An interesting meeting

Loving Onew

     I was humming to myself as I walked down the street after school. "I wonder if i got enough food for the girls' night out?" I thought.. I heard screaming from behind me but I'm guessing they saw ANOTHER celebrity. You see, I live in Seoul, Korea (home of the best music ever) so everyone tends to hear fangirl screams. About 10 minutes later i bumped into someone, he looks like he's been running from someone or something. "Ohmigosh!! Are you okay? I'm sorry for bumping into you," I quickly apologize. Before he said anything else we heard more screams and he pulled me over against a wall with his hand on my mouth. I starred at him with a very confusing look. He is so cute!! I'm guessing he's 177cm. His hair is a light brownish-goldish color and he has to chinkiest eyes ever!!!! I could tell he has been running for a while now.

    "Oh sorry for that! You know how fangirls here in Seoul is," he smirked. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Either way, hi. You probably already know me but a nice introduction should due," he smiled at me. I look at him confused (VERY confused). "My name is Lee, Jinki. I'm also known as Onew-oppa on stage. Pleased to meet you. And you are?"

    "Oh uh.... Hi, Onew-Oppa. I'm .. I'm Lee, Min. It's a pleasure to meet you too," I stampered. I noticed that I wasn't holding my bags, "Ohmigosh!! My gorceries!! The girls will be so annoyed!!! Oh well I have an excuse." I stood up and brushed off the dirt. "Well the coast is clear so you can go WITHOUT being chased. Try putting a hat on because it's your hair that gives you away. Also if you're lost, there's a map down the block," I pointed out in the direction of the map. He starred at me. "What are you starring at? Do i have something on my face or something?"

    He chuckled,"Oh no, nothing like that. It's just most girls when they find out I'm a famous singer, they just ask for aotographs and such. BUT you're different. You treat me like a reagular guy and not the famous singer that I am, it's refreshing. And thanks for the advice. I think I'll try it out. Why don't you and your friends come by the dance studio? It'll be nice to have a crowd and it can help! you guys can tell us where we need to work on!!!!"

    "That'll be nice. I'll ask the girls and we'll meet you there in.... 30 minutes. Well, I've got to go. Bye, Onew-Oppa," I waved and headed home before he could see me blushing.

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coming-on #1
love it!!
btw hppy bday onew
I'll update tomorrow or today for u to find out :)
wai do i get excited over GD? <br />
my bias is TAEMIN D:<<br />
NOT GD!<br />
ehh ish ur story.. <br />
u can do whutever....
annyeoung <-- correct way.<br />
mindy.<br />
its dongsaeng =___=;; lol
hey who is "So" O.O u could have made it emily or julie or alyson....<br />
and uhh jimin said she didnt want her real name on da fanfic, change it to jenny
okay i read on it ish us :DD <3<br />
oohhh the 'girls' r us rightt? :DD?<br />
WHEEEEEE~~ <33333<br />
eeeeeeaacckkkkkkkk :DDDD<br />