Teacher's Solution~

Dear Teacher


The door to the 3D classroom opened and all the students swarmed up to surround the two main characters.

“Woohyun, what did they say?” Myungsoo was the first one to ask.

“We’re suspended for a week,” Woohyun told the class, and everyone was shocked.

“How can they do that? You guys are innocent!” Mir shouted and shouts of agreement could be heard.

“The tournament’s in a week! Does that mean….” Dongwoon started.

“Yes, we won’t be entering the tournament with you all. But you guys can still enter…” Woohyun hadn’t even finished his sentence but was met with such a huge uproar.

“How can they not let you two enter?!” Mir shouted.

“Yeah, you two are our stars!” Dongwoon continued.

“Guys! But you all can still enter! I’m sure that you can do well without us!” Sungyeol shouted at the top of his voice.

After Sungyeol’s outburst, everyone became silent.

“Who are you kidding, Sungyeol?”  Myungsoo started. “3D is an entire class. We can’t do without anyone. Not without you, not without Woohyun. No, we can’t enter the tournament like that,” Myungsoo continued.

Sungyeol looked to the ground, averting his eyes from everyone. Woohyun went up to his friend and pat the latter on his back.

“It’s okay, Sungyeol. It’s not your fault,” Woohyun told Sungyeol.

“No, it’s all my fault that we became like this! It’s all my fault that even Woohyun you got implicated! How can you say it’s not my fault?” Sungyeol flinched from Woohyun’s action and shouted.

Sungyeol was feeling extremely guilty. If only he could say what he was doing at that time, if only he could stop being so selfish.

“Sungyeol-ah,” Myungsoo draped an arm over his distraught friend. “We all trust that you didn’t do anything bad. Hence, it’s fine even if you don’t tell us what’s going on. We all trust in you,” Myungsoo said.

Sungyeol looked up to his friend who smiled back at him kindly. He scanned the 3D classroom. All of them had sincere eyes and a whole smile, showing that they had absolute trust in Sungyeol.

Sungyeol didn’t know what to say. He was just so thankful for them.

“So let’s all go to the Principal Office now and ask him to let them enter!” Mir suggested.

“If he won’t let, we can even play truant!” Dongwoon immediately added on.

Cheers rang out in the classroom of 3D and everyone was in favor.

However, Woohyun suddenly spoke, “No guys. I wish for you all to just lay low and enter the tournament.”

Everyone was shocked by Woohyun’s words.

“Why Woohyun?” Myungsoo asked his friend.

“Please guys. If you guys go now to the Principal Office, he might be angered and not even let 3D into the tournament. And if you guys play truant, the one who will get into trouble is our form teacher,” Woohyun started.

Everyone listened attentively to Woohyun, nodding their heads.

“Sungyeol and I want nothing more than for you guys to enter the tournament and win it. We all promise to win this and change how everyone think of us, didn’t we? This tournament is not only for us. It’s also for our teacher, isn’t it? Didn’t we all promise to win it to thank the teacher for always being on our side? “ Woohyun continued.

“But…” Myungsoo was the first to react but he was interrupted by Sungyeol.

“Woohyun is right, guys. I beg of you, please enter the tournament,” Sungyeol said, and bowed 90 degrees.

Watching their friend act like that, the students of 3D all had no choice but to agree.

Hiding on the other side of the class behind the door, Sunggyu had heard everything that was going on in the class.

Sunggyu walked away from the class with an unreadable expression on his face.


“Teacher!” Heechul ran up to Sunggyu as the latter walked through the corridor.

“Heechul,” Sunggyu forced a smile at the student.

“I had been calling you for so long! Is something wrong?” Heechul asked.

Sunggyu didn’t answer and just stared at the ground.

“I heard the news but it’s can’t be true, can it?” Heechul questioned.

“Of course not! My students are innocent!” Sunggyu hurriedly said.

“But they were suspended, I heard,” Heechul spoke softly.

“I feel so bad, Heechul,” Sunggyu confessed to his student.

Heechul didn’t understand the teacher.

“The students trust in one another so much. And yet I, for a small second, didn’t understand my students. I didn’t understand why Sungyeol didn’t want to confess the truth and why Woohyun was helping him. I was thinking in my head: how can you expect me to trust you when you don’t even want to tell me the truth. But then, I heard my students. And all of them were willing to trust Sungyeol even if he didn’t say anything. This is how much trust they have for one another,” Sunggyu told Heechul.

“I am not fit to be a teacher for them. I can’t even do anything to help them,” Sunggyu said.

Heechul watched as the teacher confided in him. He didn’t understand why but he felt his heart skipped a beat.

“I don’t understand all these but from everything you told me, I know that you are a really kind teacher. You trust your students more than anyone else and will do your best to help them,” Heechul told Sunggyu, averting his eyes from the teacher.

“I would love to have a teacher like you,” Heechul added on.

Sunggyu smiled warmly at Heechul when the student said that.

“Thank you, Heechul. Really thank you so much,” Sunggyu said to Heechul and the latter immediately turned away to hide his blush.

“I didn’t really do much. I was just stating facts,” Heechul quickly said.

“Okay! I’m going to do this!” Sunggyu stood up excitedly and did a fighting sign himself.

With new determination, Sunggyu ran back to the office, leaving Heechul looking blankly at the weird teacher.


Woohyun stopped the car in front of the hospital.

Sungyeol got a shock as he looked at his friend, not understanding.

“You’re worried about him, aren’t you? After all, you two were once best friends,” Woohyun said to Sungyeol, smiling at his friend.

“Woohyun, I’m really really sorry. It’s all my fault…” Sungyeol started.

“Even the teacher… he trusted in me so much yet I can’t even say the truth to him…” Sungyeol shook his head.

“It’s fine,” Woohyun placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I’m sure the teacher trusts in you too. You don’t have to feel sorry or anything,” Woohyun told his friend.

“Go take a look at him,” Woohyun prompted Sungyeol. “I’ll join you after I park the car.”

Sungyeol nodded and left the car. He entered the hospital and went straight to Joon’s special hospital room.

Sungyeol was near the room when he spotted a lady leaving the room. From her red eyes and puffy cheeks, you could tell that the lady had been crying a whole lot. She was supported by two nurses.

The minute the lady saw Sungyeol, she went up to him hurriedly.

“Why? Why did you do this to my child? Why?” The lady cried as the two nurses held her back immediately.

“Auntie,” Sungyeol called sadly.

“You and him were best friends once. How could you be so cruel?” The lady continued berating Sungyeol, even hitting him with feather punches.

“I didn’t do it, Auntie. I swear,” Sungyeol tried to tell the lady but she wasn’t listening.

“For what happened two years ago, it was my fault. I was the one who forced them to let my child into the tournament. If you want somebody to blame, blame it on me. Please give me back my only son,” The lady begged as she went on her knees in front of Sungyeol.

“No, Auntie. Please get up,” Sungyeol tried to help the lady up but she refused to budge. “I don’t blame Joon or you or anyone, Auntie,” Sungyeol continued.

“Mrs Lee, please get up,” The nurses helped the lady up and pulled her away from Sungyeol.

“Please give my child back,” The lady continued to beg as the nurses brought her away from Sungyeol.

Sungyeol watched the lady as she begged him and he felt his heart broke into pieces. He walked to Joon’s room only to see the suave captain of the basketball team now in a coma on the hospital bed.

“Dummy, wake up already! Aren’t you supposed to win over me?” Sungyeol shouted at the unconscious Lee Joon.

Then, he felt a pat on his shoulder. He spun around to see Woohyun’s concerned face. Sungyeol ruffled his hair as he bent to the ground. Hot tears coursed down his face and dropped to the ground.


“So how was school?” Woohyun picked up the phone after sending Sungyeol back.

“He tried to act like nothing was wrong and continued motivating us to practice hard,” Hoya told Woohyun over the phone.

“But well, you could see that something was bothering him,” Hoya continued.

“Hmmm…” Woohyun made a sound.

“Hyunnie, I’m kind of worried,” Hoya confessed to Woohyun.

“I’m sorry for all the trouble,” Woohyun told Hoya before disconnecting the call.

For now, this was all he could do. He couldn’t do anything more to help his friends. He didn’t even have face to meet the teacher. For now, he could only wait.


It was one day closer to the basketball tournament. Every class was getting hyped up, except for 3D.

Although they were still having morning practices, the class spirit was a little low and everyone found it hard to cooperate and work with one another.

Sunggyu, also had his own matters at hand to consider.

The two suspended students were stuck at home and Lee Joon was still in a coma.

Dongwoo and Sena are getting a little concerned for Sunggyu, who seemed to be trying too hard to be happy.

Everytime they asked, Sunggyu would just smile at them and said he was fine. With two members of class 3D missing, all the students and even the teacher found it hard to keep a smile.

The next day, Woohyun, who was at home, received a call from his best friend.

“Hyunnie, we have trouble,” Hoya said to Woohyun.

“The teacher appeared to have taken a sick leave,” Hoya continued.

“What?!” Woohyun almost shouted into the phone. He couldn’t believe his ears. Did Sunggyu overwork himself?

“What should we do now?” Hoya asked.

“For now, stay in school. If you all leave, there will be trouble. Keep this from Sungyeol and prevent anyone from telling him. I’ll go find the teacher,” Woohyun told his best friend.

‘What’s wrong with you, Sunggyu?’ Woohyun thought in his head before dashing out of his house and starting the red Ferrari.


“He’s not at home?” Woohyun repeated.

“Yeah, Sunggyu-hyung left early in the morning. He didn’t go to school?” Sungjong seemed shocked at Woohyun’s sudden appearance in front of their apartment.

“No, he didn’t. Do you know where could he be?” Woohyun asked.

“Sunggyu-hyung didn’t say a single thing,” Sungjong seemed worried.

Woohyun frowned before thanking Sungjong and leaving their apartment.

He tried countless of times calling Sunggyu’s handphone but the latter won’t pick up.

“Sunggyu-ah…” Woohyun thought out loud as he searched the town.


“What? He’s out of the hospital?” Sunggyu gasped in disbelief.

“Yes, he just got discharged yesterday. Mrs Lee said that she would rather he rest at home than in the hospital, where he might be disturbed,” The nurse told Sunggyu.

! Sunggyu mentally cursed. He was one step too late.

He immediately dashed to Lee Joon’s address. Luckily he had already written down all the related numbers and addresses.

Sunggyu was shocked and amazed when he reached Lee Joon’s house. He was another rich guy living in a Bungalow with a swimming pool inside his house.

Sunggyu rang the doorbell.

“Who’s that?” Somebody spoke through the speaker.

“Oh, Hello. I am Kim Sunggyu, a teacher from Shin Academy,” Sunggyu greeted the voice.

“Oh, please do come in,” The voice said and the gates were opened for Sunggyu.

A lady went up to greet Sunggyu.

“Hello, I came to visit Lee Joon,” Sunggyu told the lady.

“Oh, do you teach him as well? Thank you so much for your kindness. I am Lee Joon’s mother,” The lady took the fruit basket from Sunggyu.

She led Sunggyu up to Joon’s room, where the student laid, still unconscious.

“He was such a good boy. Why did he have to experience this?” The lady wept once again.

“Mrs Lee, please calm down. I’m sure Joon will wake up soon,” Sunggyu comforted the lady.

“It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t had forced the teacher to let Joon enter the tournament two years ago, I’m sure he won’t have end up like this,” The lady said, wiping her tears away with her handkerchief.

“I’m sorry, Mrs Lee. Could you please tell me what you mean by that?” Sunggyu asked the lady.

The two people went down to the living room where a servant brought tea to Sunggyu.

“I’m sure Sungyeol, the boy from 3D was angry because his place was stolen by Joon,” The lady started.

“I knew it was wrong. But I couldn’t take it when I heard that somebody was better than Joon. So I forced the teacher to let Joon participate instead of that boy. Joon doesn’t know anything about it! That boy was innocent! And yet, Sungyeol took revenge on him…” The lady told Sunggyu.

“That’s not true, Mrs Lee. Sungyeol isn’t like that. He doesn’t blame Joon at all,” Sunggyu tried to explain to the lady.

“What do you mean by that?! If it’s not Sungyeol, who could it be?” The lady raised her voice.

“I don’t know. But it’s definitely not Sungyeol. He’s my student and I trust in him! Besides, the police didn’t even charge the two students!” Sunggyu told the lady.

“He’s your student?! So you are the damned 3D form teacher? Your students caused my child to become like this!” The lady started becoming agitated and shouted loudly at Sunggyu.

“My active and adorable son is now lying on the hospital bed, unmoving! All thanks to your students! I’ll never never ever forgive you!” The lady shouted and started throwing fruits from the fruit basket that Sunggyu bought at the teacher.

“Go away. Don’t let me see your face!” The lady threw at Sunggyu mercilessly and the teacher immediately used his hands to block his face.

“Please listen to me, Mrs Lee…” Sunggyu tried to tell the lady but she wasn’t listening.

“I won’t listen to you! Go away! Mr Gen, please get the broom,” The lady continued throwing fruits and asked her servant to bring the broom.

Together, the two chased Sunggyu out of the house despite the teacher’s pleas.

“Please, Mrs Lee, please listen to me. My students really didn’t…” Sunggyu was being chased out of the house when he suddenly missed a step and was about to slip.

Somebody studied him from behind and Sunggyu fell into that secure chest. The person shielded him from the basket that Mrs Lee threw at him.

Sunggyu looked up at the guy and was extremely startled to see Woohyun standing behind him.

“Woohyun!” Sunggyu called out his student’s name.

Woohyun, however didn’t look at his teacher at all. He stared straight at the lady who threw the basket. The lady flinched at Woohyun’s strong gaze.

“Nam Woohyun,” The lady muttered Woohyun’s name.

The two stared for a while before the lady finally averted her eyes.

“Please close the gate, Mr Gen,” The lady ordered before returning into the house.

“Mrs Lee, please wait,” Sunggyu made one last attempt to stop the lady but the gates already closed in on him.

Sunggyu felt someone pull him back by the wrist.

“What’s wrong with you, Kim Sunggyu? What’s wrong with you!” Woohyun shouted at the teacher.

“Huh?” Sunggyu couldn’t understand Woohyun at all as he stared blankly at his student.



Author's note: hmmmm i'll update the next chapp soon! catch it kkay? ^^

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.... im officially lost >< sorry give me some more days! >< ohhh n merry christmas everyone! ^^


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Chapter 19: How can you stop writing this...!!!!😭😭
Simran20 #2
Chapter 19: Its been so long 😭😭😭 I am here again to read this.
Chapter 19: It’s been nth years but I’m still waiting for you to update ㅠㅠ
crepusculo #4
helllo please update soon
matrixim #5
Chapter 19: please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\(*~*)/
Chapter 19: This is amazing!! It's 2015 and I can't believe that I discovered this fic now
Chapter 19: I found your fic today! was so great that i can't read only one chapter...so, well....yes i read all the fic of once! kyaaa i accept that after all the pain and tears, I really want a happy end and if was for me i would stop to read right here...but you gonna update soon, right? don't mind if i have to cry a little more if at the end all will be love...jajaja...
update soon! :D
Chapter 19: Wow I didn't realize that you updated this. Awww finally happy ending :) forget my comment below. I'm happy you end it this way. thankyou dear author
Sorry for leaving comment only now. I read this when I didn't have account