1: the foreword seems nice..
hope the same goes with the story..
gonna read later.. :D
kiyoong #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaa~ So nice Update soon!!!~~~
kiyoong #5
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: :o Is the doctor a werewolf too?
or he wanted to give a warn?
thankfully, Tao is okay :)
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 5: tao!!! please don't die..huhu
taeyeonie07 #8
Chapter 5: no!!!!!!!!
tao won't die!! :(
Chapter 5: Don't go! Why must he dying? Will he die? T_T
Chapter 5: Noooo~ baby panda can't die!!!*sobs*