My sad story

Loving Onew

A/N: ok I'm going to be writing these on m phone now (only for a few weeks!!!) so please don't complain about the odd writing or whatever. Also the past chapters were a little short so I'll make the next ones longer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     I looked at my closet and thought, "OMG!!! I have nothing to wear to make this date perfect!!!!! Gosh.... Oooohh I'll go borrow one of unnie's dresses!!!!! Should I take the navy blue one the shows off my eyes or the light blue that shows off my eyes and figure?!?!?! Omg where is unnie when I need her?!?!" As if on cue, my unnie walks in. "ohmigosh unnie!!! I need ur help with something!!!!!! I'm goin on a date today but we might b on tv so I need a great dress, help me pick!!!!!"

   "1st chill!! Your unnie got it handled!!!!2nd tv?Where the are you going?! And with whom?!?! I thought that you would just find a jock and play sports with him!!!!! Answers NOW!!!" After a moment, unnie goes off and came back with a light blue dress with a white purse. I made a mental note, outfit check.

   I took a big breath," ok so you wanted answers? Ok then.. I'm going to the kpop awards tonight and my date is Lee, Jinki... Also known as Onew-oppa. He invited me a few days ago." I looked at the clock. Oh he should be here soon!! I rushed to get my hair done. After I finished, someone rang my doorbell. I ran over my pile。。。OK PILES of clothes trying not to trip over anything but over course being a klutz, I did anyways. I opened the door and was awed by the person standing there. "OPPA!!! You're early!!! I wasn't expecting you for another 20 minutes!! Come on in, I'll go call my unnie to come meet you," I greeted my date.

   "Oh that's okay. I don't want to bother her if she's busy with something. Wait... I'm early?!? Oh wow, 1st time I'm early on a date! Well, I guess it's because of whom my date is," Jinki replied to me as he came in.

   "YAH!!! Min!!! Who was that?!?" asked unnie as she walked into the room. She stopped as soon as she saw oppa. "OHMIGOSH!!!!! No way!! I thought you were just joking with me when you told me about who your date was today, Min!!!!"

   He looked at me, "Oh! So you were talking about me,huh? What did you say? Anything bad? Or stereotyped?" He gave me look that made me laugh.

   "Oh nothing mean! That's for sure!! Min just went on and on AND ON about how you asked her to come to the studio and how cute you were..." I shushed Unniebut it was too late. My face was burning. I stole a glance in the mirror, i was blushing soo red!!!! OMG!!! Why unnie!!!

   "Oh? So I'm cute now am I? Well, that's interesting to know. So, why don't you grab your bag and we'll get going!!! The boys are waiting down in the limousine to pick you up and get their dates!!" he said smiling ear-to-ear. I nodded and ran to get my metallic blue bag. I also grabbed my black coat and white scarf. Just in case ,I thought. As soon as I got in the car, we left. "So Min! I noticed that your parents aren't there, not to be rude or anything but where are they?" Oppa asked while we waited for Tae Min to pick up his date. I said nothing for a while, thinking of HOW to tell him.

   "Well my parents use to work for the police.. One day, I was kidnapped on my way home from visiting my friend. Apparently, there was a gun fight between the guys who kidnapped me and my parents. Just before my parents caught the men, they shot my Umma in the head.... Soon after that, the men struggled to be freed and one of them punched my Appa... He hit his head on the corner of a rock," I started to tear up. "A month later he died." I sniffed back my tears. I shouldn't let oppa worry about me, besides this has happened to many kids!! Everyone was starring at me or trying to figure out what that must have been like.

   After a few mintues, the door opened and JoJo hopped in. "MIN!!! Why are you crying?! Are you have one of your flashbacks again?! Dr.Kim said to call him if it happens again!!!!! Oh!! It's all my fault!! I should have never I allowed you to go home ALONE that day!!!!! I'm such a bad friend!!" she pulled me into a big hug. The rest of the way to the awards, she didn't let me talk. She didn't let anybody talk!!! She just fixed my hair and wiped my tears. Finally braking the silence, she asked," hey!!! How come me and Min are the only dates here?!? Where are your dates?!?"

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coming-on #1
love it!!
btw hppy bday onew
I'll update tomorrow or today for u to find out :)
wai do i get excited over GD? <br />
my bias is TAEMIN D:<<br />
NOT GD!<br />
ehh ish ur story.. <br />
u can do whutever....
annyeoung <-- correct way.<br />
mindy.<br />
its dongsaeng =___=;; lol
hey who is "So" O.O u could have made it emily or julie or alyson....<br />
and uhh jimin said she didnt want her real name on da fanfic, change it to jenny
okay i read on it ish us :DD <3<br />
oohhh the 'girls' r us rightt? :DD?<br />
WHEEEEEE~~ <33333<br />
eeeeeeaacckkkkkkkk :DDDD<br />