Without me knowing, at some point, I lean on you



Aghh! I really hate grocery shopping thought Min. Today was the usual day out of the week that Min would restock her pantry and buy other necessary things for her apartment. She would usually write down a list of things that she needed but somehow she always ended up buying more things than she originally intended to. Her basket was already full with things from the list and other unnecessary things she had grabbed on the way. Min noticed some vitamin c packs on the aisle she was currently walking through and decided to buy some for Hyosung, even though she had been sick a month ago. Min had come to appreciate her friend's job at the cafe a lot more, she even got a headache just thinking back when she had to take over her job. Hyosung unnie I rely too much on you, you can't get sick again, she thought selfishly as she placed the pack in the basket. Min continued walking down the aisle when she heard a girly laugh and a manly voice coming from the end of the aisle, as she got closer and she saw a couple close to the cleaning supply section of the store. It was none other than Hongki and he was with a beautiful young girl. The girl was still giggling when Min saw them and she was placing a hand on Hongki's shoulder as she playfully pushed him, Hongki just ree of his trademark smiles at the beautiful girl. Wasn't he supposed to be hopelessly in love with me? Now he's flirting with another girl. Whatever Min he means nothing to you, right? It shouldn't bother you, thought Min as she discreetly observed them. "Oppa can you wait for me here, I need to get something. I'll be right back" said the beautiful young girl as she twirled her hair between her fingers. "Don't take long remember we still have to have dinner before we head home" said Hongki as he pated her head. The girl nodded her head and was off. Hongki's eyes wondered around the store. Min noticed he was looking toward her direction and she quickly hid. Hongki had still been able to get a glimpse of her head that had popped from the aisle and he walked towards her.

Oh no, I've been discovered! Might as well just play it cool. Min grabbed the closest thing that was at hand. 

"Min-shi I thought I saw you. What a pleasant surprise, what are you doing here?" said Hongki now only a few inches away from her.

"Can't you see Im buying"..Min eyed the container she was holding. "Acidophilus capsules, it's important to keep your.." she continued reading "intestinal tract healthy." OMG! Lamest excuse ever Min. Quickly change the subject. "Why do you ask, am I not allowed to shop here?" said Min as she tossed the pills in her basket. 

"No, not at all. It's just that I was surprised to see you here…I've been meaning to go visit the cafe but I've been quite busy with work, school and all." Hongki gave her an apologetic look.

Hongki's absence at the cafe hadn't gone unnoticed to Min. Hyosung loved reminding her when he hadn't shown up to see her reaction, Min had caught onto her friend's game and just kept a straight face every time she brought up the subject. Min had still been able to see him at the university on a few occasions but she never approached him, even though she kept wondering what had brought the sudden change. 

"Yeah I can tell you have been very busy" said Min avoiding eye contact and crossing her arms "specially with THAT girl" she added.

Girl? Hongki thought back to which girl Min's was referring to and the scene that she had probably witnessed "Are you jealous?" Hongki said with a slight smirk on his face.

Min unfolded her arms and clenched her fists "Me, whatever! I'm just pointing the obvious. Me jealous no way!" Min hadn't expected to be that affected by Hongki's comment. 

Min tried to control herself and said in a more calm manner, "By the way what are you doing here with me? Aren't you scared your girlfriend will be angry if she see you flirting with another girl?" 

Hongki was about to say something when he was interrupted."Oppa! I found them," said the girl who had just returned. The girl noticed Min and greeted her "Oh, annahaseyo!" she said timidly.

Min slyly bowed to her and greeted her. Well this is just awkward thought Min as they all stood there in silence.

Hongki looked from Min to the young girl and he started laughing uncontrollably.

"Oppa, is something wrong?" the young girl asked concerned.

Oh boy! I knew he was insane, I just never thought it was this bad. Min thought as she eyed him with pity. 

"No, don't worry. I'm fine nothing's wrong with me. Let me introduce you girls" said Hongki as he dried some tears from his eyes. 

"There's no need. I actually should be on my way" said Min as she tried to leave the couple.

"No, I insist Min-shi. Let me introduce to you one of the most important women in my life" Min couldn't believe what she was hearing, hadn't he been trying to date her for the last couple of months. All men are the same, he has no shame, he is just like him and she thought of Gikwang.

"This is Naeun my sister" and he gave her a broad smile.

"Naeun, this is Min" Hongki's sister bowed towards Min again this time more enthusiastically.

Min's mouth was half way open "She's your sister!" deep down she felt relief overcome her although she brushed that feeling away. 

"Of course! Who else could she be?" Hongki reasoned. 

Naeun interrupted their conversation and excitedly asked "Have you eaten dinner already? Do you want to join us?"

"No, but" Min was overwhelmed by the news and Naeun's chipper attitude. 

"Oppa you have to convince her to join us" said Naeun with a whiny voice. 

"Naeun we can't force her if she doesn't want to" Hongki explained to his sister, "but Min-shi it would be very pleasant if you could join us" said Hongki as he turned to Min with a captivating gaze.  

"Please!" said Naeun as she got closer to Min, held her hand and looked at her with puppy eyes.

Naeun seemed like the type of girl that wouldn't give up until she got her way, so Min had no other option than to agree.

"Oh my! It's so good to have finally meet you. I have heard so much about you." said Naeun as they sat eating some creamy pasta. The place was an Italian restaurant chosen by Naeun, actually it was her favorite restaurant.

"I hope they were not bad things" Min couldn't help but to feel bad about her rude behavior towards Hongki.

"Not at all, my brother always praises you and talks about how pretty you are. Do you have a boyfriend? Because if you don't I think you two would make the perfect couple" said Naeun and Min was surprised with  her straight forward attitude. 

"Naeun that's enough. Let Min-shi eat her meal in peace" said Hongki, he didn't want to make Min feel uncomfortable. 

"But oppa!" said Naeun as she pouted. Hongki just gave her a look which silenced her completely and she returned her attention to the pasta on her plate.

Min couldn't help but to feel jealous, the two seemed very close.

Both sibling, Hongki and Naeun, had insisted on driving Min back home even though she had said she could take the bus. Min knew arguing with them would be useless so she agreed again. They were parked in front of the apartment complex, Hongki was outside getting Min's grocery bags from the car's trunk, and Min was about to say goodbye to Naeun when Naeun spoke first.

Naeun shyly spoke, "Min-shi, can I call you unni? It's just that I feel so close to you already." Naeun was exactly like her brother annoying, persistent, with a bubbly personality but also with a very kind heart.

"Of course you can" said Min. Naeun's eye brightened up and she thanked her. Min left Naeun not without first promising her to meet again. 

Hongki had walked Min all the way to her apartment door "You shouldn't have bothered I could have carried the bags myself" said Min as she opened her door. 

"It's the least I could do for you after you agreed to have dinner with me and my stubborn little sister" said Hongki as he handed Min the grocery bags and politely took his leave. Hongki knew Min had been coerced into agreeing so he didn't want to appear overbearing with her.  

"Hongki-shi!" Min called after him, Hongki turned to her "Kamsahamnida for everything" said Min blushing. 

"Cheonmanneyo" said Hongki, Min slightly bowed and closed the door. Hongki turned and started walking away. He smiled as he looked up at the night sky and his heart started to be filled with hope. He felt like the happiest man in the world. 

Min lay in bed considering today's events; the unexpected meeting at the store, Naeun "Hongki's sister", the dinner and lastly Hongki. Min had to admit it Hongki was a nice guy actually a great guy, any girl would lucky to have him in her life. I really don't want to give or receive any more scars now. That's what i believed but why does it seem like that won't happen between you and me? Min lazily closed her eyes and from moment to the next she was profoundly asleep. 

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!