My 1st Offical Date With Onew-Oppa

Loving Onew

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while!! I had so much going on!! I might not make another one for a few weeks!! SO Sorry!!!

 I starred at Onew. What would he want to ask me? I mean after all I'm a friend and nothing more... Right? "uh..... Min? Would you maybe want to ... Er .... Be my date to the awards later this week? You don't have to if you don't want to!!!!! But I would really like it if you would," he blushed. OMG DID HE JUST ASK ME OUT?! I starred at him in disbelief. "If you don't want to go WITH ME than you can go as our guest. But it would be really nice to have some encouragement from someone other then the fans."

 "I.. Uh... I would love to go to the award with you. But won't your fans get like jealous or something than attack me? I mean after all the ones who usually go to your concerts are insane.... no offense to you though. But I have school!! You do too but I don't think you attend my high school." I replied blushing.  I hear someone call my name from behind me. I swirled around to see my friend, Jojo (AKA Tae Min Lover) running to me with banana milk in her hands. "MIN-MIN!!!! Anyoung (I think I spelled that wrong)!!!! MIN..... Oh sorry was I interrupting something," Jojo shot me a look. OH NO!!! IT'S NOT THAT!!! THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN ME AND LEE JINKI "ONEW"!! I hoped she got my message. After a few seconds, Jojo relaxed more and said, "Well, I know Min too well to know if she would lie to me. Oh yeah!!! Anyoung!!! I'm Jin, Jojo. You're Tae Min's hyung, Jinki... right?"

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coming-on #1
love it!!
btw hppy bday onew
I'll update tomorrow or today for u to find out :)
wai do i get excited over GD? <br />
my bias is TAEMIN D:<<br />
NOT GD!<br />
ehh ish ur story.. <br />
u can do whutever....
annyeoung <-- correct way.<br />
mindy.<br />
its dongsaeng =___=;; lol
hey who is "So" O.O u could have made it emily or julie or alyson....<br />
and uhh jimin said she didnt want her real name on da fanfic, change it to jenny
okay i read on it ish us :DD <3<br />
oohhh the 'girls' r us rightt? :DD?<br />
WHEEEEEE~~ <33333<br />
eeeeeeaacckkkkkkkk :DDDD<br />