DEMON HUNTER: Legend of the werewolf

Seohyun snuggled into her chair and sighed. “Everything will be all right” Kris, who was sitting down beside Seohyun, reassures her. She took another sip of her coffee and said “I’m just worried about Taeyeon”. Minho was feeling the exact same way.

They were in the waiting room of the local hospital. Their bodies ached as they had been in same position for several hours. Kris was looking around the hospital trying to distract himself when he saw something very interesting. Nate was by the hospital entrance talking to a doctor that looked awfully familiar to Kris.

 “Why don’t we go back to the room” Seohyun suggested turning Kris away from Nate and the doctor.

Tao half opened his eyes only to be welcomed with agonizing pain. It hurt to move, to think even to breath. What happened? He thought to himself before it came flooding back. The wolf attack, it had him pinned down but he made it out alive. How? He tried to open his eyes and what he saw soothed his pain made him forget his pain.

Taeyeon was sleeping on chair close to Tao’s bed. Her head was resting on the bed by his feet. Tao couldn’t help but smile at how cute and innocent she looked. He then noticed her eyes were puffy and red. Had she been crying? Crying for him? Not believing it he readjusted his position to get a better look. Pain ran through out his body.

Taeyeon immediately woke up at the sudden movement. “You’re awake?” fresh tears were running down her cheeks as she moved to his side. He felt his heart clench seeing her in such a state. “Please don’t cry” he ignored the pain and caressed her cheeks wiping the tears from her face.  This made her cry even more. Tao sighed.

The door swung open and in came the rest of the team. “You’re awake” Kris beamed. They all stood by his side. “What the hell were you thinking?” Seohyun exclaimed “We were worried you know” she continued with her ‘you should be more careful’ speech and everyone nodded along avoiding more outbursts.

“I’m glad you’re okay” Minho said stopping Seohyun dead in her tracks. Everyone stood still for a moment, confirming those words came from Minho. He wasn’t a monster after all and he did feel bad that Tao was injured. However, that didn’t mean he was going to Tao’s best buddy

“You can’t get rid of me that easily” Tao added making everyone laugh except Taeyeon. She hadn’t said a word. “Taeyeon-” he looked at her, she was about to cry again. “I was worried sick; I thought you were going to die. Do you know that you’ve been in a coma for two weeks” she started sobbing.

Kris explained to Tao how a hunter found him battered and unconscious in the woods. He immediately brought him to the hospital and the hospital contacted the team. They tried to carry on with the mission but were unable to since their leader stayed by Tao’s side for the duration of his comma unable to give them orders.

“Taeyeon I -” Tao was interrupted when the door opened again. This time it was the doctor. “I heard you were awake” he walked over to exam Tao. Kris instantly recognized him as the doctor who was talking to Nate at the hospital entrance. That’s why he looked so familiar. He had been treating Tao for the past two weeks. “How are we feeling?” the doctor asked Tao. “I’m fine” Tao said trying not to worry Taeyeon as he was in pain.

“Is he going to be okay?” Taeyeon asked, her voice cracking a little. The doctor examined Tao’s injuries and scribbled something on his clipboard. “He will be just fine” everyone including Tao sighed in relief. “You should be more careful next time” the doctor said not looking up from his clipboard. “Maybe now we can get back to the mission” Minho added.

The doctor’s head shot up. “You guys should be more careful. I’m sure by now you know this is no ordinary situation you’re dealing with.” He scribbled something on his clipboard then continued “A normal wolf or wild animal would have aimed for the throat in order to immobilize or kill his pray. This wolf however just wanted to injure your friend. Like it was sending a message” the last sentence was said with Sinicism.

The group was quiet as he walked out the room. “Is it just me or did it sound like HE was trying to send a message” Seohyun stated the obvious. “And how did he know we were dealing with a wolf. We never released that information to the publics” Minho added. They looked at each other as they were thinking the same thing “And the pack gets bigger” Kris whispered to himself.

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Chapter 8: Gosh. Is Nate really a werewolf?
And is he the killer???
Chapter 7: Omg update please! This is so good!
Chapter 1: the foreword seems nice..
hope the same goes with the story..
gonna read later.. :D
kiyoong #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaa~ So nice Update soon!!!~~~
kiyoong #5
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: :o Is the doctor a werewolf too?
or he wanted to give a warn?
thankfully, Tao is okay :)
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 5: tao!!! please don't die..huhu
taeyeonie07 #8
Chapter 5: no!!!!!!!!
tao won't die!! :(
Chapter 5: Don't go! Why must he dying? Will he die? T_T
Chapter 5: Noooo~ baby panda can't die!!!*sobs*