It will take a while for the scars in my heart to heal



This was Min's last semester of college, she was taking four core curriculum classes and one elective class she had chosen at the last minute "Professional Ethics." The only thing she needed to worry after this semester was to pass the national exam in order to be a licensed school teacher.

Class had started with the usual introductions and the professor was taking roll call, when there was a knock at the door. To Min's astonishment the young man that came into the room and was standing before the class was none other than Hongki. What is he doing here? Is he a stalker? I thought I had been extra clear with him when I told him I wasn't interested in dating or having a boyfriend for that matter.

"Miss. Lee do you have a question?" Min hadn't realized she had stood up and everybody in class was looking at her now. Hongki in particular was giving her a sympathetic smile. 

"No, Sir. It's just that…I thought I saw a bug but I was wrong. Sorry about that," said Min as she sat back in her seat.

"Ok. Like I was saying Hongki was on of my brightest students. He's in the process of getting his Master's degree in Philosophy and he'll be doing his internship in this university. This will make him my assistant professor, meaning he'll be lecturing once in a while, helping me grade your papers, assisting you if you have any questions but most of the time he'll just be observing the class" explained the professor.

With these words a few female students whispered some comments: "He's very handsome", "For sure I'll be asking for his help", "I don't think I'll be able to concentrate in class now."  

"These air headed girls have no taste in men" said Min under her breath and she dismissed their comments. 

"Ok so now that that's cleared up, let's go over the syllabus and what you can expect to learn from this class. Also, even though this is an elective class don't expect it to be an easy A" said the professor as he looked at every student over the rim of his glasses.

Time flew by and before Min knew it class was dismissed. The students and professor had already left the classroom, Min however had taken her time, she didn't want to come across Hongki. As Min walked out of the classroom she noticed that Hongki had lagged behind probably waiting for her.  

"Anyong haseyo, Min-shi" Hongki cordially greeted her.  

Min however gave him a brief greeting and a slight nod in his direction "Anyong haseyo."

Hongki walked after her "Min-shi, please wait for me. Can we talk?"

Min slowed her pace a bit but continued walking, she spoke first "Did you know I was a student for this class?"

"No, the only thing that I knew was that I was going to be working under Professor Kim. I was given a schedule with a few classes and it just happened that you were in one of those classes. I was also quite surprised when I saw you" Hongki assured her. 

"Well what a coincidence!" Min hadn't meant to say this aloud.    

"Min-shi, I hope this doesn't become an issue with you" said Hongki as he anxiously rubbed the back of his neck.

Min stopped walking and turned to him "It won't, don't worry" said Min and left Hongki standing by himself.

Oh boy! This is going to be a very interesting semester, Min thought to herself as she walked out of the building.

Hyosung had caught a really bad cold and had already been absent from work for a whole week. Min being the employe with more years of experience was placed in charge for the mean time. She was in charge of opening and closing the cafe, supervising the other waiters and waitresses, and taking inventory. She was also juggling these responsibilities with her studies. By the end of the week Min was already missing Hyosung and regretting the day she agreed on helping out as temporary manager. 

Today had been one of the busiest days, Min and the other employees were rushing trying to attend all the tables as best they could. Min had just placed an order when she heard the door of the cafe chime as it closed and saw Hongki standing there with a rose bouquet in one of his hands. Min wondered if he was meeting somebody, as she walked towards his table. 

"Anyong haseyo, do you want to have the usual Hongki-shi or do you want to wait for your date? asked Min eyeing him curiously.

"Actually, Im here by myself Min-shi." Min felt relieved by his statement, she didn't understand why she felt that way.

"What are those for then? Min couldn't help but be intrigued by them.

"This is a peace offering. Look we are going to be spending a lot of time together now and I don't want us to be in an awkward situation or in bad terms". Hongki gave her a charming smile as he handed them to her.

Min tried to conceal a slight blush that had appeared on her face "Well I'll accept them but ONLY because I love roses." 

Hongki didn't say anything, he just starred at her with a loving grin which made Min a bit nervous. "Well I better put them in water, I'll be back with your order when it's ready" said Min as she cleared . 

Min was carrying a tray full of orders and was placing a coffee mug on the table of an older man when it slipped from her grasp and landed on the customer's knee.

The man instantly stood up at the touch of the hot coffee "How dumb can you be? A complete fool could do this work better than you!" 

Min placed the tray on a near by table and attempted to help the customer by handing him a handkerchief, "Mianheyo sir...I didn't meant to."

"Mianheyo my " said the older man as he rudely grabbed the handkerchief from her hand.

Min ignored his comment, she knew she needed to contain her anger and started cleaning the mess on the floor.

"Excuse me sir but that's no way to talk to a lady" Hongki's table was near by and had observed the whole scene. 

"Who are you to tell me how to talk? I talk however I want" the man said boastfully.

Hongki got closer to the man "I'm just another customer but I don't appreciate the way you are talking to this young lady, it would be best if you apologized to her right now. Or else we can have this conversation at the police station" said Hongki in an intimidating tone. 

"Police station what do you mean by that?" asked the man nervously.

"You have verbally assaulted a female employee. I think the police would be very interested on this detail and remember there are a lot of eye witnesses here" said Hongki as he pointed around the building. The man noticed that other customer were giving him a disgruntled look, the man flinched and walked out of the cafe.

Hongki crouched down to help Min finish cleaning. Min however stood up and said "You didn't have to do that you know. I'm a grown woman. I can take care of my own problems."  

Min had started walking away with the broken pieces of the coffee mug. Min what are you doing? He just helped you out and this is how you repay him. Min regretted the way she had spoken to Hongki, she slowly turned and added "Kamsahamnida."

A smile crept on Hongki's face.

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Will try to update sometime next week. Sorry for making you wait :(


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Chapter 10: please update soon ^^
this is a really great story!
please update this story
Chapter 10: Great update as always~ :) Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: UPDATE! I lurve this fic^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhh thank you so much for updating ! i'm really happy !! your sequel is really interesting !! fighting ! :P
Chapter 9: Kyahhhh!!! What will happen next?!? >u<;
Hongki's mother...what is she up to? ouo;;;
Chapter 8: sequel will be good ^^ fighting!!
Chapter 8: A sequel sounds good! ^^ I will surely support you! :)v
leinati95 #9
Chapter 8: YES! omg, i love your story, so please do continue!