You're A-Sian, NOT B-Sian !!

Beautiful Hangover~

No One's POV

"Chief... why are we here ?" asked an innocent policeman in front of your house.
"Cuz this house is suspect." answered his superior.
"Oh~ but, i went there.. like 5 months ago and it was okay..."
"I dont care about it ! Just obey me !"
"Sir, yes sir !"
"Now, let's explore this house... there is something weird about it."



"What are they doing exactly ?" i asked to myself.
"Maybe searching for drugs ?" suggested __________~ah even though i didnt ask her anything.
"Nah~~ i dont think so," i replied. "Stay in the car, i shall talk to them..."
As i was walking, D-Lite stopped me in front of our leader's house door, "Let me handle this."
I nodded, "dont get hurt okay ?"
He smiled.


D-Lite's POV

"YA !" i shouted to the two policemen. "What are you guys doing exactly ?"
"We're doing nothing wrong !" said the one who sounded to be the chief. i looked at his badge, as i thought, he was the chief. "Breaking in someone else's home is nothing wrong ? " i picked my cellphone and texted something. "So your name is.... Kang Won.... keh~ who gave you this name ? it's soo funny >_< Whatever... i just sent some of my guys to your house."
"You are lying," he said uncertain.
".. Chief, this guy is telling me something," said his fellow police dude.
i laughed, "why would i be lying ? I know there is drugs in your house." As that Kang Won dude heard that, he stormed of the house, " i remember the first time we met, i told you that you would regret this sooner or later," i said with a neutral voice.
"Sh*t !" he murmured to himself before fleeing with the police car.

Innocent policeman's POV

.... what was that just now ? ".. Ch-chief !" i shouted but it was too late, he ran away... with the car. I took my talkie-walkie. "Commandant 342 ! it's Min Woo of the team 07-A40. My chief Kang Won just fled with the car because it seems there is drugs in his house... Oh, you already have the forces in his house ? ... Yes, i am coming right now commandant." i looked at the strange guy in fornt of me. "Thank you," i said.
"Cheonmaneyo little Min Woo, i shall go too, bye." He said before going away with his motorcycle.


D-Lite's POV

What the hell was that ? it's the first time a policeman thank me... haha ! little rookie. I hope we'll see each other another time in better circomstances. Aishh~ i continued fleeing on my motorcycle on the highway.




Your POV

"Oppa ?" i said waking up. I stretched up in my bed and yawned. At the same time, i looked aroung to finy my oppa... on my chair smoking while looking on my desk. "NO SMOKING HERE !!" i shouted. "How many times do i need to tell you this ?" i stood up and opened a window.
"This isn't good," he said looking at my school stuff. "You should study more to have A-grade since you are not a Bsian.. well i hope~ tskk"
"For someone who doesnt study at all and have A+ and 100% each time, you dont have the right to order me to study more... and since my teachers are all bullsh*t, i am still the first one of my class in eeeeeevery subjects.
"You need to be the first of your whoooooooole high school..."
i glanced at him, "you know that because i know your college schedule very well, i can tell you are not very punctual," i said before my oppa raised an eyebrow. "You are late for your advanced math class of.... 13 minutes already. You are not very punctual y'know ?"
"The teacher is absent today, but you are kinda right. We'll talkabout this another time," he said walking out of my room.  "Oh and~ i know about you being at the club with my permission the other day..." He added.
Aishh~ i cant NEVER win against him D:< i pouted, "Oppa~" he blinked at me meaning it was okay and that he didnt mind at all. Aghhh~

i looked at the clock on my desk to see how much time i had to prepare for school.



Awwww~ thanks a lot for reading until now !! <3




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Thanks a lot again for reading this since i lost all my drafts.. again =___=' sorry..
and since there was the school thingy, the X-Mas party and my being sick thingy.. i couldnt write much~



Dont forget to read my other fanfic :

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madesunrene4 #1
THis is amazing!
ichizowee #2
imyourbabylove : thanks :)<br />
WannaB : cuz~
wannaB #3
haha it's funny
wannaB #4
btw why did u put me in the story? xD
new reader! :D
ichizowee #6
lolitabunny : thank you ^^<br />
WannaB : you are weird, but at least you put a comment haha ^^
wannaB #7
LOL<br />
lolitabunny #8
supa love the update!!!<br />
hoping for another one soon!!!
lolitabunny #9
over protected much????
I like your story <3<br />
Sounds interesting & the plot is different for a change(: