Chapter 5

My Inner Beauty (HIATUS-will be back in 4 months)

Seunghyun's POV:


"Hey, you!" I heard an obnoxious-sounding male voice yell behind me.


I kept on walking to the door. Surely whoever this person was wasn't talking to me, right? 


"Hey hey, wait up! You with the black backpack!!" His voice was getting closer.


I lazily glanced at the backpack strap resting on my shoulder, and sure enough, it was black.


Stopping in my tracks, I turned around to face the guy. He had tangled blond hair that nearly covered his eyes and was a couple centimeters taller than me. Did I mention that he had a stupid goofy-looking grin on his face?


"What?" I asked, a little bewildered. Did we know each other??


He extended his right hand.


"The name's Kim Jaehyuk. Nice to meet you!~"


I just stared at the hand. Did he actually expect me to shake it? I mean, I normally didn't do that kind of stuff. Most people found me to be too imtimidating to talk to, and people of our generation don't randomly go up to people for handshakes. This is the 20th century, man. 


After seeing that I wasn't going to accept his friendly invitation, Kim Jaehyuk slowly lowered his hovering hand. Still grinning, he pointed to a table a couple yards back from where we were.


"See that brown-haired girl over there? Underneath the table?"


I furrowed my eyebrows together and squinted at the figure that he mentioned. I couldn't clearly see what she looked like, since the table shadowed over most of her face.


"Yeah, why?" 


"Well, she likes you." Kim Jaehyuk chuckled. "Wait, no, more like obsessed. She's too shy to talk to you, so you should go say hi to her. She's a nice and pleasant girl. And did I mention that she's single?~" He said in a sing-song voice and knudged my arm with his elbow. 

I saw the girl cowering underneath the table, apparently not wanting to be seen by anyone. Was she hiding from me?




Then I frowned. I was already used to seeing these kind of things. I am blessed with good looks and a y smoldering gaze, after all.  Every single girl that I'd ever met was crazy about me.


Except for Park Bom. Wow, maybe I needed to get my brain checked because my mind always brought up her name at least ten times a day. It was driving me insane.


Anyways, this guy was seriously getting on my nerves. Was that all he had to say to me?


What did he think he was, a matchmaker?


I was about to tell him off when I heard a commotion coming from the table.


I turned and saw a blur of brown hair. The girl had scrambled from the floor and run off to the restroom as if the devil himself was at her heels. I guess she was the shy type.


At least she wasn't one of those girls who constantly stalked me around the school, with their cameras clicking as if they were the paparazzi. I enjoyed attention...but not that much attention.


I guess my curiosity got the better of me because when I turned to leave, I asked Jaehyuk:


"Not that I'm interested or anything, but what's her name?"


"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you!" He exclaimed. "SIlly me. Her name's Par-"




The bell that signaled the end of our lunch break rang loudly as he said her name, drowning out his voice. 


I looked behind to see all of the students in the cafeteria getting up and starting to make their way to their classes. When I turned around to face Kim Jaehyuk, he was gone. He probably got swept up in the human tide.


I shrugged and then navigated my way out of the crowd to look for Jiyong, who had kept on walking when I had stopped to talk.



Who knows, maybe I'll get to see that mystery girl again soon.








Park Bom's POV:


I slammed the bathroom door behind me and started breathing heavily as I slid down onto the floor.




Did he recognize me??


Did Jaehyuk tell him my name??? Grr...I'm going to kill that bastard!!!


I couldn't believe this was happening. Out of all the schools Choi Seunghyun could have chosen from...he had to pick here?! My dream college?!! How on earth did he even get in the school with his low GPA?!


"Whyyyyyyyyyyy!" I silently screamed, pounding my fists on the hard tile floor. "Why, why, whyyyy!!"


Then the door was pushed open. I was so convinced that it was Choi Seunghyun that I shot up from the ground and turned to face the person with my fists curled upwards, ready to fight for my life.


I hopped up and down as I put on my best fighter face. Then I caught a better look at the person in front of me. 


I stared at the girl, who looked like she was trying her best not to laugh at my ridiculous posture.




My ears turned pink from embarassment.


"Sorry..I thought you were..." I mumbled, covering my face with my hands. "It's just that I thought.. umm...."


The girl finally let out a giggle and took my hands off of my face.


"It's okay! You're funny!"


I dared to look up and saw that the girl was smiling at me, her hazel eyes shaped like almonds. She had light brown hair that fell down to her upper back and smooth porcelain skin. I found her to be really beautiful.


"That was quite a show you were putting on, although you looked like you were about to beat me up." She said brightly and clasped my right hand with her hands.


"My name is Sandara Park."


"I'm Park Bom." I managed to flash her a small smile.


"Ahh, that's a pretty name!" She exclaimed. "It means spring, right?"

I nodded. She seemed nice enough, with her bubbly personality.





We both covered our ears in agony. The bell was already loud enough without the restroom walls double-magnifying the sound. When our ears recovered, the girl turned to me.


"Well, I'd better get to class." Sandara Park declared. " I'll see you around then, Bom. Maybe we can be friends!" She added with a smile on her lips.


I gave Sandara Park an even bigger smile in return.



"I'd like that."







I poked my head out of the door, my eyes scanning the room for any signs of Choi Seunghyun or his minions.


They were gone. Breathing a sigh of relief, I slipped out from the restroom and took out my school map.


Time to head on over to Room F-9 for 5th period.


I walked briskly through the hallways, determined to reach the shelter of the classroom as fast as I could.


When the mental image of Choi Seunghyun looking down at me with that disgusting smirk of his came to mind, I found myself nearly sprinting down the hall.




I panted as I pulled the heavy door open and slipped inside. There was only one desk that was empty near the back of the room, so I sat myself down in that spot with no complaint.


What class was this again? Calculus?


The teacher began handing out some papers about the rules and conduct of his class. I rummaged through my backpack and found that I had forgotten my pencil case back in my locker. I groaned. This day just kept on getting better and better. Was there anything that could make it worse?


I lightly tapped on the broad shoulder of the guy in front of me, feeling slightly embarrassed about what I was going to ask him.


"Do you have a pencil that I could borrow for a little bit? Please?" I asked in a hushed whisper, fidgeting with my fingers.


He looked up from his phone and turned to face me, thick eyebrows raised.


"A pencil? Sure." Choi Seunghyun replied and handed me one from his desk.


"Thank you." I said, grabbing the pencil, and started to write my name on my paper. That's when realization started to dawn on me.










I toppled sideways off of my chair.


"Hey..." Choi Seunghyun's deep voice was full of concern as he got up from the desk and knelt on the floor to help me up.



"Are you okay?"


























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haneul024 #1
Chapter 9: Authornimmmmmmm~~ an updated pleaseee~~~••
New subscriber here! Hope to see the next button soon since i love your fic ^^
Chapter 9: I search for the next botton and find it no whereeee~ update soonly soon!!!!!~ *new reader here nice too meet you :)* XOXO
MaiaAlcippe #4
Chapter 9: Wow! What's going to happen next? Will Jaehyuk come back into the story? I'm quite excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: finally updated! goshh please update sooonn too okay!^~^ like this chappie OwO
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 9: OH SNAP!!! QUICK SEUNGHYUN SEDUCE HER LIKE IN THOSE KDRAMAS~~~ except bom don't be stupid and fall for it so fast..gotta make the bingu work for it!!!! UPDATE SOON THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!
fauxreality #7
Chapter 9: Oh em i love this!!! So interested on what seunghyun's gonna do to make it up to bom <3
auroramikaela #8
Chapter 9: Her plan doesn't works.... kkkkkkkkk
fauxreality #9
This is perfect omg!!! Bom + top + lee min ho <3
Chapter 9: hahhahaha. there you go bom, your first year might be great with seunghyun around.
thank youuuuuu for the update authornim! take care of yourself! xx