Exactly what did I do wrong?



The wind blew a little harder, the cold air made Min pull her scarf closer to trying to drown the chill that now crossed down her body. She ruffled her bangs as she got closer to her destination, the sign of the cafe was now only a few feet away. A jolt of excitement crept to the corners of as she placed her hand on the door and swiftly made her way into the establishment. She took a quick look around the place till her eyes landed on the person she was searching for. As the two of them made eye contact, Min proudly picked up her left hand and wiggled her fingers. 

"Congratulations!" Hyosung yelled as she made her way to Min and held on to her in a tight embrace.

"Unnie, you are choking me..I can't breathe," said Min gasping for air. 

"Sorry it's just that I'm so happy for you! Come let's sit, you have to tell me everything. How did he propose?" Hyosung took Min to the last remaining empty table on the cafe, the table close to the corner "table 6" where it had all began.  

Min took the opposite chair to Hyosung's, "Well he took me out to dinner and then he proposed."

"What just like that! No elaborate plan, no midnight fireworks, no ride on a prince's carriage, no beach sunsets?" Hyosung said in disbelieve. 

"Well there was a cake involved and it was in a public place so people cheered for us," said Min as she lovingly looked at her engagement ring. 

Hyosung pouted in disappoint. "How boring, coming from Hongki I expected something out of the ordinary."

"It was simple but sweet. When he was kneeling beside me holding on to the ring, I just knew there couldn't be any other man in my life but him," said Min smiling as she remembered the fated dinner. The two continued talking about the circumstances surrounding the proposal, Min told Hyosung how she had mistaken Hongki's attitude as something that would lead to a breakup instead of a proposal, but how in the end the unexpected outcome had been a happy surprise.  

"Awww, Min you are so lucky! I'm really happy for you and a bit jealous too," said Hyosung as she folded her arms. 

"Why, how are things going with your boyfriend? What was his name again…Jongup, Jonghun…" Min tried to recall the name of Hyosung's latest boyfriend. 

"Just Joon simply Joon" Hyosung said shortly.  

"Yeah what happened with Joon?" Asked Min. 

"You know just the usual disagreements, misunderstandings, and I found out he was dumb." Hyosung played with her fingernails as she listed her reasons.  

Min raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean dumb?"

Hyosung leaned closer to the table, "His motto was YOLO. Enough said."

Min had to contain herself from laughing aloud. "Oh I see. Sorry unnie."

"Nobody can be that good looking without lacking in other aspects," said Hyosung as she slightly shook her head. 

"Don't worry so much about it unnie. I'm sure you'll find your other half soon enough," said Min with an encouraging smile. She knew that firsthand, it had happened to her. Hongki had come into her life when she had lost hope in love, she thought her heart had closed itself from ever experiencing that emotion ever again, but luckily she had been wrong.  

"I hope so too, but anyways changing the subject have you chosen a date for the wedding already." Hyosung shrugged thoughts of Lee Joon off.

"Yes it's going to be sometime in late spring-early summer," answered Min. 

Hyousng gapped at her response. "What? How are you going to plan a wedding in such a short time?"

"I know but Hongki thinks that since we have already dated 2 years there's no need to prolong it any longer, he wants us to get married as soon as possible." Min knew it would be hectic trying to plan a wedding in that time frame but just like Hongki she couldn't wait any longer to finally become husband and wife.  

"Wow he's really in a rush," said Hyosung. 

"Yeah and now that I think about it I should be rushing too," Min took a look at her watch. 

"What, where are you going?" Hyosung asked as she saw Min getting up. 

"I have to attend a wedding expo with ommoni," said Min as she put back on her jacket, tightened her lose scarf and grabbed her purse. 

"Hongki's omma! Good luck then," said Hyosung as she knew from Min that she could be a difficult woman to please. 

"Thanks I'll need it."


Min stared in awe as they entered the building. The wedding expo took place in a grandiose hall, the place was full of stationary booths that were divided in sections, each consisting of things specifically designed for one aspect of the wedding. There were some for venue receptions with pictures of beautiful places and floor plans, invitations with creative designs that made each letter unique, photographers of renown fame, wedding cakes that looked like pieces of art, traveling agencies promoting honeymoon packages to exotic places, even string quarters could be heard on the background, anything pertaining to a wedding was there. 

Min was brought back to reality when she heard ommoni's voice. "Try not to look so out of place could you, sweetheart?" 

"Yes ommoni, sorry it's just that I have never seen so many beautiful things in one place," Min said as she looked from one station to the other. 

Min knew it was going to be a difficult experience for her, she was out of her normal environment, she didn't know the slightest thing about weddings or wedding planning. She was a wedding illiterate and everybody seemed to enjoy reminding her that for last couple of hours. From the florist who was constantly appalled at her inability to identify flowers by the time of year they bloomed. The seamstress who couldn't understand how she didn't know the difference between wedding gown fabrics like chiffon and organza. To the guy who takes care of the linens and center pieces for the reception tables, who kept emphasizing the importance of fang shui, and was annoyed at her lack of spacial orientation when it came to cardinal directions. Madam Lee wasn't of much help either she would just laugh it off with a condescending remark. Every booth was super-busy, each step it would take them to move from one table to the other would seem like forever, and everyones prices were exorbitant, Min however was able to jot down the name of the places that would consider lowering their prices. After hours of endless negotiating and nagging they were finally able to reach the last table, the booth was one that specialized in winery, as they struggled through the crowd of people. 

"Oh my look who's here," said a older woman around Mrs. Lee's age, but unlike Mrs. Lee this lady was wearing designer clothing, fashionable accessories, and Min suspected had some work done on her face.

"Madam Park it's so good to see you," Mrs. Lee slowly turned to the voice calling her visibly regretting the encounter. 

"Yes my dear it has been a long time, but who is this with you?" Said Mrs. Park with her chin held up high and a shrill voice. 

Mrs. Lee looked at Min with a bitter smile and pulled her by the arm next to her, "Ah yes let me introduce you this is my future daughter in law Lee Minyoung." 

"Anyong haseyo Min imida! It's…" but Min wasn't able to finish her sentence as she was cut sort by Mrs. Park. A look at Min and Mrs. Park had determined that she wasn't worth a minute of her time, considering her beneath her. 

"Yes nice to meet you too, let me call my daughter I'm sure she will be happy to see you too." Stated Mrs. Park referring to Mrs. Lee and steering the conversation back to her. 

"Gyuri-shi, is also here?" Asked Mrs. Lee.

"Yes well you see she is also getting married quite soon, Gyuri-ah come here darling." Mrs. Park lifted her hand and motioned someone to come closer. 

A sultry looking girl made her way to them walking with a lofty proud gait. 

She bowed with a smile to Mrs. Lee and then gave Min a slight nod. "A pleasure making your acquaintance Park Gyuri imida."

Park Gyuri was wearing an open-necked blouse under a blazer,a skin tight skirt with black tights and stylish high heel boots. A noticeable contrast from Min's comfortable pants, lose sweater, and warm boots. 

"Madam Lee, Madam Park it's so good to see you again," said the older man in charge of the booth.  

"Mr. Beom, delighted to see you." Added Mrs. Park as her and the rest of the group bowed to the older man.  

"Can I interest you ladies in tasting a new imported wine that just arrived today?" Said the Mr. Beom as he passed the glasses around and presented the bottle to the ladies. 

The women nodded and Mr. Beom started serving the drink. Unfortunately Min was the last one to be served so his attention was focused on her. "Now what can you tell me about this wine?"

Min felt all eyes on her, she felt nervous the only thing she knew about wine was their color red, white and pink, how was she supposed to describe a wine? "It's pink wine and the taste is really good." 

Mrs. Park and Gyuri spitefully laughed at her response, while Mrs. Lee just kept quiet.

Gyuri took a few seconds to admire the pink liquid, she gracefully placed it close to her face and sniffed it. "The aroma of the wine is largely floral with a slight strawberry quality. In the glass the wine has some effervescence and has a rose champagne characteristic." Then she carefully swirled the glass in clockwise motions and took a sip. "At first taste there is a sweet berry hint with a rather bitter finish. The wine is especially dry, more than expected. After a few seconds it becomes more palatable, but overall this wine is subpar compared to other less expensive blush wines."

"Ah you have exquisite palate! I'll know not to trick you in the future." The man said in admiration. 

"Min-shi, it seems your knowledge on wine is very limited," Mrs. Park grinned at Min. 

"Yes well, I guess there's people that prioritize other things in life than perfecting the art of drinking," retorted Min.

Mrs. Park and Gyuri sneered at her.

Mrs. Lee turned to Min and whispered. "Just abstain yourself from talking, will you!" Later to return to her friend with a smile, trying to deviate the conversation from Min's sarcastic remark.

Once they were outside the hall, Min spoke first. 

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you back there, it wasn't my intention ommoni," said Min giving her a deep bow. 

"Really sometimes I wonder how could there be people like you in this world," said Mrs. Lee before she left without returning Min's bow. 


"Your omma hates me!" said Min as she closed the microwave door with extra force and savagely opened the popcorn bag. Throwing some popcorn on the floor along the way, before placing the remaining in a large bowl. Min and Hongki had decided to stay in and enjoy a movie night at Min's apartment. 

"She doesn't hate you, it's just that she expects a lot from people." Hongki said as he closed the DVD player and made his way to the comfy couch.

Min loudly placed the popcorn bowl on the coffee table and gave Hongki a deadly glare. 

"Come here, let me tell you a story," said Hongki as he patted the couch, motioning for her to sit next to him. 

"Come here," he repeated softly. Min hesitantly sat on the small couch, managing to sit as far away from Hongki as possible.  

Hongki smiled at Min's antics. "When I first started college and I told my mom I wasn't going to pursue a law degree like my father, she was furious. You have to understand that nobody ever contradicts Madam Lee, I had always been a dutiful child always doing what told, you can imagine her surprise with my sudden rebellious outburst. This had been the first time I had an argument with my her. My mom was very disappointed in me, she couldn't understand why I wouldn't want a degree with so much prestige, why I wouldn't want to follow my late father's footsteps but I just knew that wasn't my calling. I remember telling her I wasn't a kid anymore that she couldn't control me and make me study a career that I knew I would despise. It was so bad that I even thought about moving out, but I couldn't Naeun was still young and I knew my mom needed me near by, even though she was too proud to admit it. She ended up not talking to me for a whole semester."  

"What a whole semester, don't you think that's a bit extreme?" Min was leaning closer draw because of the story. 

"Yes but that's my omma. So don't take it personal, that's just the way she is but deep down inside she's a very caring person," said Hongki as he extended his hand to Min. 

Yeah very very deep inside, cause I haven't seen it yet, Min thought but instead answered "Ok I'll try to be more patient with her." 

Min took his hand and Hongki slid her next to him."That's why I love you, your so understanding."

"Ya! Only because of that," Min countered.

"Well yes," Min narrowed her eyes at his response."I'm kidding, I love you because of that and many other reasons," Hongki answered with a warm grin. 

Min crossed her arms, and looked straight ahead. "You couldn't think anything better to say, could you?"

"Just come here" said Hongki as he pulled Min closer to him and tenderly kissed her. 

"Ok you are forgiven," said Min as she rested her head on Hongki's shoulder. She turned her attention to the movie that had barely started on the TV screen. Min let today's event and the sour taste it had brought to her life slip away from her mind, she didn't have the slightest idea that the worst was yet to come. 


"HAHAHA, I'm back" JYP style lol. How long has it been already? I know I shouldn't be excusing myself but...the holidays were busy, school was hectic at the beginning of the year and then I lost my inspiration for this fic...time was my enemy or I procrastinated??? I have given myself a mental deadline for this story hopefully I'll be able to meet it, wish me luck. See ya soon ;)

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!