You are a warm, shining sunlight



Professor Kim had to leave class due to a meeting he had to attend. The class was given strict instructions: the students had to complete 55 short answer questions by the end of the hour and turn it in to Hongki when they were done. When Min got her paper she breathed in and then out trying to relax then she grabbed her pencil and started writing away. 

By the end of the scheduled time most of the students had finished already and left. Min on the other hand was proof reading her answers and making sure she had thoroughly answered her questions. Meanwhile, Hongki sat at the front, surrounded by the usual flock of female students that had unofficially become his fan club. "Hongki-shi we should celebrate that the semester is over", "Yes we should all go out to dinner", "What do you say Hongki-shi?" the girls flirtatiously said and smiled to Hongki. 

Min glared at Hongki and the girls as she approached them to turn in her paper.  

"Well…"said Hongki to the girls trying to come up with an excuse for their advances. Hongki then noticed Min walking towards him, "Min-shi remember that we have a date tonight. How about we meet at the same restaurant we went with Naeun the other time?" The girls now turned their attention to Min and looked at her with disgust. 

"I'm not going" answered Min she had observed the whole scene and still remembered their last study session with displeasure. 

"Min-shi you made a promise. Don't be late, I'll be waiting for you." Hongki countered. 

"You can wait all you want. I still won't show up" said Min before leaving the classroom.

Hongki had waited for five hours. The ice for the champagne bottle had already melted and the candle that had been placed in the middle of the table had burned out. He had reserved the best table of the restaurant, he had wanted this to be a memorable occasion, their first official date. Unfortunately Min hadn't shown up, Hongki had thought that she would have a change of heart, but no Min had stuck to her words. A hesitant waitress finally approached him and informed him that they were about to close and that he had to leave. Hongki could sense that the employees felt sorry for him, they had actually waited to the last minute, he was the last costumer in the restaurant. Hongki payed his bill and was about to leave when one of the waiters gave him an umbrella. He hadn't even realized it was pouring rain outside, Hongki thanked him for his kindness. Hongki opened the umbrella and slowly made his way out into the rain. 

He had tried his best with Min but every single thing he did was to no avail. Why was he so intent in loving someone that would never return his love? Was he masochist? Why was he so in love with her in the first place? What attracted him of her so much? Was it her petite frame that would always make her look younger than she really was? Was it the frankness of her words when she spoke, that some people might confuse with rudeness? Or was it that sadness that always lingered in her eyes and made Hongki want to risk his life just to protect her? Hongki smirked at his own thoughts, Maybe it's time I give up.

Min was cleaning her apartment when her train of thought was interrupted by her earlier conversation with Hongki. What am I thinking? I told him I wouldn't go. He's not stupid, he won't go right? Min repeated herself those phrases as she continued to swipe the floor, but still her conscience wouldn't let her be. Min placed the broom back in the hall closet and grabbed her side bag. She walked as fast as she could out of the apartment complex. Min couldn't believe her luck when she stepped out of the building and saw that it was raining heavily, she took out her umbrella and ran with determination.

Min reached the restaurant and noticed that it was already closed. She peeked through the windows but she couldn't see Hongki. See Min he's not here, you are just wasting your time. No one can love your closed heart. Min had given up and was about to head home when a waitress stepped out of the restaurant. 

"Miss can I help you with something?" the waitress curiously eyed her.

Min bowed and said "No, Im sorry it's just that I was looking for someone" Min had already taken a step back ready to leave.

"Was it by any chance a handsome young man by the name of Hongki?" said the waitress which made Min hesitate and turn back to her.

"Yes, how do you know?" inquired Min.

"He made a reservation and he waited for you for a long time. Actually he just left a few minutes ago" said the waitress, Min was speechless.

The waitress noticed Min's astonished look and said "Miss if it's not too bold of me, I think you would be a fool to let a guy like him go. It is not easy to find somebody like him now a days."

"I really am a fool. Thank you so much for your help" said Min as she bowed to the waitress and ran after Hongki.

Min was running through the streets looking left and right trying to find Hongki. The hard rain from earlier had turned into a drizzle and Min was thankful for that, it would make her search for Hongki much more easy. A couple of minutes had already passed, Min was beginning to lose hope when she distinguished a silhouette walking in front of her. She knew who it was, she would recognize that person anywhere in the world.

"Ya! Hongki!" and Hongki turned toward the voice that was calling him. As soon as he saw her, his serious face turned into a smile. 

That was the most beautiful smile she had seen in her life. Why is he smiling at me? He really is stupid. "Aren't you angry at me, I stood you up?" said Min with a nervous voice. 

"But you are here now, so that makes me happy." Hongki took a few steps towards her. "I would wait a life time for you." 

Min looked straight at his eyes, tears had formed in her eyes. I never thought my heart would be able to love again but at some point you softly stole it. Min dropped her umbrella and ran towards him, she wrapped her arms around him. It felt so right, she belonged with him, time could stop and she wouldn't mind it at all. Hongki stood there frozen it took him a while to react, he had waited for this moment for such a long time and now that it had become a reality he couldn't believe it. Slowly he also returned her embrace.

You are a warm, shining sunlight and I think the heavens might have given me one more chance by putting you in my life. With this thought Min was finally able to smile again and open her heart to love.


o(><)o Such a cheesy ending! I also feel like I sort of rushed to the ending sry about that. Let me know you feel about it.

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!