Infinite and Exo

The Mafia



             “Look lady, I’m sorry! I was just a naive kid back then! I didn’t know what I was doing! I swear.” The man begged for his life.

              “Sorry doesn’t bring my parents back.”

             “Please, I have a wife and kids, who need their father! If you spare me I’ll give you the name of the people I use to work for.”

             “It’s a little late to make up for your past, and boy is it pissed.” The gun went off as I watched the man’s life leave his eyes. He deserved it, he definitely did. L grabbed my arm and tugged me away.

            “Come on Amy; let’s go before the cops come.” I knew what I did was wrong, but it felt so right. The road to revenging my parent’s finally had started and I wasn’t going to stop until the last man was dead by my hands. A small weight had been lifted off my shoulders and there was only more to come.

            “Noona! You sure you’re okay? You look a little shaken up. I’ll buy you some ice cream!” I couldn’t help, but laugh at Sungjong antics.

            “I promise I’m okay! I want chocolate!” I smiled at the kid, but L gave me a pointed look letting me know he saw through my lies. Seconds’ later Sungkyu phone went off and the person on the other side sounded distraught.

            “They did what? Okay, we’ll head back.” Sungkyu was pissed to say the least. “ing Block B” He whispered. I could already see the pissed off look on Tablo’s face. Someone was in for it.

            “Old man what happened?”

            “Block B decided to team up with Exo and they went after Soryong and Daeryong. Dongwoo just informed they’re in the hospital.” I gulped; here I was starting crap between people again. I had my suspicion that L was the reason that Chen stopped following us yesterday. It’s pretty hard to land a hit on L, I learned my lesson the first time I met them.

            “L, what really happened yesterday?”

            “Well we better get going, Sungjong you and Amy have to go back to school. Sungkyu and I will take care of this mess. And remember what we talked about.” He directed the last part to Sungjong who only nodded.

            “Come on noona! I’ll buy you ice cream after class. I’ll even let you have two scoops.


            On Wednesday Sungjong and I had a late class that didn’t get out till 9:30. I only spent Sunday’s at the old couple house and the rest with Infinite. Sungjong and I were laughing about our teacher’s misplaced toupee when it happened. We were too distracted and didn’t notice in time that we had walked into Exo territory. I cursed myself for being such a pabo. Sungjong had pulled me close and stepped in front of me. I hid behind my hair and peeked at the four men in standing before me. I gulped, hating how bad my luck was. The tension was thick and all the testosterone was suffocating. Luhan, Sehun, Suho, and Baekhyun were standing infront of us.

            “Hyung look! That girl is super pretty she’ll make a good candidate for next week’s auction." Chills ran down my spine at Sehuns words. Being on good terms with them was scary enough, but being there enemy was terrifying. The way Luhan was my body with his eyes, and the intense smirk had me ready to crawl in a hole. Lucky for us these for were weak when it came to physical combat and they looked weaponless.

            “Oppa” I whispered “they’re not very good at fighting. They get tired quick. I think we can take them.” He shook his head

            “It’s too dangerous Amy, when I tell you to run, you run.” My eyes widened and I smacked his back and he winced.

            “Pabo! They may be weaker, but you’ll never survive 4 to 1. Just follow my lead.”  I was sure Tao had told the others about his suspicion of me. I stepped out behind from Sungjong and gave my scariest glare towards Luhan. It was enough; the four boys froze and gawked at me. I took the opportunity to attack; I nudged Sungjong to follow my lead.

            Each of them had a weak spot that I was glad to expose. I let the hate out and attacked. Suho had a weak ankle from falling out of a tree as a kid, and it never healed properly. I punched him in the face and swept at his ankle, knocking his to the ground. Luhans left side was a giant weakness. He always had trouble block punches from that side. I assaulted him with a hook to the left side of his face and kicked his chest. I grabbed Luhan by his left arm, threw him over my shoulder into unsuspecting Sehun who was busy trying to punch Sungjong. Baekhyun was a little useless without a weapon and the street was empty. I took the chance to grab Sungjong and booked it out of there leaving the boys dazed. /I deemed myself lucky enough to not have run into the *Zhandou six or any of them. We would have been screwed. We ran all the way back to the college until we were far enough away.

            “Amy you have some explaining to do.”



            Luhan was pissed. He watched the money run away with that guy, as he layed on the ground. He was ready for the girl to look like Yunhee. None of them were, Tao’s words floated threw his head

            “Yunhee’s not dead.” Could that of been Yunhee? The other boys looked like they were thinking the same thing.

            “Hyung could you get off of me, your kinda fat.” He hadn’t noticed until now that his fall was padded.

            “Mianhae” He got up off of Sehun and helped him up. It was laughable that they got beat up by a girl, but man did she have a punch. Blood pooled in his mouth, as he spit at the street. Suho’s ankle was looking pretty bad, it was purple, swollen, and it look out of place.

            “Can you walk?” He shook his head, and Baekhyun had come back.

            “Tao and Chen are on their way, so let’s just stay put.” Baekhyun plopped down next to Suho and smiled.

            “Yah! Hyung what are you smiling about!”

            “I didn’t get beat up! That’s undeniably Yunhee!” Now that the boys thought about it, it was to uncanny not to be her. The way she fought, the way she knew what there weaknesses were, and the way she didn’t hurt Baekhyun. Yunhee had always had a soft spot for the eyeliner loving boy, it always made Kris jealous and he would try to steal Yunhee’s attention away from Bacon.


      Everyone was laying on the floor sweating. Yunhee’s had just fought every member except for Baekhyun, who was standing alone, beaming over everyone.

            “Yunhee noona! Why didn’t you hurt Baekhyun! That’s not fair” Sehun was pouting. He rubbed the spot on his face that Yunhee had punched him. I was swelling up and purple.

            “How am I supposed to convince the noona’s to give me stuff looking like this?” Sehun rolled over Kai towards Luhan and pouted at him.

            “Hyung my face hurts!” Sehun threw his arms around Luhan and started to pretend cry. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at his cuteness.

            “That’s cause Yunhee loves me the most! She even call me oppa!” HE stuck his tongue out at everyone. This caused Kris to frown, Yunhee had never called him oppa before. Heck all she called him was stupid, Mr. Hard , and boss lady. Jealousy surged through his body as Yunhee fondled over Baekhyu’s hair and fixed his clothes. He couldn’t help, but wish that Yunhee’s was doing that to him. He had denied it at first, but now he couldn’t. Kris the big mafia boss had falled in love with Suho’s little sister. The boys made fun of him telling him he’d gone soft, but when it came to Yunhee he didn’t care.

            Suho had promised him that Yunhee felt the same way. Claiming he knew his sister well. At time he surely believed him. She’d do things like message his back, make breakfast for him and him only, heck she even did his laundry one time. The there’d be those rare moments when the two weren’t fighting and have conversations that made his heart soar. Then there were times like this when Baekhyun and Yunhee were shamelessly flirting. Suho put his hand on Kris’s shoulder.

            “You know if you don’t tell he rhow you feel soon, she might start having real feelings for Baekhyun and is that happens you and both know that you’ll never try and take her away from him. Your care to much about him.” Suho was right. Baekhyun had gone through a rough time, worse than any of the other members. We’ve never seen his so happy and open as he was with Yunhee he was a whole new person.

            “Oppa! Stop tickling me! Baekhyun please!” Yunhee has said something to affend Bcon and he was on top of Yunhee tickling until she gave in. The sight made the green dragon rise in Kris’s chest.

            “You might want to talk to Baekhyun and tell him you intentions towards my sister. If not, you’ll both be miserable and my sister would be stuck between the two of you and that would kill her.” Kris nodded his head and walked out of the practice room. He didn’t know how, but he was going to make Yunhee his and have her screaming his name instead.



             The boys had smiles plastered on their face at the memory. Those were the normal family moments they missed. With Yunhee gone everything was cold and lonely. Words didn’t have to be said to know that Yunhee had impacted their lives and it could never go back to normal. Tao and Chen walked up to the, giving a questioning look.

            “No doubt about it, this is Yunhees work. I guess I should of believed you Tao. Im just happy she's alive. I've lost her twice and I'm not going to lose her again”. Suho's words inspired the boys and they all, now had a determiation in their eyes. Yunhee was theres and they'd get back what belonged to them. What belonged to Kris. 


I hope you liked this chapter. Im sorry there wasn't much Kris, but alas in the future he shall. Kris will be the last person to have his own encounter with Yunhee and i want to make it special. So who do you think should be Kris love rival? Please take the poll (: SO i woke up this morning to find the bridge by or house taken out by rain. I had to leave and head over to my godparents and now here i am writing. I wish Exo would have their comback already. Its been to long and i miss them! Have a great day (:







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I'm not allowed to eat chocolate. Im so sad :(


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jesse_panda #1
Chapter 29: Urgh stupid ahjumma I thought she was a good person! Kinda expected myungsoo to turn at one point but I didn't expect it this way. *sigh* hope you could update soon! I really like this story'!
Chapter 28: Just started reading ur story, its kind of confusing how u wrote it in the beginning cuz i didnt know who's POV it was. But omg that old lady is a serious B*tch!
Chapter 28: ok seriously... this story is so damn confusing...
Yerlie1001 #4
Chapter 28: Sheesh, that old hag was a bi-tch!!!>.< I hate Jessica and Henry as well! I'm just glad that she's all ok now and you've gotta love Kris and his "celebration "...;)

Update again plz~
Chapter 25: authornim! authornim! authotnim!!!!!! what show where the vid pic of sungjong, L & sunggyu(?) ? :3
Yerlie1001 #6
Chapter 24: Thank god Kris always has back up and plans ahead of time!^^ And I swear, you need to stop with all the exo pics... They're killing me here with the tease, LOL!:D No seriously though, don't get rid of them...;)
Chapter 23: Author nim I'm soo sorry about your friend! My friends cousin committed suicide a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel :( well at least you got an a+ ^_^
niel_gd23 #8
Chapter 23: Perfect for what? I don't like where I think this is going.