DEMON HUNTER: Legend of the werewolf

Ryan Thorn was the name of the latest victims of the apparent werewolf attacks. He was a high school student just like Daniel and they even went to the same school. Having two teenage boys killed under the same circumstances the police were being pressured, by the public, for answers. That is why they took extra precaution with the Thorn case.

The crime scene had been examined over and over again; the police couldn’t afford to miss anything. All items found on Ryan and the crime scene had been checked for finger prints, hairs sampled and anything that could be checked for DNA, the killer could have left something behind.

Although it is impossible to find finger prints on clothing the police seemed to be in luck. Ryan had been wearing a leather jacket on that tragic night so the police were able to lift a finger print off the peace of leather. They run the finger print through the systems and actually found a match with a DUI arrest a few years back.

Turns out the finger print belonged to non-other Nate Donovan. The son of the town’s mayor and brother to the last person to see Daniel Green alive. Without hesitation the police arrested Nate. Unfortunately for Nate, all the evidence seemed to point to him. Even his sister’s testimony, which she could not exactly tell the police, put him in the dark.

It was just a day after Ryan’s body had been discovered and a prime suspect had already been apprehended. The police seemed to be doing a good job. However Minho was not yet convinced. The evidence just present itself, it was too easy. Furthermore, Minho was sure that convinced that a werewolf could not leave a finger print.

Following his guts feeling, Minho decided to investigate further.

He made a request, to the sheriff, to visit Ryan’s body one more time, before his body was released to the family for a proper burial. The Sheriff had agreed on the condition that one of his deputies accompany him. Minho didn’t need a babysitter but as long as the man would let him view the body, he had no choice.

Minho slowly walked behind a very short female police woman, deputy Milson he recalled her name. She was taking him to the morgue, the place where the second victim’s body was being kept. Minho didn’t really need a guide, as he could recall the way to the morgue from the time he paid a visit to Daniel’s corpse, but he didn’t want to be rude so he just played along.

They walked down a long hallway for what seemed like forever before deputy Milson finally stopped in front of a double door. Minho mumbled a thank you as the woman began to walk back.


“Hello?” Minho spoke, slowly opening the door, trying to capture the attention of anyone in the room. As soon as he stepped into he was welcomed by a cool breeze. The room seemed to have its own atmosphere because the coolness of the room was the exact opposite of the blazing heat wave going on outside. Minho was thankful for that.


Just then a tall skinny guy with, sand blond hair and cat like green eyes,  appeared out of nowhere taking Minho by surprise.


“Minho!” the man exclaimed. His name was Mike, Minho remembered him from the last time he paid a visit to the morgue. He was a pretty decent guy and seemed overly excited to See Minho, probably because he didn’t get a lot of visitors.


“Mike, it’s been a while”


“Yeah, I hate the fact that we have to meet under such circumstances” Mike sighed while Minho nodded along. It was indeed.


Without further ado Mike walked Minho to the wall covered with large silver boxes each one glued to said wall. The tall blond scanned the name tags on each box until he found the one he was looking for. He then began to pull on the handle of the box and just like magic more of the box was pulled out of the wall.  

Out of a box appeared a young male laying peacefully still on a silver tray. His skin as white as snow and his lips a dark shade of blue, probably due to the cold temperature the body was living in order to preserve it. Furthermore the huge scratch mark all over his face and body were also sporting the same blue-ish purple color.


“So what are we looking for” Mike asked curiously. He really wanted to know why Minho had come back to examine the body even after the “killer” had been arrested.


“I’m not sure” Minho replied honestly. He carefully examined Ryan’s scratch marks. It was much easier to do now as the last time the body had been all bloodied. Taking this opportunity Minho pulled out Taeyeon’s camera and began to take some pictures.


“Can I ask you a questions Mike?” Minho cut through the silence that had taken over the cold room. Mike only nodded in response.


“Do you think a human could have done this” Minho pointed to the blue marks running across Ryan’s body.


“Well...uhm...I don’t think so but a really sharp object could have” Mike replied nervously. Minho didn’t miss how twitchy the tall male had become all of a sudden, however he decided to look past it. Now wasn’t the time to interrogate him.


After taking picture of the scars on his chest, Minho moved to face. The damage done to the young man’s face was unbelievable. His face was filled with huge scratch marks making it impossible to identify him. Even if Ryan was a handsome male, which Minho knew he was because he had seen the pictures his family had provided the police department, it was pretty difficult to tell in his current situation.

As he examines the marks on  Ryan’s face something caught Minho’s attention. Most of the marks on Ryan looked animalistic. They were big marks that came in pairs of three, like claw marks, and went skin deep. However there was one small random marks that only scratched the surface of his skin. The small mark almost looked human, like finger nail scratch marks.


“Why are this marks different from the rest” Minho asked Mike who and walked over to his desk to do a few thing but quickly came running back. He put on his glasses and took a good look at the mark Minho was pointing at.


“I never noticed the before” Mike answered honestly “that’s weird”.


“That’s exactly what I was thinking Mike, and these other marks why are there in threes and are they so deep, I mean a knife surly couldn’t go that far into the skin just look at the scratch on his leg, I can actually see the bone and the...” Minho’s rumbling came to an end when he noticed the sudden worried expression on Mike’s face.


“You better leave now Minho, you actually shouldn’t be here” Mike said sadly as began to cover Ryan’s cold body. He kept his eyes glued to freezing corpse; he couldn’t bear to look at the other.


“What do you mean, I got clearance from the sheriff to see the body” Minho stated, confused by the blonde’s statement.


“I know but ... I just ... you should just go ... and stop asking question” Mike started off stumbling on his word but finished his statement strongly while giving Minho a stern look. Minho still wore a confused expression so Mike explained further.


“They are people I have to protect Minho. You seem like a really nice guy and I don’t want you to get caught up in things you can’t handle. Please stop asking questions”


A cold shiver ran down Minho’s spine as processed the words Mike was speaking.

“Maybe I should” Minho stated. Everything single fibre of his being was screaming “GET OUT” and he wasn’t about to start ignoring his instincts. He knew better than to ask question, because he kind of knew what Mike was going on about.

With that he said his goodbyes before bolting out the doors and heading straight to Motel. He had to see Taeyeon straight away.



Seohyun tightened her grip on the map as she navigating her way through the wood. It was getting dark so she pulled out her flashlight. It was a good thing she carried a back pack full of supplies for her journey into the woods.

She had been walking around the forest for hours now but no avail.

She pulled out pocket knife, from her backpack, and carved a huge arrow, on to the nearest tree, pointing to the direction she was heading. A while back Seohyun had decided to leave a mark on very other tree just to make sure she wasn’t running around in circles.

Seohyun was getting a little tired so she decided to rest on the nearest rock. With a heavy sigh she rested her head on a tree and closed her eyes for a little while. She didn’t think looking for the cabin would be this straining.  

A while back she passed the scene of Daniel’s attack and marked it of on the map. It was pretty easy to do so because Natalie was kind enough to indicate on the map were the bonfire had occurred and the scene of Daniel’s attack was not too far away from that.

Furthermore she spotted a place that seemed to be booming with activity despite the dullness of the rest of the forest. It was barricaded with crime scene tape and crawling with the police. This definitely a place of interest for the police but Seohyun wasn’t going to stay to find out. She was smart enough to get away before the police spotted her.

 Like Taeyeon had suspected the attack happened somewhere else and Seohyun was 100% sure that it was right there, where the police were squatting. However the police obviously hadn’t release this information to the public seeing as she was the only person creeping around in the woods.

After a little rest Seohyun got up once again. She grabbed her back pack and pulled out her map and examined it once more. The cabin seemed to be right in between the two crime scenes. That was certainly a reason to be suspicious.   

She headed deeper into the woods, not forgetting to mark her path on the nearest tree.

After what seemed like forever Seohyun spotted the silhouette of a dwelling. She honestly thought it was a hallucination that was until she got closer and confirmed that it was indeed a cabin in the woods.


“Would you look at that” She whispered to herself.


After a day long journey of walking around in circles, she spotted a few of her arrows and had to turn back because she was losing her path, and dealing with terrible weather, out of the blue the skies opened up and rain came pouring out, Seohyun finally made it.

Seohyun just stood there looking at the damn cabin. It was exactly the way Natalie had described it.  Old, rundown barely a sign of life. This was the perfect place for a werewolf to hide.

She stuffed the map back into her backpack before heading towards the cabin. She didn’t know if anyone was inside so she had to be careful. This whole week had been filled with nights of full moon, it was that time of the month., and if she wasn’t careful Seohyun would end up being the next victim.  

She tried to turn the doors nod but the door seemed to be closed. Luckily there was a window that was partly opened. She pulled her arm through the small opening of the window and was able to push the glass opening it completely.

She took a deep breath before oushing her small frame through the window and into the house.

The inside of the house was definitely much better that outside. It looked like a normal cosy little cabin, with a small kitchen/living room area and a fire place for those chilly nights. The only thing that was off about this place was the string of blood smeared across the living room floor.

If she wasn’t sure this was the right cabin the blood was enough to convince her.

Carefully she followed the trail of blood that seemed to be leading towards the basement. It was really a bad idea to go down there but she had come too far to give up mow.

The house was too quiet, she didn’t like it.

Seohyun summed up all her courage as she took the first step of the downwards staircase. The stairs creaked with every step, she had to be careful. This house seemed old and she might just end up placing her foot on a step that could send the whole thing collapsing.

Once she reached the lower level of the house, Seohyun reached a place that looked like a dungeon.

There was a huge cage down in the basement, almost like a prison cell. It was currently open so Seohyun was able to get inside. Once inside she noticed a few chains and devices that could be used to restrain someone.

The blood trail had ended but Seohyun knew the source of the blood. In the corner of the cell lay a still body covered in blood from head to toe. The only recognisable feature was the long blond hair sprawled on the floor, like the rest of the body.

Seohyun gasped, she instantly knew who the person was.

Seohyun was about to run towards the injured person when she felt a thump on the back of her head and a throbbing pain that vibrated throughout her entire body before everything turned black.



So here is the next chapter, did you guys like it?

I’m starting to make the chapters longer now. I thought it would be better to make the chapters long and eventful instead of short and boring even if it means the story will end sooner than expected.

So, do you guys think Nate is the werewolf? And what happened to Seo?

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Chapter 8: Gosh. Is Nate really a werewolf?
And is he the killer???
Chapter 7: Omg update please! This is so good!
Chapter 1: the foreword seems nice..
hope the same goes with the story..
gonna read later.. :D
kiyoong #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaa~ So nice Update soon!!!~~~
kiyoong #5
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: :o Is the doctor a werewolf too?
or he wanted to give a warn?
thankfully, Tao is okay :)
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 5: tao!!! please don't die..huhu
taeyeonie07 #8
Chapter 5: no!!!!!!!!
tao won't die!! :(
Chapter 5: Don't go! Why must he dying? Will he die? T_T
Chapter 5: Noooo~ baby panda can't die!!!*sobs*