DEMON HUNTER: Legend of the werewolf

After a long walk through the woods Tao and Taeyeon finally got to the crime scene. “Why would a bunch of teens go this far into the woods?” Tao asked very annoyed by the tree branches colliding with his face. Taeyeon, who was much shorter than him, ignored his little tantrum. “They probably didn’t want anyone to find them” the sheriff answered Tao’s question.

They got through the crime scene tape and Taeyeon immediately noticed the tree with huge claw marks on it. “Is this where they found his body?” she asked pulling out her camera and taking pictures. “No” the sheriff replied “His body was there” he pointed to a bloody spot, a few steps from the tree. Taeyeon took a few pictures of that spot too.

“That must be where the attack happened” Tao said turning Taeyeon’s attention back to the tree. She noticed something black up in the tree. “Do you see that she” asked the sheriff and he nodded. “Someone should go get it” she noticed he tree was smaller than the others in the forest and would only support a small person. Since Taeyeon was the smallest, it was evident she had to climb up the tree. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea” Tao said knowing exactly what she was about to do. “Relax I’ll be fine” she handed Tao the camera.

It’s a good thing I wore my all stars today she thought to herself as she approached the tree. She put one had on a low brunch and the other she hugged the tree tightly. She slowly moved up the tree and was about grab the thing when it suddenly developed wings and flew straight towards. She lost her grip on the tree and began her free fall downwards; she shut her eyes bracing herself for the impact.

Without thinking, Tao dropped the camera and rushed to Taeyeon catching her just before she hit the ground. Taeyeon opened her eyes only to see another pair of eyes. For the first time ever she noticed how dark and lonely Tao’s eyes were. “Uh uhm” the sheriff broke Tao and Taeyeon’s moment. She then realized she was in Tao’s arms, they where. She flushed red as she slowly brought her to her feet.

“Do you need anything else” the sheriff asked them. “I don’t think so -” she stopped when she noticed her camera on the floor. She quickly grabbed it and was relieved when she saw it was intact. Thank god she thought to herself. The camera cost her a fortune; guess the quality matched the price. “I think that will be all” Tao said filling in for the leader who was brushing the dirt off her camera.

As they made their way out the woods Taeyeon avoided Tao’s eye contact. She wasn’t the type obsess over a guy, yet she found herself thinking about his embrace. She loved the feeling of being in his arms.

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Chapter 8: Gosh. Is Nate really a werewolf?
And is he the killer???
Chapter 7: Omg update please! This is so good!
Chapter 1: the foreword seems nice..
hope the same goes with the story..
gonna read later.. :D
kiyoong #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaa~ So nice Update soon!!!~~~
kiyoong #5
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: :o Is the doctor a werewolf too?
or he wanted to give a warn?
thankfully, Tao is okay :)
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 5: tao!!! please don't die..huhu
taeyeonie07 #8
Chapter 5: no!!!!!!!!
tao won't die!! :(
Chapter 5: Don't go! Why must he dying? Will he die? T_T
Chapter 5: Noooo~ baby panda can't die!!!*sobs*