Every time i see you my heart beats



Why do I feel like every time i see you my heart beats. Min was staring at Hongki who was typing away at the desk he usually sat for their tutoring sessions.  It had already been a few weeks now that they had been meeting at the library. Hongki felt like somebody was looking at him so he turned to Min and their eyes meet. Min quickly broke eye contact and pretended to be busy writing notes. What are you thinking Min? You are just delusional! You are spending too much time with him, that's all, it has nothing to do with love. Right?

"Min-shi, do you need help with anything? Do you want me to explain the notes any further?" Hongki asked as he broke the awkward silence that had followed. 

Min fixed the stack of papers that lay on the table. "No, I'm fine Hongki-shi. It's just that I wanted to thank you for helping me out all this time." 

Hongki smiled as an idea popped in his head, "Well there's another way you could show your appreciation" he said.

What is he thinking? I hope he doesn't ask me anything indecent or this will be the end of him. "Really and what is that?" she taunted. 

"How about a date? The day of the final exam we could go out to dinner," said Hongki as he tried not to sound too enthusiastic about the idea.  

Oh! He was thinking about dinner. Why do I have such a erted mind? "Sure, why not?" said Min not giving it much thought, even though deep down she wanted to say yes right away. 

"Really? Promise? You can't back out now." Said Hongki with hopeful eyes.   

Min was only able to nod as they were interrupted by a knock at the door and both of them turned their attention to the door now. Min instantly recognized the girls that came in, they were classmates of her, part of the ever growing Hongki fan club. Hongki stood up and greeted the girls as they approached him. 

The three girls surrounded Hongki now. "Hongki-shi we were wondering, if it wouldn't be too much to ask. Could you help us prepare for our final exam too?" said a girl with short hair as she eyed Min from the corner of her eye.  

"Well I don't mind it but I still have to ask Min-shi, she is the one I'm supposed to be tutoring right now." Hongki said as he looked at Min.   

"It's fine by me. I don't care." Min shrugged it off not wanting to show any interest. 

The girls proceeded to take a seat at the table and they dragged Hongki along making him sit between the girls. One of the girls made a pout as she had to sit beside one of her friends instead of Hongki. Time seemed to pass by slowly, and Min tried to busy herself studying her notes. Hongki attempted to explain and answer all of the girls questions as they sat too close to him for his liking. Min couldn't help but to angrily eye the girls as they openly flirted with Hongki. 

One of the girls flicked her hair and moistened her lips as she stared at him. 

Another tucked her hair behind her ear and fluttered her eyelashes at him as he explained a question she had asked.

Finally the last of the girls boldly leaned forward over the table exposing her cleavage as she asked him another question.

Min had had enough. "I'll leave first!" she said as she stood up and left.

"Min-shi, wait!" said Hongki as he catch up with Min in the hallway. "Why are you leaving so suddenly?" he asked.

Min put her jealous feelings aside and tried to come up with a good excuse, "I think I should study by myself from now on. I mean the exam is only a few days away and you have already helped me a lot."

"If that's what you want I understand." Said Hongki and Min thought she heard a hint of disappointment in his words. 

They both bowed and parted ways, Hongki looking with sad eyes at Min's retreating figure.  

The day for the final exam had finally arrived. Min had felt anxious since the night before, she had tossed and turned in her bed not getting much sleep.  She depended so much on this exam, she needed to get a good grade in order to pass the class and be able to graduate. It was already seven o'clock in the morning and she decided to get out of bed instead of just lying there. She sat at her desk and started studying. After spending a few hours, she decided she needed a distraction, so she left to the cafe.

Hyosung was walking over to the counter when she noticed Min putting her apron on. "Min-ah, what are you doing here? Didn't you request to be off today? Shouldn't you be studying for your final exam?"

Min turned to Hyosung "Yes I did, but I already know the material. If I study any more I think I'll lose my mind." 

"Then you need to relax, leave that there". Hyosung placed her hands on Min's back and walked her over to an empty table. She then walked back to the barista as she ordered him to prepare something.

Hyosung came back with some chamomile tea, "Here drink this, it help you calm your nerves."

Min thanked her and proceeded to drink her tea. 

"So today is the big day right?" asked Hyosung as she sat in the chair opposite to Min.

"Yes that's why I couldn't sleep that well, I'm overly stressing about it." Said Min as she slumped her shoulders. 

"You'll be fine, your a smart girl and like you said you already know the material, just be confident." Said Hyosung as she gave a reassuring smile to Min and patted her hand. 

The door chimed as it closed. Min was looking intently at her tea as Hyosung spoke, when Min noticed somebody standing next to her table.

"It's been a while Min-ah." the person said. 

Hyosung stood up when she recognized his voice and saw who it was. "How dare you show up here!" she said. 

"I'm sorry but I need to talk to Min privately" said Gikwang as he slyly bowed to Hyosung. 

"What? You really have some guts to think that she would even listen to anything you have to say." Said Hyosung as she tsked at him. 

"Unnie, please leave us." Hyosung looked at Min in disbelieve but she also noticed Min's serious tone. 

"Fine, but I'll be around if you need me" said Hyosung as she gave Gikwang the evil eye before leaving. 

Gikwang sat in Hyosung's now empty seat. Min had thought about this moment before, when they would meet again. Of all the things she would tell him, but now that he sat in front of her she couldn't recall any of those words. She thought she would lash at him when ever she saw him but now they both stared at each other in silence.

"I have come to ask for your forgiveness." Gikwang spoke first. 

Min looked away. She never expected to hear those words from him. She didn't know how to respond to them. 

"You know all the things you said last time we meet came true. My life didn't turn out quite as I had expected it would," Gikwang continued. 

"How so?" said Min. Gikwang didn't expect Min to show any interest in his story but she did. 

Gikwang hesitated for a while and he looked out the window as if trying to find courage. "I got married and fell in love with my wife, but my feelings have never been reciprocated. My wife is in love with another man, our relationship was just made up of lies, she was just using me to have access to the assets of my family's company. To her our marriage was more of a business transaction than anything else, but it's too late. If I divorce her I would lose more than half of the company and I'm crazy enough too still love her even after knowing the truth." Gikwang turned to Min and saw compassion in her eyes. "Now I realize the mistake I made with you, I hurt you, the way I behaved..I was a jerk." 

"That's a understatement" Min countered. 

He smirked and added "I deserve that and much worse...I'm asking for forgiveness not because I might still have feelings for you, but because of the love we once had for each other." 

Min eyed him. There was nothing left of the confident Gikwang she once loved. He had been replaced by a vulnerable and fragile looking man. Someone she didn't recognize at all. 

"I forgive you." Min was surprised at herself when those words escaped , but they were truthful and sincere. She didn't want to carry this grudge anymore and once she said these words she felt a heavy weight had been lifted of her shoulders.

"Kamsahamnida, It means a lot to me". Said Gikwang as he stood up and deeply bowed before taking his leave. This would be the last time Min would ever see Gikwang.  


Sry, if it took me a while to update. I'm currently working on the last chapter so expect another update tomorrow ;)

I sincerely want to thank mimimewlili, Coniii, leinati95 and the other subscribers for commenting and subscribing. Thank you! You are the best! 

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!