DEMON HUNTER: Legend of the werewolf


Ever since Tao woke up the team had been taking it easy, mostly because of the warning left by the psycho doctor. They decided to let things cool down before proceeding with their investigation. It was a lot easier to do so since Tao was recovering very well.

After what happened to Tao they had debated on their next step. It was either they give up and go back home or they proceed with the investigation. Taeyeon however made it very clear that they would stay in Old Creek and make the wolf pay for what it did, she was hell bent on settling the score.  

The rest of the team members were extremely surprised by their usually dorky leader’s new found obsession with revenge. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

Taeyeon had informed her team that from hence forth they would work very carefully. It was evident that they were a lot of people involved in this whole situation and they had to constantly watch their backs. Whatever happened they were going to get to the bottom of this.

It was they day of Daniel’s funeral. After his body was released to the family, they had arranged for his burial.  Taeyeon and Seohyun were present at the funeral. They figured that the killer would probably show up too.

“Who do you think it could be” Seohyun asked the leader, her eyes roaming the vast sea of people that had come to pay their respects. “It could be anyone” the leader replied surprised with the amount of people present at the local church. It was as if the whole town had shown up.

“I think all the suspects are here” Taeyeon added while Seohyun nodded her head in agreement. They had made a list of all the suspects which included Nate, Natalie, Rachel, Eva and the psycho doctor. The killer had to be one of the five.

“Wait, where is Natalie?” Seohyun asked not being able to locate the jumpy girl. Taeyeon began looking around the church but the girl was nowhere in sight. “Do you thi-” Taeyeon was cut off when commotion erupted at the entrance of the church.

Since the two where seated at the rear end of the church, close to the entrance, they had a clear view of what was going on. “Get out of here!” an older woman who Taeyeon recognised as Daniel’s mother, shrieked.

Taeyeon and Seohyun looked at each other before they got up heading for the door. They couldn’t see who the woman was yelling at but she looked very angry. As they got closer, a very devastated and emotional Natalie came into view.

“Please, let me say goodbye” the young girl pleaded, tears falling down her face. Daniel’s mother shook her head “you’ve caused enough trouble. Now get out of here!” Fresh tears fell from Natalie’s eyes, the girl looked a mess. Her eyes were red and puffy; it looked like she had been crying for a while.

Out of nowhere Nate appeared and pulled his sister out of the church. The crowd that had gathered to watch the scene slowly dispersed as the commotion died down. After everyone had settled down, the service was about to begin.

“Let’s follow them” Taeyeon nudged Seohyun before the two got up heading out the door. Once outside they scanned the premises for any sign of the siblings. “Over there” Seohyun pointed at two figures under a tree not too far from the church.

Although they could not hear what the two where talking about, it was evident that they were engaged in a heated conversation. Nate looked furious shouting incoherent words while Natalie stood still her eyes glued to floor.


“Lets get closer, I can’t hear what they are saying” Seohyun was about to move forward but Taeyeon stopped her. “If we get closer they might see us” she explained. They had promised to lay low for a while and Taeyeon wasn’t going to ruin that.  With a heavy sigh Seohyun stepped back.

She wasn’t for the whole laying low plan. She would much rather take this head on, let Natalie and all her friends know that the where onto them. However that wasn’t up to her, Taeyeon was the leader so she had to follow her orders.

“Trust me, okay” Taeyeon could sense Seohyun’s worries. She knew the rest of the team was also unsure of her strategy, but she knew perfectly well what she was doing. She had everything planned out it was only a matter of time.

Her plan was to make who ever was behind this think they were in the dark. That way the wolf will gradually become careless and in time he will reveal himself by doing something reckless like attacking another person.

There was Daniel and now Tao, what was to stop the wolf from finding another victim. Taeyeon knew that this method required the possible death of another person, but that couldn’t be helped. She would rather save the many innocent lives by sacrificing one.

 After arguing for another five minutes Daniel led his sister into his car and the two drove off.  Taeyeon and Seohyun also jumped into their vehicle and followed them. They were careful not to follow too closely so they wouldn’t be spotted.

After driving for about 20 minutes the car in pursuit stopped. Taeyeon quickly turned off the engine so they wouldn’t hear anything. She parked the car in a spot where she could still see them without being spotted.

The two emerged out of the car and immediately vanished into the woods. “Should we follow?” Seohyun asked not sure how far the lay low strategy went. Taeyeon was also a it unsure.

She wanted to follow them, she was sure whatever they were doing would give them valuable answers in terms of the investigation. However this could be incredibly dangerous. It was already getting dark and tonight was a full moon.


If any of those two were in fact the werewolf, possibly both, she would be putting herself, and more importantly Seohyun, in danger. As the leader it was her job to make sure the team was safe. The last thing she wanted was to endanger any of them. After what happened to Tao the safety of the team was her first priority.

“Lets’ just go back to our motel” Taeyeon said starting the engine. “That’s it” Seohyun jumped out the car and began walking towards the direction the two had disappeared into. Taeyeon gasped. “What are you doing” she ran after the now furious taller girl.

Seohyun just ignored her as she walked faster trying to catch up to Nate and Natalie. “Hey stop” Taeyeon gently tugged at the younger girl’s arm trying to slow her down. “Pleas lets just go back” Taeyeon pleaded.

“Taeyeon if we keep running we will never get any answers” Seohyun informed the leader. “I’m working on that okay, just trust me” Taeyeon tightened her grip on the younger girl “please let’s just go back before something bad happens”.

“I know you are worried Tae, but we have to do this. What happened to Tao wasn’t your fault” Taeyeon was taken back by those words. She had been blaming herself. She thought that if she had been more careful Tao wouldn't have gone throught what he did.

“You are a great leader and no one blames you for what happened” Seohyun was now holding the leader. She could tell that the later was trying to process what she just heard so she continued “If we follow them now we might get some valuable answers that might end this once and for all”.

Taeyeon hesitated before nodding her head in agreement. Without wasting anytime, Seohyun pulled the leader along with her as she raced to find the two suspects. Within a matter of seconds they had entered the woods and their search began.

It was already dark and there was no sign of the siblings. Seohyun tightened her grip on the leader as she navigated through the now pitch black forest. “I don’t think we will be able to find them” Taeyeon said regretting her decision.

“They couldn’t have gotten fa-” Seohyun was cut off by the sound of rustling braches in a near by bush. The two looked at each other both thinking the same thing. Without hesitation, they rushed towards the bush trying to discover the source of the noise.

But before they could a dark figure appeared from behind the bush. “What are you doing here” asked the unidentified individual in a cold voice. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes trying t identify the individual. She was sure she knew that voice.

“Dr. Donavan?” she thought out loud trying to remember that particular sadistic voice. The man walked up to them and Taeyeon was now sure that the man was indeed the good doctor, the one who had basically threatened them.

“What are you doing here?” he asked again this time in clear view. “I could ask you the same question” Seohyun tried to hide the tremble in her voice. She didn’t want the man to know that she was a little afraid of him.

“I was just about to leave” he said walking closer to the tall girl “I suggest you do the same, if you value your lives” with that said he began sprinting out the woods.


I know it's been a really long time since I last updated this story  and I'm really sorry *90 degree bow*. I promise that from now on I will update this story regularly. Thanks for all who subscribe and coment i really appriciate it ^^

Also like i stated before this story is part of the Demon unter series. So when this story finishes there will be a sequeal (I'm thinking Vampires) so stay tuned.

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Chapter 8: Gosh. Is Nate really a werewolf?
And is he the killer???
Chapter 7: Omg update please! This is so good!
Chapter 1: the foreword seems nice..
hope the same goes with the story..
gonna read later.. :D
kiyoong #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaa~ So nice Update soon!!!~~~
kiyoong #5
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: :o Is the doctor a werewolf too?
or he wanted to give a warn?
thankfully, Tao is okay :)
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 5: tao!!! please don't die..huhu
taeyeonie07 #8
Chapter 5: no!!!!!!!!
tao won't die!! :(
Chapter 5: Don't go! Why must he dying? Will he die? T_T
Chapter 5: Noooo~ baby panda can't die!!!*sobs*