Chapter 7

My Inner Beauty (HIATUS-will be back in 4 months)

Park Bom's POV:


"And exactly where you do think you're going??" I heard the vice principal bellowing from behind me.


Wow, she sounded really pissed. Of course, that only made me run faster, searching through the crowds of people walking around the hallway.


I was looking for Choi Seunghyun. I had to find him. There might've still be a chance that he hasn't read the name tag yet, he wasn't the smart type of guy. He probably just picked it up and pocketed it to give to me later. Yeahh..that must be it, I thought.


But what if he didn't, Bom-ah? What if he read it??




My inner thoughts were torturing me! What if he did read the name tag? He would know who I was and he would know that I was trying to hide the fact that I was Park Bom, not this "Kim Yumi." How embarassing!!


How could I bring myself to face him ever again!? I could already picture him smirking down at me, laughing at the fact that I was still afraid of him just like before. He would make my life a living hell!! I couldn't let that happen!


I had to get my name tag back before he could get a closer look at it.


Where was that guy, anyways?!






Choi Seunghyun's POV:




I was getting up from my seat when I saw that Kim Yumi girl bolting for the door. Talk about speedy.


She was in such a hurry that something slipped and fell from her vest pocket. And she didn't even notice.


"Hey, wait! You dropped something!" I called out to her but she acted like she didn't hear me and just ran out of the classroom.


I growled. How dare she just ignore me like that?


I was going to chase after that stubborn girl, but then I remembered that she had dropped something. Scanning the classroom floor, I spotted a yellow name tag a couple feet away from where I was standing, lying upside down.


I guessed that that was the thing that had fallen from her pocket.


I shrugged and picked it up, putting it inside my own pocket. I had to remember to give it to her the next time I saw her, she would be needing it since it was mandatory to wear one during school.


At least it would give me an excuse to go talk to her, I thought with a grin spreading on my face.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type to be interested in every single girl that I met.


It's just that there was something about this girl that interested me. Who knows, maybe Kim Yumi was using a magic love potion or something like that, because I had no idea why I was starting to get attracted to her.






Park Bom's POV:


4th period...


5th period...


6th period...



Still no sign of Choi Seunghyun..!!


I scrambled out into the hallway as soon as the bell rang, signaling that our first day of school was now over.


Maybe I would have a better chance at finding him if I waited outside near the gates, I thought as I made my way out of the front doors. He was bound to walk out of there to get home, right?


I reached the school's front gates and waited, looking over the crowd of people for a glimpse of Choi Seunghyun. I saw his nasty friends walking past me, but there was still no sign of him. What was taking him so long??


Hmm. He was probably hanging out with a girl or something, being the player that he was back in high school,




I spun around and found Jaehyuk strolling towards me with a casual grin on his face. Not forgetting what he did during lunch, I gritted my teeth and strutted over to him, glaring at him all the while. He must have realized that I was out to get him because he quickly turned back and started running in the other direction.


I immediately started to sprint after him with my backpack flying in the air behind me.


"Yah, Kim Jaehyuk!! Stop right there!" I yelled after him but of course he didn't slow down.  I gave up when he reached the curb of the street and disappeared, waving at me as he left.


So much for making new friends. He was no better than that Lee Minho.


I swung my backpack off of my shoulder and reached into the lower pocket, pulling out my picture of my best friend. It was a picture of Minho smiling, except he blinked right when I flashed the camera at him. His eyes were half'-closed, giving him a "drunk-man" impression. 


I found the picture to be absolutely hilarious, while Minho kept on insisting that I should delete it from my camera.


As you can see, I did no such thing.


I mean, this photo could be very good potential blackmail for the future.




Seeing Minho's picture made me laugh, but it also made me truly realize how lonely I was. Soon, my laughter began to ebb away as I continued to stare at the picture.


It was getting pretty dark out as I clutched it to my chest.


At the moment, it seemed like my best friend would never come back to me.


Just when I thought that everything was going to get better for once, he had to show up and ruin everything. And like Choi Seunghyun said before, there was no more Minho to come to my rescue.


My sadness dissolved as anger flared up inside me. I hated how that guy always got on my nerves. I shook my fist at the sky angrily.


"I hate you, Choi Seunghyun!!! I hope you get run over by a cement truck and die a painful death!! Why are you always so-"


"Talking about me?"


I spun around and found myself face-to-face with the smirking devil himself.


I stepped back as I felt my face go red, sputtering as I was trying to explain.


" N-no! I have this other friend named Choi Seunghyun...and..well, he.." I trailed off when I realized that my excuse sounded really pathetic, even to me.


It looked like Seunghyun seemed to think that too, judging by how he raised his eyebrows at me. Needing to get his mind off of my awkwardness, I hastily changed the subject.


"You have my name tag, right?" I pointed out, making him raise his eyebrows even further. Then he nodded slightly, inclining his head to the right.


"Yep, took you long enough to figure out. You want it?" He took my name tag out of his vest pocket and glanced at it meaningfully, making red sirens start flashing in my head.


I quickly snatched it out of his hands and started sprinting down the sidewalk, not even bothering to glance back. I was so fast that even Usain Bolt would have been proud of me.


Clasping my hands, I prayed to God that he hadn't found out who I was yet. Please make him suffer a massive head injury and lose his memories.

Please please please!!!


"Yah, Park Bom!!" Seunghyun called out from behind me, making me screech to a stop.


I turned around and looked at him in horror. He had an evil leer on his face as he motioned with his hands for me to come over.


Holy !!!


He knows!!!!!!


I was hopelessly frozen on the spot as he began striding towards me like a predator going after it's prey.  Someone save me from this..this monster!!




"Somebody help meeeee!!!! Helppppp!!!"




I screamed as my head snapped up from my desk. Sweating and heavily breathing, I looked around the classroom to find my physics teacher and the majority of the students staring at me. 


Some of them were sniggering, which made me turn pink and hide myself behind my textbook. My hands were still clammy from the images that had tortured my mind earlier.


Crap...what a horrible dream.


The phone at the front of the classroom began to ring loudly and my teacher answered it. I was glad that it had distracted my moment of embarassment.


Exhaling deeply, I put down the textbook and looked for my red mechanical pencil. I probably dropped it or something while I was dozing off during the lecture.


"Park Bom!" Mrs.Kang suddenly called out my name, making me flinch. I quickly scanned my classmates just to make sure that Choi Seunghyun wasn't one of them, and then turned to my teacher.


"Yes, Mrs. Kang?"


"You're needed in the front office. The vice principal wants to see you after this class."




Uh oh.





Choi Seunghyun's POV:





Thank goodness that school was finally over. I was beginning to think that the world of education had no end!!


Slinging my backpack over one shoulder, I was about to head out of the classroom when I heard the teacher call my name.


"Choi Seunghyun!"


"Can I help you?"


My teacher gave me a sharp glare from underneath her round glasses. Ms. Chun was about 26 years old, which was pretty young for a teacher. She taught Chemistry for the freshmen.


"Yah, you brat! Don't talk to your teacher that way!"


I blinked at her innocently.


She narrowed her eyes before continuing. "You're needed at the front office. Seems like you forgot to fill out some paperwork before the school year started."


"Huh? Right now?"


"Yes, now."


I sighed as I turned back to go out the door, making Ms. Chun snort.


"Students these days have no manners, whatsoever..." She muttered under her breath.


I quickly strode out of the classroom. I walked past a group of giggling girls who were ogling at my unbelievably good looks. A wave of my hand caused them to shriek and swoon over one another.


I smirked. I can't say that I don't like seeing the effect that I have on most people.


After a couple more similar scenarios like that, I finally reached the school's front office. By now, there was a whole mob of giggy girls trailing me from behind.


This whole stalking thing was getting really tiring for me. I guess I was exhausted from the long day of school.


I shooed the girls away crankily, leaving many broken hearts in the process. I thought I heard one girl sniffling as they left me alone. 


What the hell...


One word: oversensitive.                                                                                               


Let's just hope that this filling-out-paperwork thing doesn't take too long. I thought bitterly as my hand reached for the doorknob. I heard something from behind the door that stopped my hand from turning it.


"How dare you run away while I'm talking to you, Park Bom! This is a prestigious university and that kind of behavior is not tolerated here!!"


I froze at the spot, my grumpy mood vanishing into thin air. I could almost swear that my heart skipped two beats.


It can't be..Park Bom?


"I'm sorry, ma'am. I was kind of in a hurry..I'm really sorry."


"That's no excuse! And what about your missing name tag?"


"I'm sorry, it's really no big deal. I'll get another one somehow, and-"


"Not a big deal?? Defying the school dress code is a very big deal, if you ask me!" 


My sweaty palms grasped the door again and slowly creaked it open, not wanting to be heard.


I stood outside while my eyes shifted around the disorganized room. At the left of the messy office was the vice principal, and at the right was...Kim Yumi.




I was getting really confused. This crazy loud lady was apparently talking to her, judging by the way she was pointing her fingers and waving crazily at the poor girl, who had her head bowed. I was about to think that I had misheard the name.


Maybe my wishful thinking has me hearing things..It's official, Choi Seunghyun. Park Bom is driving you crazy.


Then the principal of the school stood up. Compared to the vice principal, she was a softie. 


"Alright, that's enough! We can just order a new name tag for her, only she'll have to pay for it this time. You're being too harsh on her, HyeJung," 


The vice principal scoffed and turned in her seat to look through her files.


"What's your name, hon?" The dean of the school asked lightly, taking out a pen and paper. Kim Yumi raised her head and looked at the dean.


"My name is Park Bom, ma'am."







I felt every muscle in my body tense at those words, and everything that had happened earlier in the school day suddenly began to make sense.

My eyes slowely widened at my realization and I gaped at the brown haired girl who was still busy talking to the dean.



























Author's Note:


Sorry for my long absence *___*!! Mianheyo yeorobun!!

and thank you so much for all of your comments!! ^^



























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haneul024 #1
Chapter 9: Authornimmmmmmm~~ an updated pleaseee~~~••
New subscriber here! Hope to see the next button soon since i love your fic ^^
Chapter 9: I search for the next botton and find it no whereeee~ update soonly soon!!!!!~ *new reader here nice too meet you :)* XOXO
MaiaAlcippe #4
Chapter 9: Wow! What's going to happen next? Will Jaehyuk come back into the story? I'm quite excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: finally updated! goshh please update sooonn too okay!^~^ like this chappie OwO
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 9: OH SNAP!!! QUICK SEUNGHYUN SEDUCE HER LIKE IN THOSE KDRAMAS~~~ except bom don't be stupid and fall for it so fast..gotta make the bingu work for it!!!! UPDATE SOON THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!
fauxreality #7
Chapter 9: Oh em i love this!!! So interested on what seunghyun's gonna do to make it up to bom <3
auroramikaela #8
Chapter 9: Her plan doesn't works.... kkkkkkkkk
fauxreality #9
This is perfect omg!!! Bom + top + lee min ho <3
Chapter 9: hahhahaha. there you go bom, your first year might be great with seunghyun around.
thank youuuuuu for the update authornim! take care of yourself! xx