We dance with SHINee~

Loving Onew

 I got home and the girls ambushed me with questions. "Where were you?!" "Why's your face so red?" "Where's our food?!?!" And so on!!! When i couldn't take it any more i yelled, "GUYS!! LET ME EXPLAIN!!!!! Okay the food, Blame the fans girls for making me drop the food just so I won't get runned over. as for my face, IT'S NOT RED!!! Now do you want to hear good news or not?!"

    "DUH YEAH WE WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!!! NOW SPILL MIN," they yelled at me. I told them my story leaving out the part of WHOM i met and what he offered. After I finished telling them everything that's not that important to what they want to hear they asked, "So who's the mystery dude?! And what's the good news?"

    "Well, you'll have to wait until we get to his dance studio at SM studio. Well we better get going if we want to meet them on time," I left leaving them to catch up to me. The whole way to the studio was very exciting for the other since they know ALL of the kpop boy bands. "Here we are!! Oh and there's Onew-Oppa!!" I waved to him.

   They were very suprised by that because they knew very well that SHINee was suppose to be in high school with us but never was. I hear them whisper something but ignore it. "Min!! Are these your friends? Hi, I'm Lee Jinki. Pleasure to meet you," he put out his hand to shake theirs but they fainted. WE starred at each other then burst into uncontrollable laughter. After they woke up (which was 1 minute later) we headed for the SHINee's dance room. When we got there Taemin jumped on Onew demanding Banana Milk but stopped when he saw us.

   "Oh sorry for that scene..... Hi, I'm Min Ho. Tae Min and Jinki always have a .... er.... argument over banana milk. Mostly when it's Jinki-Hyung's turn to get refreshments. Oh yeah, And you ladies are?" Min Ho introduced himself. Once again we introduce ourselves. The boys introduce themselves too.

     "Well, guys? We better get to work on our dance for Lucifer. Want me to teach one, Min?" Onew offered. Why is only offering me? The others are so much prettier then me, I wondered. I nodded and allowed Onew to show me the dance moves. Min Ho, Tae Min,  Kibum, and Jong Hyun got the same idea and chose one of my gals. It seemed like only a few minutes before we had to go eat dinner. After dinner, Onew pulled me to the side and asked, "Hey Min? Uhm....... can I ask you something?"



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coming-on #1
love it!!
btw hppy bday onew
I'll update tomorrow or today for u to find out :)
wai do i get excited over GD? <br />
my bias is TAEMIN D:<<br />
NOT GD!<br />
ehh ish ur story.. <br />
u can do whutever....
annyeoung <-- correct way.<br />
mindy.<br />
its dongsaeng =___=;; lol
hey who is "So" O.O u could have made it emily or julie or alyson....<br />
and uhh jimin said she didnt want her real name on da fanfic, change it to jenny
okay i read on it ish us :DD <3<br />
oohhh the 'girls' r us rightt? :DD?<br />
WHEEEEEE~~ <33333<br />
eeeeeeaacckkkkkkkk :DDDD<br />