Chapter 1

My Inner Beauty (HIATUS-will be back in 4 months)

Park Bom's POV:




"Good morning, sunshine!!!" 




I tumbled down onto the floor with a loud thud as my mother bounded around my room, metal pot and spoon in hand. She smiled brightly while looking down at my rather large figure sitting up from the hard ground. 


I groaned as I gingerly touched my left cheek, where a medium sized bruise was already developing.


What a great way to start off my last day of high school, I thought silently.


"Don't you have any other ways to wake me up in the morning?" I whined, still squinty eyed from the bright sunlight that flooded the room. 


Mom laughed lightly and ruffled my bushy mouse-brown hair. 


"Sorry Bommie-ah, this has been the most effective method so far...unless you want me to set off a time bomb in your room," she said, eyebrows wiggling at me. "No offense, but you sleep like a bear, honey."


She wasn't exaggerating either. I could sleep soundly with a horse galloping around my room. What the heck, make that a herd of horses.


My friend Minho didn't call me "The Hibernator" for nothing. I become ballistic if anybody ever disturbs me during my time in dreamland. 


I love sleeping. My dreams usually consist of sweet delicacies and food fit for kings. However, all dreams must come to an end at some point. I find myself waking up in a pool of drool, left to face the cold harsh reality called school.


I know, I'm pathetic. No need to tell me that.


Ever since Dad left us a couple years back, I turned to food as a source of comfort. My mom always does her best to take care of me, but I felt my happiest whenever I was eating. 1 serving of rice gradually turned into 3 servings; a scoop of ice cream turned into a gallon of ice cream. 


It's no hidden fact that I'm fat.






Mom always tries to stop me from eating so much, but I can't help it. When it comes to food, I'm unstoppable.








I walked down the school hallway, plowing down many people in the process.


"He, watch where you're going!!"


"Move over, fat-."


*"Look at what you did to my hair!!! I got it done just this morning, you monster!"


"Sorry, sorry, sorry" I mumbled, looking down at the ground at all times. I was quite used to that treatment so it didn't affect me at all. I guess you could say that I was immune to simple insults like those.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. I wanted to believe in that saying.


I reached my locker and pulled out all of its contents. I didn't want to leave any of my things behind for the school janitor to find and throw out after today. 


I slammed it shut, only to find someone standing three inches right in front of me. I gasped and dropped my textbooks in surprise.




Minho howled in pain as his hands shot to his left foot, which had unfortunately been the target of my heavy textbooks. I laughed mockingly as he hopped towards me on one foot, grimacing all the while.


"You think this is funny?" He complained as he nursed his injured foot.


 "Serves you right for scaring me like that, Lee Minho!"  I shot back, making him raise his eyebrows.


"I surprised you, right? Mission accomplished!" He said triumphantly, pumping his fists in the air.


I shook my head at his childish antics.

I didn't even know why Minho chose to befriend me, out of all people.

He was beyond good looking, while I was.....well, you know what I mean. He had a killer smile and a body that any girl would die for. 


I'm not deaf. I could hear people gossiping amongst themselves over why we were even best friends. The most ridiculous rumor that I've ever heard was that my mom was paying him to pretend to be my friend on campus so that I wouldn't feel lonely. How embarassing..!


I was thankful that he was my friend though, whatever the reason. Whenever I was troubled or feeling stressed out, he would make all of my worries disappear into thin air. Without Minho, I probably wouldn't have made it this far into the school year.


As the school bell rang, dismissing all the students, me and Minho started walking to the school's front gate.


"Another year of high school, gone," Minho said sadly, pretending to wipe away fake tears with his black jacket sleeves. The girls passing by squealed over his action and how "cute" and "adorable" it was. I groaned while Minho acted oblivious to their reactions.


"I know, I can't believe it either. What's even more unbelievable is that I won't be able to see you for two whole years," I said with a sad smile.


It would be a lonely without having my best friend by my side. He had some business to attend to overseas. I wanted to make it seem like it wasn't such a big deal so I playfully punched his shoulder.

"I guess that means I won't be stealing parts of your lunch anymore." I teased.


"You should thank me for allowing you to steal my corn and chicken whenever I bring them." Minho said. "You're lucky that I enjoy helping the needy, Bommie."


I smacked the top of his head with the back of my hand.




Lee Minho's POV:


We neared the front of the school, with me doing my best to hide the fact that I didn't feel nearly as good as I looked.


I was going to study abroad to improve my acting skills, since my dream has always been to become a famous actor and to be known from all around the world. Sure, I would be coming back in the middle of college, but it would feel like a century without Park Bom next to me.


I swallowed as I saw my black BMW drive from the street curb and into the parking lot. Bom stopped talking mid-sentence as soon as she saw my car. She stared blankly at it and then at me, with her eyes starting to brim with tears. 


"Bom..I'm really gonna miss you." I said quietly, staring at her as a tear started to trickle down her cheek.

Damn it, she's crying...!! I'm such a bad person for leaving her!! I should be rotting in the pits of hell for making her cry!!!


"Come here, you."


I raised both of my arms and then Bom launched herself into my arms, embracing me tightly. I felt like she was suffocating me from all that pressure, but I hugged her just at tight. After three years of being her best friend, I couldn't just walk away from her without a goodbye hug.


Mr. Park honked at me to get moving. I scowled at my impatient butler as Bom pulled away from me.


"I guess this is good-bye for real now, huh." She sniffed and smiled up at me. She started to wipe her tears with her sleeves but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist.


"That's dirty, you geek." I bent down, pulled out a tissue out from my backpack and softly dabbed at her cheeks that were beginning to turn red because of the cold.


"It's not good-bye forever, Hibernator." I said and winked at her. "You'll have to start putting up with me again after 730 days, so be anticipating it."


"You're counting the days already?" She laughed as I got up from my knees. A series of honks filled the parking lot, undoubtedly from a very angry Mr. Park.


"You better get going now, or Mr. Park's going to come out and yell at us." She said, eyeing the car nervously.


I knew what she was thinking about; We both felt the wrath of old Mr. Park many times, and it wasn't pleasant. He was as gentle as a lamb, but push his buttons and he will unleash the hidden devil inside of him, like Bom does whenever I steal any food from her.


I ran my hand through my hair and looked at Bom one last time. Damn it...I'm really going to miss this girl.


I gave her a quick hug and a last pat on the head before sprinting into my car. I opened the car window and waved like a madman, making Mr.Park scrunch his forehead while Bom just chuckled. I was glad I could make her smile at least one more time.


My happiness dimmed as I saw Choi Seunghyun and his gang staring weirdly at Bom and sneering at her from a distance.


Damn! The bastards have come to strike again!


It always saddened me whenever I saw people judging Bom without even getting to know her properly. She wasn't a girl with a petite frame or a doll-like face, athough I found her to be quite cute. Her clumsy appearance yet kind heart attracted me to her, but not all people look into those inner features. 


There was something special about her that I couldn't quite figure out. And to put it simply, I was worried about what would happen to her once I left the country.


I exhaled deeply as we drove away from the school, leaving Bom alone to fend for herself. 



Why couldn't others see how beautiful she was on the inside?





Park Bom's POV:


"I'm gonna miss you, Lee Minho! You better come back soon!!!!" I yelled loudly with my hands cupped around my mouth as the car faded away into the distance.


I inhaled deeply and rubbed at my freezing fingers, which were stiff from the cold.


"It's just two puny years, Bommie. It's not even that long. You can wait, right?" I told myself as I turned to walk back home.




I stiffened.


Crunch crunch crunch.


I could have sworn that I heard some leaves rustling behind me; I thought I was alone in this parking lot?


Oh god, this had better not be like one of those movie scenes where the main character is kidnapped in the dark and stuffed into a body bag by some psycho killer.


"Hey Park. Why are you talking to yourself?" A deep husky voice said mockingly into my ear.


My nostrils flared as I recognized who that voice belonged to. I quickly whipped around and let out a small squeak when I found that the person was less than four inches from my face. 




Choi Seunghyun!!!!





















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haneul024 #1
Chapter 9: Authornimmmmmmm~~ an updated pleaseee~~~••
New subscriber here! Hope to see the next button soon since i love your fic ^^
Chapter 9: I search for the next botton and find it no whereeee~ update soonly soon!!!!!~ *new reader here nice too meet you :)* XOXO
MaiaAlcippe #4
Chapter 9: Wow! What's going to happen next? Will Jaehyuk come back into the story? I'm quite excited for the next update!
Chapter 9: finally updated! goshh please update sooonn too okay!^~^ like this chappie OwO
JagiyaBunny #6
Chapter 9: OH SNAP!!! QUICK SEUNGHYUN SEDUCE HER LIKE IN THOSE KDRAMAS~~~ except bom don't be stupid and fall for it so fast..gotta make the bingu work for it!!!! UPDATE SOON THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!
fauxreality #7
Chapter 9: Oh em i love this!!! So interested on what seunghyun's gonna do to make it up to bom <3
auroramikaela #8
Chapter 9: Her plan doesn't works.... kkkkkkkkk
fauxreality #9
This is perfect omg!!! Bom + top + lee min ho <3
Chapter 9: hahhahaha. there you go bom, your first year might be great with seunghyun around.
thank youuuuuu for the update authornim! take care of yourself! xx