Love Again



The hallways of the elementary school were now almost empty, as the last school bell for the day had already rang. Min made her way carrying her duffle bag with her, which was full of her students exams of the day which she would later have to grade. She also needed to start working on her lesson plans for the upcoming week. However, Min's mind was busy with other matters at the present moment to pay much attention to those facts. Today was a very special day, it was Min's and Hongki's second anniversary. After a long and arduous wooing period Min had finally accepted Hongki's approaches and they had become a couple. It had been a hard journey, Min's trust in men had been put to the test in the past but thanks to Hongki's patience and care she had been able to give love another chance. They shared so many things in common, they loved each others company and they had similar goals in life. Everything about their relationship seemed perfect that was, till today. 

I have been expecting his call all day long and no word from him yet. Not even a text, well I did get my usual "Good morning text" but there was no mention of our anniversary in it so it doesn't count. What's going on? Could it be that..

Min's train of thought was interrupted by two pre-teen students that had passed in her direction full speed. "No running in the hallway" she said in her best stern voice.

The boys stopped in their tracks as they had not realized they had just passed a teacher on the way. 

"Jwesonghamnida, Lee-sunsengnim!" Chorused the two boys as they politely bowed to her before taking their leave.

Really these kids now a days have no consideration over safety! What would happen if they were to trip because of their behavior? What if they broke a leg, an arm or their neck because of their recklessness? Or maybe I'm just over thinking things? I'm just too sensitive today. Hongki you are making me go crazy!  

At that moment Min felt her cellphone vibrate. When she saw the screen and noticed who the caller was she felt relieved and angry at the same time. 

"Ya! I've been waiting for your call all day long." Min answered.

"Mianhe, I was quite busy at work, but what's wrong? Why were you waiting for my call so desperately?" asked Hongki on the other side of the line.

What is he serious? Has he completely forgotten the importance of today's date? thought Min as she took a deep breath and asked, "Have you forgotten what date it is today?"

Min noticed that it had taken Hongki a considerable amount of time to react and he simply answered, "Oh that!" 

There was some interference on the line and Min thought she overheard some voices on the background. It seemed like wherever Hongki was right now was quite busy.

"Where are you right now?" Min couldn't help asking.

"Nowhere important, are you going to be busy tonight?"

What is he trying to hide? Why doesn't he want to tell me where he is at? Min questioned herself.

"Nothing I'm free tonight but.."

Again there was more interference and voices were heard in the background. 

"Mianhe. I'm going to have to have hang up first, but I'll pick you up later tonight." 

Then the line went dead. Min lowered her cellphone and stared at it for a while. Could it be that…he's going to break up with me?


They were seated at their usual table at their favorite restaurant. This was all too familiar to Min, a few memories of a similar situation in the past flashed in her head. That incident had not ended very well and Min was now worried about how this evening would end. To make matters worse Hongki had been very quiet since he picked her up at her apartment. Hongki's uneasiness didn't help either and made Min anxious about the whole situation.

A waiter now approached their table and Hongki ordered the usual for dinner. While they ate dinner Min tried her best to make casual conversation but Hongki only provided short answers. He was behaving so strangely nothing like he's usual self. Min didn't dare to mention the anniversary issue either. Maybe the number 2 was an unlucky number for her. Maybe 2nd anniversaries had been jinxed for Min after Gikwang. Awkwardness then prevailed. They both had finished their meals, Min had barely touched her dinner and their plates had been cleared from the table already.

Hongki then broke the silence by saying, "Min-ah, there is something that I have to say to you…"

Min felt like her world had just collapsed around her. Was she really going to have to go through another heartbreak? She had thought that Hongki was different, that she would have a different ending with him.

Then her attention was brought to the same waiter from before, he now carried a tray and had placed it on the table in front of her. It was a cake. The cake had two candles lit on and the words "Marry me?" were written on it with red frosting. Min couldn't believe how a minute ago she was expecting the worst and now looking at this, made her the happiest woman in the world. Hongki was already beside her kneeling on one knee and he held a little box in his hands. Min brought her hands to as she gaped at the now open box. It was a ring. This was the reason for Hongki's strange behavior. He had been nervous? 

"Min-ah, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Hongki had the brightest of smiles and his eyes looked expectingly at Min.

"I…I..of course I do!" said Min as she felt some tears already forming in her eyes.

Hongki placed the ring on Min's hand and kissed her softly. The two broke their kiss when they heard clapping and cheering around them, the waiters and some of the costumers were now looking at them.


Min was staring at her engagement ring as it sparkled with the moonlight. Min and Hongki had left the restaurant and Hongki was currently driving Min home.

"It's a beautiful ring," said Min turning her attention from the ring and now looking at Hongki.

"I'm glad you like it. I had to go through a lot of trouble because of it." Hongki sighed. 

"What do you mean? What happened?" 

"The first time I went to pick it up it had a scratch, so I had to take it to the jeweler shop so they could fix it. When I went to pick it up I hadn't noticed that they had given me the wrong ring, so I had to go again. Then they couldn't find my original ring. So I was there for almost half a day. When I called you I was actually still there," Hongki chuckled at his last statement.

"Hongki, I wouldn't have minded a ring with a scratch. You shouldn't have bothered." Min felt sorry for indirectly troubling him.

Hongki turned to her and said with a serious face. "No, of course I did. It had to be perfect it was for you after all."

Min smiled at Hongki's words and that made her cherish the ring even more.

Hongki's cellphone rang and he answered it. "Yubseyo…yes everything went well…yes we went out to dinner…"

Min saw and heard as he retold the accounts of today's dinner to whom Min assumed was Naeun. 

"Yes Min's answer was yes" continued Hongki.

Min knew she was right when she heard a scream of joy over the phone at the mention of the last sentence. 

(At Hongki's house)

"What's going on, sweetie?" said Hongki's mom as she heard her daughter scream.

Naeun came running into the kitchen were her mom was currently preparing dinner. "Omma, oppa is getting married!" 

"Really," said Hongki's mom shortly.

Naeun nodded her head excitedly and quickly left the room as she continued talking to Hongki on the other line.

Mrs. Lee returned her attention to preparing dinner beating the spoon in the pot a bit more violently now. We'll see about that.


So instead of doing a sequel I'll just do a special (if you can call it that). I'm gonna continue writing the story here, since it's more convenient and since I'm not sure yet how long this sequel-ish story will be LOL. Hope you enjoy it and comment please.

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!