Chapter 3

My Inner Beauty (HIATUS-will be back in 4 months)

1 Year and 9 Months Later. . .



Seunghyun's POV:


I woke up with a start. Rubbing my half-lidded eyes, I reached for my red Mickey Mouse alarm clock. 

No, I'm not into Mickey or any of his other animal friends. The clock was a stupid birthday present from Daesung.., but it did work like a charm. 


3:47 AM.



Why the hell did I even wake up at this hour? Who set my alarm this early?




I whipped out my hands, and sure enough, they were dripping wet with warm water. Realization hit me hard in the face. That stupid was trying to get me to wet the bed and humiliate myself!! Another one of Daesung's stupid practical jokes!!


"Aishh!!! Kang Daesung!" I roared angrily, followed by a string of curses.


I stormed into the room that he and Taeyang were sharing with lightning speed.


The little pest seemed to be sound asleep. He was even pretending to his thumb like a baby to add to his pretense. That little er...


He could have fooled anyone, but not me. I jumped on him like a tiger pouncing on its prey  and started pummeling him into a pulp.


"Ahhh!!! Hyung!!!




"Oww..!! Stop tha- OUCH!!! *crunch* (Oof!*twist* Okay,okay, I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Daesung cried out, writhing like a pathetic worm while I started to twist his arms behind his back.


"Seriously..the old hand-in-warm-water trick again? Quite unoriginal, don't you think?" I seethed as I knocked his unkempt head of hair onto the bedpost one more time.


Daesung whined. He stumbled and got up from his knees, rubbing his left shoulderblade while wincing.

"I think you broke my shoulder!"

"What a baby." I muttered under my breath.


"Why can't I ever have a night of decent sleep around here?" Taeyang mumbled from the left side of the room. He sounded half-asleep.


"You can thank your dear roommate here for that." 


I shot Daesung an accusatory glare while he grinned and gave me a thumbs-up. I was about to pounce on him again when I heard stirring coming from the other room down the hallway. Not wanting to wake Jiyong or Seungri, I slowly backed away to the door.


"You're lucky I'm letting you go easily this time, Dae."


Daesung sleepily nodded as he crawled back under his blankets. I narrowed his eyes at Daesung's sleeping form one more time before I turned to go back to my own room.







4:30 AM.


I continued to stare blankly out my bedroom window while leaning on the bookshelf behind me. After that stupid prank, I really didn't feel like sleeping in bed.


Trust me, I'm not the kind of person who easily pisses on their own bed. Although if I hadn't woken up and taken my hand out of the bowl of warm water, who knows what would have happened..


Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.


"Damn it!"


I cursed as some books dropped from the shelf and onto the ground. I was about to pile them onto the table when one of them caught my eye.


Middle School Yearbook, 2005-2006


I picked the yearbook up and sat on the edge of my bed as I flipped through it. Taeyang still had his cheeky eyesmile back in 7th grade. It was funny how little some people changed since then. My eyes were busy scanning my class page when I saw a very familiar name.


Park Bom


My mouth unknowingly curved into a small smile at the familiar face as I poked her picture with my index finger.


She was beaming at the camera with a youthful twinkle in her eyes. There were very noticeable differences in the picture compared to her present self.


For one, she had a skinny figure and a youthful twinkle in her eyes. She used to be so carefree and bubbly, but she changed once she started her high school years. 


I've always wondered what had caused that change. Rumor had it that it was because of family problems but I wasn't sure.


I haven't seen Park Bom ever since the day that bastard, Lee Minho, left the country on the last day of high school.

I growled. It made my blood boil just thinking about him. I really hated him with a passion.


He was the person that Bom would always run to, a position that I longed to have. In her eyes, I was always the villian while he was the hero. When Minho moved out, I was pretty elated. I thought things would turn out differently.

I was dead wrong.


Ever since that night, I found myself thinking about that girl constantly. It confused me. Park Bom wasn't super attractive or my ideal type when it came to looks, but there was something about her. Something about her that kept my interest.


I always find myself cringing whenever my memories decided to bring up that one eventful night in the parking lot.


Did she really hate me that much? Did she take my teasings too seriously?


I'd deny it if anybody asked this, but I always found myself looking for that girl everywhere I went. I wanted to say that I didn't care about her whereabouts, but it was impossible to fool myself. I missed her presence, her clumsiness, and even her bushy grandma-ish hair.


I looked at the clock and saw that it was getting late. I didn't have time to be moping about.

I was going to start school tomorrow at Yonsei University. Well, technically today, since it was now 4:38 in the morning. 


Trying to push Park Bom out of my mind, I kept my thoughts on school.








Wait, could Bom possibly be attending Yonsei, too? It was her dream college, after all. 


I groaned; my mind could be really stupid at times. It always decides to override my brain with things that I don't want to be thinking about.


What happened to Park Bom?  


How much did I pain her to make her hate me like this? 


Where is she now?


I wished that I could find the answers to all of these goddamn questions.









  Park Bom's POV:





"Good morning, sunshine!!!"


"I'm up, I'm up!!" I fumbled as I swiftly got up from underneath my bed covers.


Mom smiled down upon me. "You wouldn't want to miss your first day of college, would you? Now get up, you lazy lump!!"


She gave her pots one last clang and bounded back into the kitchen. Some things will just never change. 

I smiled as I made my way towards the bathroom.


Speaking of change...


I tilted my head sideways and looked at the bathroom mirror, my eyes still heavy with sleep. 


It was still hard for me to digest the fact that the reflection and I were the same person.


Is that really me..?


My bushy witch hair was long gone, replaced with sleek, straight brown hair. Bangs covered the top of my forehead, giving me a more youthful look than before. 


My white skin gave off a healthy glow. Once I started to eat healthier, I found that it did wonders for my pasty skin.


All of those trips to the gym really paid off, too. I practically lived in that place for over a year, so it was like a second home to me. With the help of my training partners, Dongwon and Sunho, the pounds kept shedding off until I reached 52 kg.


I didn't consider myself to be as slender as the girls from SNSD, but they said that it was a healthy number. Losing all of that weight sure wasn't easy. I felt like I was dying at times. I ate little and excercised till I couldn't move anymore, but it all paid off in the end.


I wasn't stunningly pretty, y, or beautiful. But it was still a huge change from what I looked like almost two years ago. I found myself having a lot more confidence and socializing easily with the people around me.


My life hadn't been this great since Dad moved away.


I smirked at my reflection. It's all thanks to you, Choi Seunghyun. And your good-for-nothing friends, too.


Who would have thought that the devil himself could actually be useful? Well, it didn't matter anymore, because I was set on never seeing his stupid face ever again.


The only thing that would complete my happiness was if Minho were here with me right now. It's been a torturous long wait, but I was happy to know that there were only 3 months left before I could see him again. Only three months!!!


I grabbed my backpack and started to head downstairs. Today was my first day of college at Yonsei University and I wasn't going to be late for anything in the world. 








"Have a good first day, Bommie-ah!" Mom called out, sniffling. "Aigoo...My baby's growing up too fast..."


I smiled and waved both of my hands from the sidewalk. Hitching up my backpack, I started the short walk to Yonsei UV.


Maybe I'll actually have a decent time at school this year. It'll be great; at least there'll be no more Choi Seunghyun to run from! I'm going to love it here, I just know it!


I thought happily to myself as I neared the entrance of the school, which was buzzing with activity.





However, like what you would all expect, I was dead wrong.





















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haneul024 #1
Chapter 9: Authornimmmmmmm~~ an updated pleaseee~~~••
New subscriber here! Hope to see the next button soon since i love your fic ^^
Chapter 9: I search for the next botton and find it no whereeee~ update soonly soon!!!!!~ *new reader here nice too meet you :)* XOXO
MaiaAlcippe #4
Chapter 9: Wow! What's going to happen next? Will Jaehyuk come back into the story? I'm quite excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: finally updated! goshh please update sooonn too okay!^~^ like this chappie OwO
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 9: OH SNAP!!! QUICK SEUNGHYUN SEDUCE HER LIKE IN THOSE KDRAMAS~~~ except bom don't be stupid and fall for it so fast..gotta make the bingu work for it!!!! UPDATE SOON THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!
fauxreality #7
Chapter 9: Oh em i love this!!! So interested on what seunghyun's gonna do to make it up to bom <3
auroramikaela #8
Chapter 9: Her plan doesn't works.... kkkkkkkkk
fauxreality #9
This is perfect omg!!! Bom + top + lee min ho <3
Chapter 9: hahhahaha. there you go bom, your first year might be great with seunghyun around.
thank youuuuuu for the update authornim! take care of yourself! xx