You took all of my heart



"Let's break up" those were the first words Gikwang had said to Min as they were seated on their usual table at their favorite restaurant. Today was their second anniversary as a couple and Min had taken up all her afternoon getting ready, trying to look her best for him. Min had actually expected today to be the day they would take their relationship to the next level, she was expecting a proposal not a break up.

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden? Is this a joke? Cause it's not funny? said Min with a nervous laugh.

"I'm being quite serious. I'm not happy anymore, let's break up." Gikwang had said this without any tact.

"Was it something I did, something I said? Whatever it was I can fix it, just tell me" Min said this trying to contain her tears.

Gikwang took a sip of his red wine and said, "Well you would have to change your whole self altogether and I don't think that would be an easy task."  

"Why are you being like this?" Min couldn't believe a person could have a change of heart so suddenly. 

"Look we had fun but you really didn't expect us to go very far" Gikwang noticed that Min gasped. "Oh you did? I'm sorry to say I already have somebody else," Gikwang said this matter of factly. 

Min's eyes were full of anger when she asked,"What you were two timing me? Who is she?" 

"Actually I was two-timing her with you. You see we have been arranged to be married since we were little kids," Gikwang answered her. 

An arranged marriage wasn't very surprising. Gikwang came from a wealthy family and Min had been shocked when he had taken interest on her, she couldn't believe her luck. Min never quite felt worthy of having Gikwang's affection, she was introduced to a different life style. A life style that was filled with romantic trips, candlelit dinners, and expensive gifts. She always felt she was in a dream when she was with him but today had turned into a nightmare.

"She comes from a good family, studied abroad and has a killer body. All around an accomplished woman" Gikwang continued with a smirk on his face. 

Min sat on her chair in denial. Is this really happening right now? How can he not notice how hurtful his words are? Sure I might come from a humble family, sure I might go into debt trying to pay off my tuition, and sure I might not have a super model body but I'm still a human being that feels. How dare he! 

Min couldn't control herself anymore, she stood up and picked up her glass of wine, "I propose a toast then!" This of course grabbed the attention of all the people in the restaurant.

Gikwang was shocked and he hissed at her "Are you really planning on making a scene in a restaurant?" 

When Min just glared at him, Gikwang shrunk in his chair and sparred a few smiles to the onlooking crowd. 

So he thought he would be safe in a public place surrounded by people, he was wrong. Min raised her voice and added "To you and your future wife. May your days be filled of pain and heartache. I hope you always regret the day you let me go." She then tossed her drink on him and stormed out of the restaurant. 

That had happened a year ago but Min still carried the scars of that failed relationship, she had changed too. Min wasn't the naive, innocent girl she used to be, and she wasn't willing to give up her heart to any man anymore. 

Gikwang you touched, no you destroyed my heart. You took all of my heart. Thought Min as the memory of her failed relationship with Gikwang had crept into her daily life once again. She had tried her best to block that memory but the scar that was left behind was too deep to be easily forgotten. After that incident Min had focus solemnly on studying and working. Her life revolved only on those two subjects to the degree that she had forgotten about enjoying life, about having fun and above all about love. 

Min was brought back to reality when she heard somebody calling her name "Ya, Min!" 

"Snap out of it!" said Hyosung as she got closer to her. 

Min put down the coffee mug she had been drying for the last couple of minutes and said "Huh?" 

"You were daydreaming again, are you ok?" said Hyosung eyeing her suspiciously.  

Min grabbed her apron that was on the table bar and adjusted it on, "Yeah sure, what is it? What's wrong?" 

"I need you to help me with table 6" said Hyosung as she placed two lattes that the barista had just prepared on the tray she was carrying. The cafe was quite busy today.

"Sure no problem" said Min as she made her way towards the table putting the memory of Gikwang and her broken heart behind her. 


YAY! First chapter, kind of short but I hope you still enjoyed it :)

To all the Gikwang fans out there, I'm sorry I portray him as a jerk in this story. Remember that he doesn't realize that, he's just looking for whatever is in his best interest and Min according to him is not. 

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!