No one can love my closed heart



Table 6 was actually Min's favorite table at the cafe. It was located almost at the corner of the building, so it was far enough from the distracting coming and going of people. The big windows beside it gave a view of the busy street outside, a surreal feeling if you compared it to the usual calmness inside the cafe. Min would usually sit at that table, whenever she had a chance to enjoy a cup of coffee during one of her breaks. Today though the table had been taken by Min's not so secret admirer. Min had noticed he had become a regular client, always carrying with him either a book or his laptop and he always sat by himself.  He had never verbalized any intentions with her, so she just let him be. That however had changed, recently he had become more forward and used any opportunity he had to make small talk with her. Min was beginning to become annoyed and conflicted with his presence. Hongki wanted to know Min better, to become friends, actually he wanted to be more than that, but Min would never agree on that.

"Anyong haseyo, do you want to have the usual Hongki-shi? said Min with an avoiding look and a very monotonous tone. 

"Ne! Min-shi don't you think we should drop the honorifics? We've known each other for a while already" Hongki questioned her with a very bright expression. 

Min gave him a cold look and said "I rather not, you are a customer after all" with this she took off to place his order. 

Min returned with his espresso and a few biscotti and placed them on the table. Min noticed that Hongki was trying to conceal a grin "What's so funny? Why do you keep smiling like that? Do I have something on my face?"

Hongki composed himself and said a little embarrassed "Actually it's your skirt."

Min should have suspected something was wrong when she felt a small breeze on the back of her left thigh. She slightly turned her head and noticed a piece of her skirt had gotten tangled with her apron, it exposed her thigh and part of her . The skirt was made of a flowy material and the hem had been caught where she tied the apron. Fortunately enough nobody else had seemed to noticed this embarrassing incident. Min quickly untangled the mess and wondered if Hongki had caught sight of her "Strawberry Shortcake" underwear. 

"Ya! why didn't you say anything?" Min asked angrily. 

Hongki fidgeted in his chair and said "But I just told you and I really didn't know how to bring up the subject."

"Yeah, well you could have told me as soon as you noticed!" and Min left to attend to other costumers. 

Min tried to avoid Hongki as much as possible but she knew that eventually she would have to go to his table, he was a costumer after all. Sure enough Min heard Hongki calling her over "Min-shi"

Min unwilling walked over to his table "What is it now?"

Hongki ran a hand over his hair and nervously said "I was just wondering if you would like to.."

"Stop. Look I know what you are going to say. I've noticed the way you have been looking at me for the last couple of weeks but you are wasting your time. I'm not interested in men, dating or being involved in a relationship with anyone. So stop trying, ok?" Min placed his bill on the table and left.

Hyosung had been close by and had witnessed the whole conversation. "Don't you think you were a little bit harsh with him?" asked Hyosung as she approached Min at the table bar. 

Min glanced a few times towards Hongki's direction at the other side of the building "It's the only way he'll learn not to approach me any further."

"Why don't you give him a chance? He seems like a nice guy, he has been very patient with you" Hyosung countered.  

Min gave her an irritated look and said "He could be a serial killer. I could be his 100th victim for all we know."

Hyosung rolled her eyes and said "Ok, Min I think you are being a bit extremest here." 

"Let's not talk about this anymore. My shift is over and I have some errands to attend to." 

Min closed the door of the cafe and made her way towards the bus stop. Sorry unnie, I know you are only trying to help me. I guess my heart has become as cold as ice. A happy couple, hands intertwined crossed path with her, and her gaze followed them to see them sharing a loving smile. Maybe it was that earlier memory of Gikwang that made me snap at him. After Gikwang Min had developed resentment towards men (her dad being the only exception to this rule) especially those that approached her with other intentions. Most of the time she was able to contain herself but not today. Whatever the case Hongki-shi is nothing to me, so it shouldn't bother me. Min pushed that thought away from her mind as she quickened her pace.

"I'm sorry about her attitude, she's actually a really nice girl once you get to know her better" said Hyosung as she approached Hongki.

Hongki smiled sadly "The problem is she doesn't let me get near her. Does she hate me that much?" 

Hyosung noticed his gloomy tone and said "No it's not you. It's actually something that happened in her past." 

"Can I ask what that something was?" Hongki asked intrigued.

Hyosung took the chair opposite to him and sat down."Well it wasn't a something more like a someone. Min used to have a boyfriend, she was deeply in love with him but that jerk was just using her. He had somebody else at the same time that he was with Min. He even broke up with her on their second anniversary and ironically this place is where they first met."

Hongki now understood Min's behavior but he wasn't willing to give up on her, not just yet. 

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!