DEMON HUNTER: Legend of the werewolf


This is the second part of a double update. If you are reading this chapter make sure you read the previous one. It picks up right where the other one ended.


“I thought you said you couldn’t remember anything” Seohyun recalled the first day she met Natalie. She and Kris had gone over to the Donovan’s residence to question her. At that time she had managed to convince them that she couldn’t remember anything.

“I lied, well kind of” Natalie took a deep breath “It’s true that I when Daniel was being attacked and I didn’t see who did it. But I do remember the events that occurred right before my black out, like Nate being there. I wanted to tell the police but Daniel had told me not to say anything. He assured me he didn’t kill Daniel and said that if I told the police they accuse him of murder.”

“If he is the wolf, why did he attack Daniel?”Seohyun asked.

“Well let’s just say that Daniel and Nate were not the best of friends” Rachel answered. Everyone knew that the two had been enemies and Daniel fooling around with Nate’s sister only contributed to their hate relationship.

“I understand what you are saying, but what makes you so sure he is a werewolf. Why not just accuse him of murder?” Taeyeon asked curiously. Natalie shifted uncomfortably in her seat. This was the hardest part to explain.

“There has been a rumour,around town, that a werewolf is behind the attacks. It could just be the town’s people making up stuffexcept a couple of people have seen it” Rachel explained.

“Yeah but it could be a normal wolf” Taeyeon argued. There was no real evidence that pointed to a werewolf.

“I doubt it” Natalie shook her head.

“What makes you so sure?”

“The fact that I’ve seen a human turning into a wolf with my own eyes” Natalie explained making Taeyeon and Seohyun gasp.



Natalie tip toped her way through the woods making sure she kept any sound to a minimum. She carefully dodged branches kept as she kept her gaze fixed on the figure only a few feet away from her.

Nate had been sneaking out of the house a lot lately and having had enough she decided to follow him. Right now she was regretting her decision because she has been following for over an hour but to no avail. It was cold outside and she was in such a hurry that she forgot to wear a coat.

Nate picked up his pace as he reached the middle of woods. It was a full moon out and there was enough light for her to see him so she decided to stay in her position and watch him from afar.Daniel came to a stop in front of an old looking abandoned cabin.

This must be his destination, she thought. Natalie had never seen this house before, but she hardly ever went into the wood so she didn’t think much of the weird house in the middle of the forest.

She was expecting some late night meeting with a girl but what she found was more horrific. As Nate disappeared into the little wooden house, Natalie began to examine the old cabin and spotted a human silhouette on one of the windows.

She narrowed her eye to get a closer look and as she did she witnessed the shadowy figure expand double it’s size before the human shape completely changed into something more animalistic. Natalie gasped unable to believe her eyes. Scared out of her mind she decided to run for it before that thing came after her.



Taeyeon swallowed the lump that had formed in . She knew that they were dealing with something bigger but Natalie’s recollection made things more real.

“Last night we saw and you uncle heading into the woods. What was that about?” Seohyun asked. She had already been sold by the werewolf theory so Natalie’s flash back didn’t shake her at all. However there was something that had been bugging her, the events of previous night.

“I really don’t know myself. My uncle took me there saying that it was for my own protection” Natalie explained. There was no need for her t lie now so Seohyun decided to take her word for it. “Where exactly did he take you” Taeyeon asked.

“He took me to the cabin in the woods, that’s all I remember” Natalie explained.

Seohyun sent Taeyeon a glance and the older knew exactly what she was thinking. “Can you remember where he took you” Seohyun asked the girl.

“Kind of but it was dark and when I woke up I was in my room” Natalie explained.

Seohyun took a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to Natalie. “Can you draw a map or directions to the house from the spot you dropped of the car. I know it was dark and all but please be as accurate as you.”

“I’ll try” Natalie took the piece of paper.The room was silent as Natalie began drawing the directions.  They all watched as the single lines she drew began to form a map.

The silence hang in the air for about five minutes before the buzzing of a phone echoed in the room.  “Sorry” Rachel pulled out her cell phone. She took one look at the caller id and froze.

“Who is it?”Taeyeon noticed the distraught look on Rachel’s face. “Its Nate-his-his calling-” She said nervously. Natalie came to a halt upon hearing her brother’s name. A huge lump formed in , she was afraid of her own brother.

“Okay calm down. If you don’t pick up he will notice some is wrong so just answer the call and stay calm” Taeyeon advised. The girl just nodded before pressing the answer button. “Hello” she said nervously.


“Rachel where are you?” he said on the other line.

“umm at home why?” she nervously scratched the back of her head hoping he wouldn’t see straight through her lie.

“Meet me at Eva’s house, now.”


“Just be there and have you seen Natalie?”

“Ah-no I-I have no-”

“Fine, just get here now” and with that Nate hang up.


Rachel stared at her phone wondering what the mysterious call was about. Nate’s tone was very serious. Could he have known about her were about and what she was doing. But that was highly unlikely. She was very careful before approaching Kris, Rachel made sure.

“What did he want” Taeyeon broke her chain of thought.

“He wants o meet me at Eva’s house. I think the best thing is for me to go” Rachel stated and Taeyeon nodded in agreement. Rachel stood up and was about to leave when she noticed Natalie looking at her expectantly.

“She will be safe with me, don’t worry” Taeyeon said. She was talking to Rachel but that statement was more for Natalie who had panic written on her face. The girl looked scared out of her mind.

“Oh and Seohyun -”

“I’m on it” Taeyeon didn’t have to finish her statement before Seohyun took the piece of paper that Natalie had been drawing the map on and headed out the door right behind Rachel.

“Please be careful” Taeyeon told her before she disappeared behind the door.

And then they were two. Natalie nervously rubbed her hands together. She hardly knew Taeyeon but she had decided to trust her and her team. However that didn’t make things any less awkward.

“It’s okay, you’re safe with me” Taeyeon gave her a warm smile.



Yay! I managed to update in a week (and not a month *COUGH* )

Okay so this update was basically an explanation of the event that occurred on the night Daniel died. I’m so excited because we are getting closer to the . I promise that the next update will be more eventful.

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Chapter 8: Gosh. Is Nate really a werewolf?
And is he the killer???
Chapter 7: Omg update please! This is so good!
Chapter 1: the foreword seems nice..
hope the same goes with the story..
gonna read later.. :D
kiyoong #4
Chapter 7: Kyaaa~ So nice Update soon!!!~~~
kiyoong #5
Chapter 6: Update soon
Chapter 6: :o Is the doctor a werewolf too?
or he wanted to give a warn?
thankfully, Tao is okay :)
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 5: tao!!! please don't die..huhu
taeyeonie07 #8
Chapter 5: no!!!!!!!!
tao won't die!! :(
Chapter 5: Don't go! Why must he dying? Will he die? T_T
Chapter 5: Noooo~ baby panda can't die!!!*sobs*