Chapter 4

My Inner Beauty (HIATUS-will be back in 4 months)

Park Bom's POV:


Man...this school is HUGE!!


I walked down the school hallway with my backpack slung over one shoulder. I was reminded of my high school years, except this time I wasn't bulldozing bodies onto the ground wherever I went. I was pretty proud of myself when I reached my locker without having to apologize for knocking anyone over.


I silently cheered as I fumbled with the lock. After hearing the lock give a small click, I swung the locker open and poured my backpack's contents inside.


Pencil, check.

Five 70-lined paper notebooks, check.

Textbooks, check.

Computer sign pen, check.

Cheesy picture of Lee Minho, check.


Don't ask me why I was being a creep by carrying Minho's picture around. I missed him that much.


After making sure to bring everything I needed for English, I slammed my locker shut and began making my way to room C-4. The hallway was bustling with all of the students trying to get to their classes so I had to push a path through a couple of them.


When I finally got out of the human tide, I exhaled deeply with relief and turned to get to my homeroom. That's when I bumped face-first into some person's upper back.




He fell forwards onto the floor but managed to catch his fall with his hands. After dusting himself off, the guy coughed and turned to me. I was a little more than mortified.


"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, really, I didn't!! I'm so sorry!" I sputtered, getting red-faced. 


"It's fine." The guy said curtly, now standing at his full height. I kept my gaze directed to the floor, embarrassed. Then I heard him wince and looked up; He was rubbing his lower back, apparently in pain.


Eeeeeeeekkkkkk!!! Did I damage his spine or something??!!!!  


HOLY . It's my first day and I'm already going to be expelled!!!


"I'm really sorry!!! It won't happen again! Is your back okay?? Are you hurt anywh-"


He cut me off by placing one hand over my mouth, which caused my eyes to widen. Then he leaned in.


"Shush. I told you, it's no big deal. I'm perfectly fine, see?"  He said, flashing a killer smile.




I wasn't used to this kind of treatment so I had no idea how to react. I just stared at him blankly with his hand still over my mouth.


Whoa. He has really white teeth. And really blonde hair. That's a nice shade of blonde.


Blonde guy started to look a little uncomfortable from me staring at his hair, which snapped me back to reality. Then I slowly pulled his hand away from my face.


"Erm...okay...Well, anyways, sorry about earlier," I mumbled, making him raise a eyebrow.


I apologized again, didn't I? Sigh...


It got really awkward all of a sudden, but then he broke the silence.


"So, umm..." He read my yellow nametag on the front of my uniform. "Park Bom, what class are you headed to?"


"Huh? Me?"


Oh God, I sound so pathetic. Try to act like a sociable human being for once, you stupid human being, you..!!!


"Over there." I pointed to Room C-4, where a couple of students were headed to, as well.


"Same." Blond guy grinned and gave me a high-five. "How about we go together?"

I shrugged. I guessed that I wasn't in any position to refuse.



"Sure, let's go."








"And that's why we should examine accepted truths, while questioning and testing them as part of our everyday lives! It's an important part of literature, so don't you all forget it! Now let's turn to section 4 of the packet!"


The teacher, Mister Jang, droned on and on...and on...and onnn. WIth fake enthusiasm as an extra bonus.


English was just what I had expected it to be. Boring.



But it wasn't that bad because at least I had Jaehyuk, the tall lanky blond guy who I had bumped into earlier, to talk to. 


I wasn't paying much attention to Mr. Jang's lecture. It was only an orientation class anyways, so nobody really bothered to listen to what the teacher had to say. 


Also, Jaehyuk turned out to be pretty nice; I guess I could say that I made a new friend today. He was kind of like a toned down version of Minho, if you know what I mean.


At least he's a thousand times more better than that Choi Seunghyun! I thought. Then I winced. 


Why did his name even pop up in my head? I thought I was going to stop thinking about him?!


I started violently stabbing my backpack with my red ballpoint pen.


"Miss Park? What in the world are you doing?"


I looked up to see Mister Jang, who had a frown underneath his bushy stache. Jaehyuk stifled a laugh while my cheeks slowly turned red.






At last...Lunch break. I thought you would never come!!


I sat down at one of the tables near the end of the cafeteria while Jaehyuk plopped down into the chair next of me. It was pretty quiet. Everybody was busy scarfing down their food.


I took out a simple lunch consisting of two egg rolls and  a small serving of fried rice. 




I stared at the small meal in front of me. After all this time, I still wasn't used to having to eat so little. I missed the times when I would bring nearly all the rice kept in the rice cooker to school.


"Something wrong with your food?" Jaehyuk asked, looking at me with raised eyebrows as he bit into his sandwich.


I shook my head and quickly began shoveling rice into my mouth, sparing myself the chance to speak.


A group of girls who were yammering their heads off suddenly appeared and sat down on the other side of our table. It was obvious that they were fussing over a guy, after hearing random parts of their conversation.


Man, they were noisy!!


Ugh.. I thought. Just when I thought things were getting peaceful around here.


"Did you see him? The one with the super deep voice?"

 "Kyaaa!! His voice just oozes iness!!"

*squeal* "Here he comes now! Look!!"

"His friends don't look that bad, either."



I saw the one with red hair fidgeting with her hairband while the others were pulling out their mirrors to check themselves.


And I thought these kind of things only happened in high school. Who's the guy that they're so obsessed about, anyways?


I craned my neck and looked past the squealing girls, wanting to get a look. Looking at the group of guys that they were pointing to, I squinted. The guys' backs were turned to me.


I wonder which one they're talking about. The one wih the mohawk? Wait, it could be the one right next to him..


I turned my attention to the unusual hairstyle on the shortest guy in the middle.


Mohawks..I haven't seen one of those in a while. The only other one that I've ever seen was on that jerk, Taeyang...


Mohawk Guy turned around and stood up from the table. My eyebrows shot up and my brain switched to panic mode once I got a glimpse of his face.


Jaehyuk must have seen me tense up, because he tentatively put a hand on my shoulder. I ignored it, still focused on what I had just seen.


HOLY !!!!!!!!!!!


Mohawk Guy is Taeyang?! 


What in the world was that jerk doing here at my school, out of all people?!!! Oh if he's here, then so would...oh no....NO, NO, NO!!


My eyes snapped to the person who was sitting on the left side of Taeyang. He had dark hair, lightly tanned skin, and an unusually deep voice. It took me less than a fraction of a second to realize who he was. Why couldn't I see it before?


He was here.


The one who I had sworn to forget and stay away from. 




Choi Seunghyun was actually here.








"Jaehyuk, hide me!" I hissed as I dived to the ground with the speed of a ninja.


Jaehyuk raised a brow and seemed pretty confused on why I was crouched underneath the lunch table.


"What are you doing down there? You're acting weird, Bom."


"Shhh, shhhh!!! Shut up or he might hear you!" I whispered sharply and put a finger to my lips. "Act natural and pretend I'm not here, okay? Please?"


Jaehyuk followed my gaze and his eyes landed on Seunghyun, who was now starting to walk back to the cafeteria door with Jiyong. Ugh, Kwon Jiyong was here, too? It looks like the whole gang decided to stick together, even in college. 


Jaehyuk's bewildered expression slowly changed into an amused smirk.


"Ohhh, I see. You like him, don't you?" Jaehyuk chuckled. "I was wondering why you were acting so flustered."


What the hell?!  Oh no he didnt...


My eyes widened in disbelief.


"No!! Not in a million years!! I wouldn't like that jerk even if he was the last person on the planet! Never him!! Ne-ver!!!" I protested loudly, causing the girls sitting in the table to look down and stare at me.


Jaehyuk chuckled. "Bom, it's okay. I understand! A feeling of attraction towards a handsome male is completely natural for a young girl like yourself!"


I was getting hysterical now. I wanted to scream and fry this guy in a pan with Canola oil!


No, Jaehyuk! You don't understand!!!


"Here, I'll even help you introduce yourself since you're so scared to do it. Geez." Jaehyuk stood up from the table and started strolling in the direction of Seunghyun.


Oh my god!


I watched in horror as he struck up a conversation with a slightly bewildered and confused Seunghyun. Then Jaehyuk started to point in my direction, and they both turned their heads towards me.



My mind went blank.


I did the only thing I could think of.



I ran.












Author's Note:

Kekekeke! Sorry about the scary gif at the top; I couldn't help myself.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of your support!

I really didn't expect to have much comments or subscribers at all! Silent readers, included~ You guys keep me motivated ^3^!

Thank you guys so much!

























































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haneul024 #1
Chapter 9: Authornimmmmmmm~~ an updated pleaseee~~~••
New subscriber here! Hope to see the next button soon since i love your fic ^^
Chapter 9: I search for the next botton and find it no whereeee~ update soonly soon!!!!!~ *new reader here nice too meet you :)* XOXO
MaiaAlcippe #4
Chapter 9: Wow! What's going to happen next? Will Jaehyuk come back into the story? I'm quite excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: finally updated! goshh please update sooonn too okay!^~^ like this chappie OwO
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 9: OH SNAP!!! QUICK SEUNGHYUN SEDUCE HER LIKE IN THOSE KDRAMAS~~~ except bom don't be stupid and fall for it so fast..gotta make the bingu work for it!!!! UPDATE SOON THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!
fauxreality #7
Chapter 9: Oh em i love this!!! So interested on what seunghyun's gonna do to make it up to bom <3
auroramikaela #8
Chapter 9: Her plan doesn't works.... kkkkkkkkk
fauxreality #9
This is perfect omg!!! Bom + top + lee min ho <3
Chapter 9: hahhahaha. there you go bom, your first year might be great with seunghyun around.
thank youuuuuu for the update authornim! take care of yourself! xx