Chapter 4

The Mafia


To say Byunghee was pissed would be an understatement. Never again would he accept drinks from an ugly looking female bartender. Probably was desperate and . His eyes bulged open as he took in his surroundings. Bare grey walls, lumpy old matress, blood-stained wooden chair, and no YunHee. He cursed at himself for being so stupid and reckless. His boss was sure to have his head no. Just like magic his phone rang. Sweet formed on his forehead and a lump formed in his throat. He didn't know if he was going to make it through the day. Chances were he'd end up six feet under. 


"I asked you to do one simple thing. Please enlighten me to what that was Byunghee." Byunghee wished his boss would yell at him, tell him how idiotic and pea brained he was. The cold, calm, emotionless voice had him trembling in fear.

"Ke-keep the Kim girl locked u-up until you g-got b-back...s-sir." Byunghee was stuttering.

"And what did you do?"

"Let her e-escape sir."

"Yes, you see Byunghee that's a problem. That girl was going to bring me in lots of money. But she's gone now."

"I'm sorry sir. I will fetch her right away!"

"No need Byunghee. Any last request?" Byunghee was happy to know his boss was letting this slide, a smile grew on his face.

"No sir."

"Good-bye Byunghee." The line went dead and an ominous silence took over. Byunghee realized it to late that the goodbye had a double meaning.


I let out a hearty chuckle. That pig man sure was stupid. The laugh caused my side to sear in pain. I had left the room i'd been prisoner in only to be confronted by Byunghee's lackey. He was a lot more menacing when it was just the two of us face to face. 

"Annyeonhasaeyo ajeossi! Nice weather were having." I chirped. He didn't look amused and keep his face blank. This guys no fun i thought. I stuck my tongue out at him, cocked and pointed my gun at his head.

"Don't move and I won't have to kill you." I said in a menacing tone. Well i hope it was menacing, it probably sounded more like a squeak. I was scared out of my wits. The fear of not knowing if I was every going to be free. If i was ever going to see my brother again. If i ever was going to see him again. All the if's wandered through my head each one scaring me more than the last. Each one gave me a reason to fight and i'd be damned if i wasn't getting out of this hell hole. The man silently approached me, his facial expression never changing. I had never actually killed a person before and i didn't know if i could start now. I fired the first bullet. It hit him in the chest, but not closed enough to any major organs. Still he kept coming for me. Again i shot, but still missed. He was at blank point now. He grabbed the gun from my hand and threw it aside. I was stunned. The man had to bullets in his chest, bleeding profusely, yet he was still moving. Maybe this man was a monster. 

"Little girls like you shouldn't play with guns the could get hurt." He pinned me against the wall, leaving my feet dangling. I clawed at him gasping for breath. He pulled a gun out from his back and my eyes grew. He dropped me to the ground as i regained back my breath. I closed my eyes waiting to die. Bang. Bang. I opened my eyes to see the man on the ground with a bullet in his head. It was them i realized there he only had one bullet hole. I looked down at my leg to see blood pouring out. I was panicking now. I looked around frantically looking for the person who shot the man in front of me. No one. I tried to stand up, only to have my feet collapse under my weight. I cried out in agony as tears streamed my face. 

"What a wimp." I looked up to see a tall red-haired female in front of me. Her eyes were narrowed at me, totally judging. Again i tried to stand to prove myself. I got up, but had to heavily use the support of the wall. I let out a dry chuckle.

"That's right i'm a wimp." The woman stayed unamused. She grabbed my arm and slung it around her shoulder and dragged me down the hall. We came to a open window with a ledge that hung over the river. I was about to thank the girl when i was pushed up against the railing.

"I am not your friend. In fact i hate you." The girl sneered and pushed me over the edge. As i fell i saw her face light up in amusement. I hit the water with great force, it felt like i had fallen off a building. I was paralyzed by the cold of the water and the shock of the events. My lungs were burning for air and my eyes stung from the dirty water. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness as the numbness took over my body. The thought of never seeing him again passed my brain and one thought went through my mine

I'm so sorry Kris. I love you.

Meanwhile across the river a man was watching all the events unfold. He was furious beyond understanding. Years of preparation was wasted as he watched YunHee's body fall into the river. The red head had ruined all his plans once again. He couldn't help but seethe with hate and desperation. He wasn't going to let it end like this. He didn't need another person on his list. He brought out his sniper rifle and shot the woman in the heart and watched her drop to the ground. Now he was paranoid. How could he face his father after a disgrace like this. He was to slow this time, but next time he would make his father proud. He swore on his mothers grave that Kris WuFan would pay. 

As he walked away and looked back one more time, he couldn't help, but smile in satisfaction when he saw Exo enter the building and the devastation on their face when the realized they were to late. Kim YunHee was dead. 


Sorry it took so long to update I had writers block. But this idea came to me and thus this chapter was born! I hoped you enjoyed please comment a subscribe and until next time Keep Calm and Roll like an Alpaca!! (: Gif from

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I'm not allowed to eat chocolate. Im so sad :(


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jesse_panda #1
Chapter 29: Urgh stupid ahjumma I thought she was a good person! Kinda expected myungsoo to turn at one point but I didn't expect it this way. *sigh* hope you could update soon! I really like this story'!
Chapter 28: Just started reading ur story, its kind of confusing how u wrote it in the beginning cuz i didnt know who's POV it was. But omg that old lady is a serious B*tch!
Chapter 28: ok seriously... this story is so damn confusing...
Yerlie1001 #4
Chapter 28: Sheesh, that old hag was a bi-tch!!!>.< I hate Jessica and Henry as well! I'm just glad that she's all ok now and you've gotta love Kris and his "celebration "...;)

Update again plz~
Chapter 25: authornim! authornim! authotnim!!!!!! what show where the vid pic of sungjong, L & sunggyu(?) ? :3
Yerlie1001 #6
Chapter 24: Thank god Kris always has back up and plans ahead of time!^^ And I swear, you need to stop with all the exo pics... They're killing me here with the tease, LOL!:D No seriously though, don't get rid of them...;)
Chapter 23: Author nim I'm soo sorry about your friend! My friends cousin committed suicide a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel :( well at least you got an a+ ^_^
niel_gd23 #8
Chapter 23: Perfect for what? I don't like where I think this is going.