Happy Thanksgiving !

The Mafia

My uncle let me use his computer mwahahahaha (:


3rd POV


The girl was confused. She didn't know how or when she got here. All she could remember was dying slowly and painfully in the Han River. She was scared out of her wits. The room reminded her of a hospital, everything was white and sterile and the smell of bleach was giving her a headache. There was a needle stuck in her arm and she could feel a dull throbbing pain near her stomach

"Hello" she called out. The only response she got back were the echoes of her voice. She was just so tired, tired of the fighting, tired of all the lies, tired of running for her life. She decided if she ever got out of here she was going to finish college, find a nice guy, and live a life away from him. The thought of it broke her heart, but it was a heartbreak she would have to deal with.

Slowly the door opened, though it groaned in the process. The light of the outside blinded the girl for a second, and as her eyes adjusted. 

"I'm so glad you up dear! I thought you weren't going to make it for a second." Gleamed a ahjumma. She had nice curly white hair, wrinkly skin, smile lines, and a grandma feel to her. Her smile was warm and the girl felt at home for once. She hadn't realized how tense she was until the ahjumma walked in. As a response she relaxed her shoulder and tried her best to give a genuine smile. 

"Thank you ahjumma." Tear started to leak from her eyes and she realized how close she had been to dying. She didn't want to die, she still had a whole life in front of her. She wanted to get married, have little babies of her own and give them the life she had never experienced before. She wanted to be a happy ahjumma watching her grand children grow up to be fine members of society. She had so much to live for and that being with him only made the dreams shatter and be nothing but wishes. She tried to sit up in the bed and the ahjumma rushed over.

"Hun you shouldn't be trying to move around. Your body took a lot of damage. And we wouldn't want to go reopening those wounds now, would we?" The ahjumma's touch was so comforting that she felt at home.

"How did you find me?" The old lady brought over a chair and the girl noticed for the first time the bowl of soup she had with her.

"Lay back down, and have some of this soup and I'll tell you." The girl nodded and waited for the grandma to start. "Well it was about two weeks ago. My husband and I had been going out on a date at the river." the grandma had blushed like a little school girl. "We were out of those little swan boats enjoying the sunset when our boat suddenly hit your body. You were in a awful state. Your body was frozen, and you were so pale. We dragged you on our boat and called the ambulance. They said that you had lost so much blood, that it was a miracle your heart was even beating, though just barely. You had bullet wounds and a couple of fractured ribs. The doctors had you in the ICU in a very very critical situation. But you proved them wrong and now here we are." She smiled down at me with such happiness that my heart broke. The girls reached up to the old lady and gave her such a big hug.

"Thank you so much ahjumma. So much." The girl broke down as the ahjumma comforted her.

"Let me go tell the doctors your awake and I'll get you some chocolate." For the first time in a long, long time the girl finally had a family.


Just a short boring chapter, but it's necessary. The next couple will be a little better and she finally confront Kris. Ohh Should she get back together with him or walk away? I haven't decided. Tell me what you guys think oh and Happy Thanksgiving (: I'm thankful for all of you who read this it means alot to me.

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I'm not allowed to eat chocolate. Im so sad :(


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jesse_panda #1
Chapter 29: Urgh stupid ahjumma I thought she was a good person! Kinda expected myungsoo to turn at one point but I didn't expect it this way. *sigh* hope you could update soon! I really like this story'!
Chapter 28: Just started reading ur story, its kind of confusing how u wrote it in the beginning cuz i didnt know who's POV it was. But omg that old lady is a serious B*tch!
Chapter 28: ok seriously... this story is so damn confusing...
Yerlie1001 #4
Chapter 28: Sheesh, that old hag was a bi-tch!!!>.< I hate Jessica and Henry as well! I'm just glad that she's all ok now and you've gotta love Kris and his "celebration "...;)

Update again plz~
Chapter 25: authornim! authornim! authotnim!!!!!! what show where the vid pic of sungjong, L & sunggyu(?) ? :3
Yerlie1001 #6
Chapter 24: Thank god Kris always has back up and plans ahead of time!^^ And I swear, you need to stop with all the exo pics... They're killing me here with the tease, LOL!:D No seriously though, don't get rid of them...;)
Chapter 23: Author nim I'm soo sorry about your friend! My friends cousin committed suicide a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel :( well at least you got an a+ ^_^
niel_gd23 #8
Chapter 23: Perfect for what? I don't like where I think this is going.