The Reign of Heesica

The Mafia

Perfect? I stared at Jessica like she was from another planet. Jessica saw my face and laughed.

“Why do you look so frightened? I don’t bite.” I looked at everyone skeptically. Ahjumma set the food on the table and ushered everyone over

“Sit, sit, and then I’ll explain.” It was a simple traditional meal.

“This is Jessica and Heechul. They live down the street. Jessica is the only daughter out of sixteen kids.” I opened my eyes wide.

“16 kids?” Everyone laughed at my reactions.

“Ahjumma your right. She is funny!” This time Heechul spoke up.

“Only Jessica are actually blood related. The rest are adopted. We’re twins and the youngest.” I could only nodded. Something about this felt of. There was the aurora. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint it, but I felt a foreboding. After silence the ahjumma continued.

“Well Jessica is the only female and doesn’t have many female friends. I thought maybe you two would hit it off.” Ahjumma just looked so happy I didn’t want to deny her. I nodded.

“Then it’s settle. Yunhee and I will go shopping!” Jessica dragged me out of my seat and out the door.

It had been an hour since Jessica and I left. We were at the mall shopping around. To my surprised Jessica hadn’t gone into a single store with over the top girly clothes like I thought. We hadn’t entered a single store with anything pink and I was actually enjoying myself. It felt nice to have a female friend. I could talk about my boy problems and she didn’t pry. I told her about the whole Myungsoo and Kris incident (omitting their names). She was so understanding and cool. Best unnie ever.

As weeks went by I started spending more time with Jessica and Heechul and less time with Infinite and Exo. Every time Kris or one of the other boys would text or call to hang out, I’d make up some excuse to hang out with Heesica. They were so normal and so anti climatic. It made me even want to forget revenge. I did normal things. I started up school again, went to class and learned. Heesica even introduced me to their youngest brother; Henry. He was so sweet and charming. He spoke English, Korean, and Chinese. We hit it off really well. Thought Kris and I never actually broke, up, when never got back together.

Kris on the other hand was frustrated. Yunhee barely answered his text or calls. She was always too busy being “normal”. She wouldn’t answer anyone’s calls or texts. Their conversation was always the same.


“Jagiya let’s go on a date.”

“Sorry Kris I’m busy.”

“Jagiya! Jebal?”

“Sorry Kris I got to go.” They never talked for more than two minutes. Kris was sick of it. He decided to make the Yunhee problem Exo’s newest goal.

“Sehun I want you to check out the old couple Yunhee’s staying with. Chen and Tao I want you to follow Yunhee, see what she’s doing. Xiumin call Infinite. Something’s going to go down and I don’t like it.”


Jessica and I were having a girl’s day. We were sitting in a spa having attractive, shirtless men messaging their backs.

“I can’t believe I haven’t done this before. I should make my boyfriend do this with me.” My words came out in moans and I was floating on a cloud.

“It’s nice to finally have a female friend. None of my brother would do this for me. You’re lucky your boyfriend would do things like this with you!”

I stifled a laugh “I don’t think he would do it willingly. He’d probably come here and see all these guys and drag me out.” We giggled together.

“Oh yes. Right there. That feels so good.” (And other noises I don’t know how to physically type out talk about awkward). The masseuse had hands of gold.  The door burst open and a pissed off Kris stormed in.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He seethed. I looked at him like he was crazy.

“Getting a message.” A gave him the duh look.

“Not anymore.” Kris grabbed my arm. I was only in towel, one that didn’t fit very well.

“Ummm Kris I uhh.”

“WHAT!” He roared.

“I’m only in a towel.” He stopped and actually looked at me, his face turning pink.

“Aww is the big bad Kris blushing? Jagiya! You’re so cute!” Kris gave me the nitch face and ushered me into the changing room.

“Kris you can wait outside.” I wasn’t one to be bashful, but I was still self-conscious. I would always be. No matter how many times Kris told me I was beautiful or perfect, I couldn’t believe him fully. In a society where Kpop idols and models ruled it was hard to feel like you could compare. Sometimes I could barely compare with Luhan and Baekhyun. They were just to pretty for their own good.

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it all before.” He winked at me. I was definitely being a blushing bride. “And I’d love to see it again.” Kris approached me and pushed me up against the lockers.

“I like you with clothes on, but I like you better with them off.” Kris ran his hand up my thigh, stopping at my underwear.

“Lace. Just how I like it.” Kris started attacking my neck, leaving marks and not stopping till he was satisfied. He moved down lower to my collarbones, nipping and . I left out a small moan.

“Kr-Kris stop. Let’s go home.” Kris acknowledged my pleas and threw me my clothes.

“We are not done here. I want you and on our bed. I’ll go get the car.” My face heated up and my heart pounded away. I had missed the rush, I felt when I was with Kris. I really needed to learn how to manage my time better. I dressed and headed out the door.

“Oh Jessica! I’m going to leave early. Time for the boyfriend.” I smiled at her.

“He’s cute. I might just try and steal him away. Nah he’s not my type. Have fun and wear protection!” She yelled at me as I was running out the door. But the truth behind Jessica’s words where immense.

When Yunhee was out of ear shot, Jessica’s phone rang.

“Boss. Yah it’s her.”

“Jessica I want you to get her utter trust.”

“But appa she’s so boring and ungirly. She’s so ugh!!”

“Just deal with it. She’ll be out of the picture soon.” The line went dead and Jessica sighed. She pulled a lollipop out of her purse and stuck it in .

“I can’t wait for you to feel the same pain as me. I can’t wait to destroy you.” And she walked out.

“Hey hyung. You’re right. She’s in danger. You’re in danger. All of you are in danger. And this she’s crazy.”


BAMM!!! Chanyeol's hair. Until i see a clear picture of Chanyeol's hair it don't know how to feel. The only pictures i saw weren't very good and it didn't look like Chanyeol. So Heesica and Henry. I love Henry. He's my very favorite person in SM Entertainent! He's just so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he's violin playing is so ls    ;adfhoiasdghrpithrohgkdfjbgkjdfbgkdfjbgkdfjbgkjdfbgkdfjbgkdfjgdfkjhgdkfjhg'asdojfew9trlsdihfgrhgsadlnvkj.

  (Bacon's XD)

A little Exo spam, cause Exo brighten up peoples days!


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I'm not allowed to eat chocolate. Im so sad :(


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jesse_panda #1
Chapter 29: Urgh stupid ahjumma I thought she was a good person! Kinda expected myungsoo to turn at one point but I didn't expect it this way. *sigh* hope you could update soon! I really like this story'!
Chapter 28: Just started reading ur story, its kind of confusing how u wrote it in the beginning cuz i didnt know who's POV it was. But omg that old lady is a serious B*tch!
Chapter 28: ok seriously... this story is so damn confusing...
Yerlie1001 #4
Chapter 28: Sheesh, that old hag was a bi-tch!!!>.< I hate Jessica and Henry as well! I'm just glad that she's all ok now and you've gotta love Kris and his "celebration "...;)

Update again plz~
Chapter 25: authornim! authornim! authotnim!!!!!! what show where the vid pic of sungjong, L & sunggyu(?) ? :3
Yerlie1001 #6
Chapter 24: Thank god Kris always has back up and plans ahead of time!^^ And I swear, you need to stop with all the exo pics... They're killing me here with the tease, LOL!:D No seriously though, don't get rid of them...;)
Chapter 23: Author nim I'm soo sorry about your friend! My friends cousin committed suicide a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel :( well at least you got an a+ ^_^
niel_gd23 #8
Chapter 23: Perfect for what? I don't like where I think this is going.