A preview I guess.

The Mafia

So i've decided since I don't know where this story is going. SI instead of randomly writing and confusing you guys even more Im going to sitdown with one of my friends and plot down everything i want to happen on an actualy piece of paper, and then after i get that done i'll update. I was going tp update sooner, but i ended up being upset and angry and in that state i probably would of killed Kai and that wouldn't of been good. SO instead of an update, i thought id just a cute little romance scene, cause i haven't been able to write any yet, and super duper wanted to!! So i hope you like it and also, i realized that i don't really know what Yunhee looks like so if you guys wanna suggest and idol or actress to play her, im all ears, so let me know. Hope you enjoy (: 



I was having an amazing dream. I was riding a unicorn though a rainbow and a lollipop, that was until someone decided to throw open my curtains. A strange noise, which resembled a dying cat, came out of my mouth. The intruder in my room only laughed at me and tugged at my blankets.

“If you’re going to kill, can you wait till I fall back asleep?”

“Stop being so dramatic. Get up, go shower, and get dressed. You have a long day ahead of you.” The intruder ripped the blankets off and out a startled surprise. I opened my eyes to see Luhan standing above me, his face the color of beet. I looked down at myself and realized I was only in my underwear. I screamed and threw my phone at Luhan.

“Get out! Get out you !” He stuttered a little, bowed and scurried out of my room.

“Let’s not tell Kris.” He yelled through the door. Not tell Kris my . I looked at my clock and saw it was only eight o’clock my eyes opened wide. I also realized I was in my old apartment instead of the mansion.

“Dammit Luhan! There better be a damn good reason as to why you woke me up so early on a Saturday!”

“Kris sent me to get you up. I leave your clothes by the door. Have a nice day!” He slammed the door and I was alone again. I had a spazz attack on my bed, wondering why Kris woke me up so early. Maybe he finally decided to kill me? Maybe he granted my wish and made Kai a jester! I hoped out of bed, now excited for today. On the floor in front of my door laid a beautiful pink summer dress. With cute little dove silhouettes, and white lace.  I squealed in excitement, Kris never bought me anything. I picked it up and rushed to put it on and found a note


            Sorry to wake you up early. I have an important mission for you. 6 o’clock tonight you’re to meet with a man who stole from Xiumin. He has a thing for pretty ladies; look your best and he won’t suspect a thing. I had Luhan pick out a dress, it’ll be ready for pick up at four at the Vera Wang store. Don’t worry about cost, it’s been paid for. I’ll be there along with Tao to monitor the situation. Why you’re out pick up Sehun from school @ 3.



Well I was running late. After I read the note I decided to go watch some Pokemon. I fell asleep. I woke up at three seeing the Sehun was calling, I cursed, and ran out the door. I pulled up in front of Sehun’s school and ushered him in.

“Sehunnie! I’m super sorry I’m late. You’re not mad a noona are you?” I pouted at him, and pretended to start crying. He started to panic.

“No noona! I’m no mad at you. Let’s go get your dress.” I happily smiled at him and drove away.

I was expecting a lot of things. What I was not expecting was how amazing I looked in the dress Kris and Luhan picked out. It was simple, but had a long slit to show off my legs (insert picture at top, same shoes though obviously Yunhee’s not Scarlett.) When I had walked out of the dressing room, Sehun’s eyes widened and a tent formed in his pants. The ladies had also done my hair and makeup, and I wasn’t going to lie; I looked irresistible. When we arrived at the restaurant, it looked deserted.  The nerves hit and my hands became sweaty. I grabbed Sehun’s arm and glared at him.

“Why the hell isn’t anyone here?” I spit threw my teeth.

“The man wanted a private dinner, don’t worry Kai and Tao are inside pretending to be waiters.” I felt better, but just barely. I took a big breath and stepped inside to my doom. I’d be lying if it said I wasn’t ready to pee myself. It was poorly lit and had a gothic theme going on. I was walking down a cold, damp, corridor, lit by nothing, but candles. If I wouldn’t have been so scared, I would have thought of it as romantic.

“And then the stupid girl called out, hello is anyone there?” I called out. I laughed at my stupid joke as I came to two tall, grand, heavy doors. I knocked twice and the door slowly and loudly creaked open. The room on the inside was contrasted the corridor. It was brightly light with white fairy lights; it really wasn’t a room, but an indoor garden. Everything was so spectacular, paper lanterns hung from trees, the pond to my left was lit and changing colors, but the most spectacular part was the fountain. It looked old and mythical. It was a giant unicorn made from crystal, the water spouted around it and the colored lights inside the fountain shine brightly.

In the middle of all this wonderfulness was a table. It had a cream colored table cloth draped on it, with red plates to match my dress, and what was even more amazing was the man sitting at the table. He looked like a god. His tux fit him quiet well, tight in all the right place, his tie match my dress, and his hair swiped to the right. He had a dragon ring on his left ring finger, when I realized who he was (after some intense eye rapping and undressing) the tears threatened forward. He smiled at me, leaving my heart in nothing, but  a pile of mush. He stood up and made his way over to me. With his thumb, he wiped away the single tear falling down my face.

“A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t care.” I was choked up on words, a just leaned into his touch.

“You did all this for me?” He nodded.

“Thank you so much oppa, I love it.” I grabbed his face and brought it down to mine and kissed him with the passion of 1000 hot burning suns. My knees gave out, and he wrapped his arms around my waist supporting to me. I pulled away to catch my breath, staring in those mysterious, yet loving eyes. And what he said surprised me the most.

“Yunhee I love you.” Then the tears flowed out. His expression changed to one of worry and he waited for my reply, it was so happy words could not express, so once again I pulled him in for a slow, deep, steamy kiss. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip, sending shivers down my spice. I wrapped my arms around his neck, stared straight into his eyes; and declared.

“I love you to, Wufan.”

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I'm not allowed to eat chocolate. Im so sad :(


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jesse_panda #1
Chapter 29: Urgh stupid ahjumma I thought she was a good person! Kinda expected myungsoo to turn at one point but I didn't expect it this way. *sigh* hope you could update soon! I really like this story'!
Chapter 28: Just started reading ur story, its kind of confusing how u wrote it in the beginning cuz i didnt know who's POV it was. But omg that old lady is a serious B*tch!
Chapter 28: ok seriously... this story is so damn confusing...
Yerlie1001 #4
Chapter 28: Sheesh, that old hag was a bi-tch!!!>.< I hate Jessica and Henry as well! I'm just glad that she's all ok now and you've gotta love Kris and his "celebration "...;)

Update again plz~
Chapter 25: authornim! authornim! authotnim!!!!!! what show where the vid pic of sungjong, L & sunggyu(?) ? :3
Yerlie1001 #6
Chapter 24: Thank god Kris always has back up and plans ahead of time!^^ And I swear, you need to stop with all the exo pics... They're killing me here with the tease, LOL!:D No seriously though, don't get rid of them...;)
Chapter 23: Author nim I'm soo sorry about your friend! My friends cousin committed suicide a couple of weeks ago so I know how you feel :( well at least you got an a+ ^_^
niel_gd23 #8
Chapter 23: Perfect for what? I don't like where I think this is going.