Chapter 6

My Inner Beauty (HIATUS-will be back in 4 months)

Park Bom's POV:


That voice. It's been almost two years since I'd last heard his voice.


My heart was hammering uncontrollably in my chest. It was absolutely absurd that nobody around me could hear it pounding away like a drum.


Oh God, please tell me this is some sort of sick twisted nightmare!!


This cannot be happening!!!!


I could only stare in horror, mouth gaping open like a fish as Choi Seunghyun knelt over my paralyzed body. Flat on my back, I could see every detail of his face, from his perfectly straight nose to his prominent jawline. 


I don't know why my heart gave an extra jolt when I saw that his eyebrows were furrowed with worry. I was too shocked to even protest when he gently helped me up from the floor.


He touched me..!!!


I stumbled back into my seat and quickly hid my face with the orientation sheet that the teacher had handed out, with my mind repeating the same haunting question over and over again:


Does he know? Does he know that it's me??


It took all of my willpower not to grab my backpack and sprint out of the classroom like a maniac.



I should have known that Choi Seunghyun would pop up unexpectedly at some point in my life. He was like a pesky weed that keeps popping up in a garden.


How can I face him?






He wouldn't have helped you up if he recognized who you were, Bommie-ah.    A voice inside my head said.


That was true- after all, that jerk hated me, right?


With that in mind, I ripped off the tag that displayed my name from my school jacket and stuffed it into my pocket. I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep my name from Choi Seunghyun forever, but I was willing to try, at least. 


You can do this, Bommie. Just stay calm. You've changed now, remember? You're no longer weak!


The minutes ticked by at an agonizingly slow place. Despite what I told myself, I still held the quivering sheet against my face. It was close that it was almost touching the tip of my nose.


Was he still looking at me? Do I dare peek?


Apparenty, yes. I did dare to peek. I cautiously lifted the corner of my shield of paper and found him leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed, staring directly into my eyes.




"Don't look at me, you jerk!!!" The high-pitched words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.


I could feel his dark eyes burrowing through the thin sheet of paper, which only made me crouch down even lower behind it. After being silent for a while, Choi Seunghyun cleared his throat.


"Is that your way of saying thank you? Or are you usually this ungrateful?" He said, sounding irritated. I cringed from hearing his direct words and looked up from the paper. I guess I couldn't blame him; after all, he did help me. And I called him a jerk when he didn't even recognize me, so that must've sounded harsh coming from a 'stranger(me).'


How could I weasle out of this situation?


"Ermm, thank you." I said in an ultra-deep tone, altering my voice so that it wasn't recognizable. 


Seunghyun frowned. 


"What's wrong with your voice? Your voice sounds really hoarse, like a guy's. What are you, Darth Vader?"

My nostrils flared. The nerve of this guy!!!


I flung the paper to the side, all worries magically disappearing into thin air. I wasn't going to just sit there and let him insult me like before.


"Excuse me?? Look, you don't need to be so-"


"Okay, that's better. I thought you had a really bad cold or something." He cut me off before turning back to the front of the room.


Why, this little..!!! After all this time, and he's still set on being such an ?!!


I shot him the death glare. Once a bastard, always a bastard. Just when I thought the guy had gone good... I guessed that was too much to hope for. Why was I stupid enough to even think that he had actually changed?


Choi Seunghyun's voice interrupted my train of thought.


"Hey, stop staring at me. I could feel your eyes drilling through my skull." 


What! How did he know that I was staring?!


"I wasn't staring at you!!" I said indignantly.


Seunghyung tilted his head backward so that it rested on the front of my desk and looked up at me. 


"Yes you were." He said flatly.


"YAHHHH!!!" I swatted his head off of the desk, causing him to fall face-first from his seat. The teacher didn't notice and continued the lecture. Good thing we were sitting in the back of the classroom.


"Aishh!" Seunghyun got up from the floor, gingerly rubbing his forehead. A tiny wave of concern washed over me, but it dispersed before I could ask him if he was okay.


"You had it coming, anyways." I muttered angrily before turning to look into the math textbook. 


Hahahaha!! I've always wanted to do that!! Take that, Choi!! 


I giggled to myself as I flipped the page. By now, I was starting to attract a lot of unwanted attention. My new classmates must have thought I was a crazy much for a good first impression.


Seunghyun just stared at me, shaking his head before slowly settling down into his seat.  After a few minutes, I saw him tense up and turn back to me, his eyes raking my face.


Now what did he want?? Why is he looking at me like that?!


I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, pretending to be absorbed in my book.


"Hey, what's your name?" Seunghyun asked, making me lock his eyes onto his. 


"M-My name?" I squeaked, taken aback by his sudden question.


Did he suspect something? My mind raced to come up with a fake one. Then I thought of my childhood friend's name, Yumi.


"My name is.. Kim Yumi!" I said quickly. "Nice to meet you!"

I waited for his reaction, holding my breath. Choi Seunghyun curtly nodded and frowned.

"Nice to meet you, too." He said and then turned away from me.


Whew...he bought it. Thank goodness that boy has a tiny raisin of a brain inside that conceited head of his.





Seunghyun's POV:



I ran my fingers through my hair, my heart still pounding from the past events. I drummed my left hand on my desk, frustrated with myself.


When the girl sitting behind me burst into the classroom earlier, I found my eyes lingering on her face as she scampered past me. Some of the other guys in the classroom were also sneaking glances at her as she rummaged through her backpack. She looked exceptionally pretty.


I was intrigued by this brown-haired girl. She didn't seem to take notice of me though, which kind of irked me, in a way. I heard panting as she struggled to regain her breath. 


Has she been running from someone? I thought.


Bored, I took out my phone and began fiddling with it. My inbox was full of meaningless texts that Daesung had decided to send me.


(Sent at 9:50 AM )Hyung, the truth is...I love you. Not in a friendly way. I want to be the only man in your eyes. 


(Sent at 10:04 AM) SEUNGHYUN HYUNG! Those texts weren't from me! Seungri was messing around with my phone!!


(Sent at 10:23 AM) Hyung, why aren't you replying TT TT I'm not gay, I swear! Please believe me!! TT TT


(Sent at 10:29 AM) Hyung, I love you. Let's make out. Meet you in the locker rooms at 2? ;;)






That was what most of my texts consisted of. I usually didn't give out my number to anybody unless they're really close to me, and for some reason I really regret giving Daesung and Seungri my number.


My contacts list probably only consisted of ten people. I made the mistake of giving my number to a girl who I had to do a science project with once. Let's just say that the next day, more than half the girls in the school knew my cell number, causing my phone to break down from all of the texts. Because of that incident, I had to get a crappy new phone and a new number, and my parents were angry with me for the rest of the month.


Anyways, I was busy deleting all of Daesung's trash when I felt a light tap on my right shoulder, causing me to look up from my phone.


"Hey, do you have a pencil that I could borrow for a little bit? Please?" I heard her hushed voice whisper from behind me. I tilted my head and stared at the girl behind me.


Looking at her from up close, I was at a loss for words. Her silky brown hair was covering the sides of her face, but my attention was focused on her dark brown almond-shaped eyes. Strange...I felt like I've seen those pair of eyes somewhere before..


Something about that gaze just made my heart race. I haven't felt this way about any girl after Park Bom left.


I shook my head to clear my thoughts.


What did she want again? A pencil?


Trying to act casual, I raised my eyebrows and handed her a pencil from my desk. She quickly thanked me and began scribbling her name on the paper, not even taking a second glance at me.


I was beginning to get a little miffed. She just saw my beautiful face and wasn't interested in me at all? Damn.


Suddenly, the girl tensed up and decided to fall off of her chair. For no reason whatsoever. 


What in the world...


I surprised myself when I got up and kneeled down to help her back into her seat. Since when had I been so caring of others?


She was gaping at me, unmoving. I guessed that it was because she finally noticed my unbelievably good looks. But then the girl seemed to develop a sudden fear of me, because she kept trying to hide behind her flimsly little paper.


I thought it was hilarious, the way she kept on sneaking glances at me whenever she thought I wasn't looking. 


When I caught her eye, she got all panicky and told me to stop looking at her. This girl even had the nerve to call me a jerk even after I helped her get up from the floor.


 I got pretty irritated. 


Wasn't she the one who was looking at me in the first place? And also, I helped her up when she fell! I had been expecting a warm thank you, or at least a few words of gratitude. Not a high- pitched "don't look at me!!" 


The girl must have felt a little remorseful, like she should. When she thanked me in that Darth Vader-like voice, I couldn't help pointing out that she sounded like a guy. My comment made her throw her paper shield to the side, finally revealing herself.


I wonder why she was hiding, I thought. Her face looks fine to me. She looks so familiar, though....


I pushed that thought aside when she began glaring at me with those brown eyes. She finally started to talk back in her regular voice, which sounded like I've heard it somewhere before. I shrugged it off though.


I found out that I shouldn't have helped her up in the first place, because before I knew it, I was being swatted down onto the classroom floor. That girl seemed really happy about it, giggling to herself every now and then.


Fuming, I returned to my desk. She seemed crazy, but she strongly reminded me of somebody, although it still wasn't clear who. 


Then a possibly dawned on me, causing my eyes to widen in recognition.


I turned to the girl, studying the bewildered face in front of me. 


She didn't look like the Park Bom that I knew from high school...but....Damn, I couldn't explain it.


If she really was Bom, I wanted to tell her that everything that I'd ever done to her was all a big mistake. All I had ever wanted was to get her attention and taunting her had seemed to be the only way to get her to notice me.


Then after my confession, she would start crying tears of joy and start to fall for me, etc etc. And we would both live happily ever after and all that jazz.


...Well, after she dumps that  Lee Minho b*stard, of course. 


When the girl told me that her name was Kim Yumi, my heart sank.


I had been so sure that it was her. Everything about that girl, the way she acted, the way she talked, and even the way she squeaked, just screamed Park Bom.


I guessed I was fooling myself and jumped to conclusions too quickly. I mean, Bom hated my guts. She probably wouldn't want to talk to me even if her life depended on it.










Park Bom's POV:




Thank god, it's finally over!!


I thought that this class would never end. Having your mortal enemy in front of you for the entire class period makes an hour seem like an entire year.


I zipped up my backpack and sped off to the door.


"Hey, wait! You dropped something!" I heard Choi Seunghyun call out but I ignored it. Noooo way I'm going back there. I wouldn't have turned back even if I'd dropped my cell phone or something. I just wanted to get the hell outta there.


I reached my locker, feeling refreshed from being out of that suffocating classroom. I couldn't believe that I had survived my encounter with Choi Seunghyun; better yet, he didn't even find out my name!


I'm just too clever for him! I thought to myself with a smirk. 


Now all I needed to do was to keep this act going on for the rest of the school year...somehow. It didn't sound too hard but I had to make sure not to let my guard down. 


I made a mental note to go to the math teacher and figure out some way to make him call me Kim Yumi from now on. 


Should I use flattery? Bribery? I was lost in my thought and busy fumbling with the lock when I heard footsteps approaching right behind me.


Oh no!!!


I whipped around and found myself face-to-face with our school's vice principal. She didn't look that happy, since her eyes were narrowed into tiny slits. She was staring pointedly at my school uniform.


"Where's your name tag?" She snapped. "You do know that wearing a name tag in campus is mandatory and part of the dress code? You're breaking school rules!"


What was she talking about? I pinned my name tag on my uniform first thing in the morning!


I looked at the top of my black vest. and suddenly remembered that I had put it in my pocket earlier during math. 


"I'm really sorry about that, you see, it's right here in my pocke-..." I trailed off as I felt around in my empty pockets. Appalled, I turned them inside out.


Nope. Nothing in there except for a couple of lint balls.


My yellow name tag was gone?! How?! I remembered having it during class...


Then I thought of Choi Seunghyun's last words to me before I headed out of the classroom.



"Hey, wait! You dropped something!"




My jaw dropped open as I felt my stomach plummeting to the ground. My knees almost buckled to the floor in shock.




It wouldn't take a detective to figure out what I had dropped.













Author's Note:


im really sorry for the late update! >o<

i was busy with schoolwork this week X_X..

oh also, i am sorry to those who are annoyed at me for keeping the truth from our Seunghyun-sshi here...kekeke~

*bows in apology*












































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haneul024 #1
Chapter 9: Authornimmmmmmm~~ an updated pleaseee~~~••
New subscriber here! Hope to see the next button soon since i love your fic ^^
Chapter 9: I search for the next botton and find it no whereeee~ update soonly soon!!!!!~ *new reader here nice too meet you :)* XOXO
MaiaAlcippe #4
Chapter 9: Wow! What's going to happen next? Will Jaehyuk come back into the story? I'm quite excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: finally updated! goshh please update sooonn too okay!^~^ like this chappie OwO
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 9: OH SNAP!!! QUICK SEUNGHYUN SEDUCE HER LIKE IN THOSE KDRAMAS~~~ except bom don't be stupid and fall for it so fast..gotta make the bingu work for it!!!! UPDATE SOON THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!
fauxreality #7
Chapter 9: Oh em i love this!!! So interested on what seunghyun's gonna do to make it up to bom <3
auroramikaela #8
Chapter 9: Her plan doesn't works.... kkkkkkkkk
fauxreality #9
This is perfect omg!!! Bom + top + lee min ho <3
Chapter 9: hahhahaha. there you go bom, your first year might be great with seunghyun around.
thank youuuuuu for the update authornim! take care of yourself! xx