Chapter 5

How They Met



Wufan plopped down on Yixing's couch, "I can't believe we spent all day at the museum."

Yixing rolled his eyes, "Wufan, it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And we're only here because I don't want to pay for lunch. We're leaving again after we eat."

Wufan groaned, "But we already did so much walking. Can't we just finish the tour tomorrow?"

Yixing laughed softly, "We didn't even do much walking!"

Wufan stared at Yixing as if he'd just burped up a tarantula. Yixing threw his head back and laughed.

When Yixing had finally stopped laughing at Wufan's pain, he stood up from his spot on his comfy loveseat and headed to his kitchen, "Did you want anything special for lunch?"

Wufan thought about it for a second before getting up and following Yixing into the kitchen, "Not really. I'd eat anything you put in front of me."

Yixing chuckled as he peered into his fridge, "Should I take that as a compliment or be insulted that you could mistake my food for trash?"

Wufan blushed, "No! I didn't mean it like that! I just meant you're a really good cook!"

Yixing laughed again as he took different vegetables out of the fridge and crossed the room to set them on the counter. He washed his hands before taking out a wooden cutting board and a large chopping knife. Wufan watched curiously as Yixing began slicing the vegetables in almost perfectly symmetrical pieces before dumping them into a large pan.

Yixing walked to his fridge and took out a lidded container. He took the container to the chopping board and pulled the lid off before dumping its contents onto the board. Wufan noticed it was pieces of chicken. He glanced up at Yixing before looking back at the chicken.

“This is leftover chicken I baked 2 days ago. I’m going to cut it into smaller pieces and add them to that pan.”

Wufan nodded in understanding as he watched Yixing expertly cut into the pieces of chicken, easily forcing the knife around in certain patterns to avoid cutting into the bones.

Yixing grabbed handfuls of the cut chicken and tossed them into the pan as well. He turned the oven on and grabbed the pan handle, shaking it around a little so the vegetables and chicken would all lay flat instead of in a huge pile.

Wufan watched in silent awe as Yixing grabbed sauces and spices from the cupboards and set them on the counter next to the oven. Every few minutes, Yixing would grab the pan and jerk his hand upwards, forcing the vegetables and chicken to fly out of the pan before he caught them and shook the pan around more. He randomly added spices and shook the food around in the pan a bit more before grabbing a wooden spoon and picking up a piece of carrot.

He held the large spoon out to Wufan, “Taste this. Is it ok?”

Wufan opened his mouth, forcing Yixing to feed him. Yixing huffed as he shoved the spoon into Wufan’s mouth. He watched as Wufan closed his mouth and chewed slowly.

Yixing was getting impatient, “Well?”

Wufan smiled, “It tastes like its missing something but I can’t figure out what.”

Yixing nodded and slid the spoon back into the pot, this time picking up a yellow pepper. He put the spoon in his mouth, ignoring Wufan’s wide eyes as he chewed the pepper.

Nodding, Yixing tossed the spoon into the sink and grabbed a random bottle of sauce from the counter. He popped the top off the bottle and poured a generous amount of the sauce into the pan.

Yixing finally set the pan down and turned the stove off before heading to a large rice cooker on the other side of his sink. Wufan never noticed him turning it on so he was surprised when Yixing opened the top and steam poured out onto the counter. Yixing grabbed a ladle and scooped large amounts of rice into 2 bowls. When Yixing had turned off the rice cooker, he grabbed 2 plates and filled them to the brim with the stir-fry in the pan.

As he handed one plate to Wufan, he looked him in the eye sternly, “Be careful it’s hot.”

Wufan rolled his eyes as he took the plate and a bowl of rice. He went to the nook and slid inside, placing his plate and bowl on the table. Yixing placed his food on the table and crossed back to the fridge to fix their drinks.

As Yixing slid into the nook, he passed a set of chopsticks to Wufan and the 2 men began eating.

They talked about their families while they ate: Yixing talking about growing up with his parents as well as both sets of grandparents in China and Wufan talking about living with just his parents and traveling from China to Canada for the summers.

When they finished eating, Yixing put the plates in the sink as Wufan hovered over his shoulder and whined about still being tired. Yixing finally caved as he finished washing the dishes.

He whirled around and slapped Wufan in the chest with a dish towel, "Ok! I get it! You know for someone who looks like an angry bird, you sure do act like a little kid."

Wufan poked his lips out in a pout and raised his voice to sound like a girl, “But Yixing, I’m tired.”

Yixing rolled his eyes, “Fine. I guess we can watch a movie or something.”

Wufan let out a loud whoop and fist-pumped the air.

The 2 men sat on opposite ends of Yixing’s large wrap-around couch and Yixing turned his DVD player on, not caring which movie they would watch.

The movie turned out to be Chinese Zodiac 2012, a new film about a man searching the world for a set of mystic artifacts - 12 bronze heads of the animals from the Chinese zodiac.

Both Wufan and Yixing watched the film intently, not only genuinely interested in the plot but to also spot anything they could use for their jobs.

When the movie ended, Wufan stood up and stretched, “Well, it’s been fun, Yixing. I’m going to head back to my empty apartment and get some work done.”

Yixing nodded as he also stood up and walked his neighbor to the door, “It has been fun. Same time tomorrow?”

He laughed at the incredulous look on Wufan’s face, “You think a little whining is going to cancel my tour? Think again. We’re going to the mall tomorrow.”

Wufan groaned as he walked out of the apartment, waving goodbye as he walked to the stairs.


When he got back to his own apartment, Wufan tiredly walked to his room, debating on whether to get in the shower or not. He checked the time on his phone as he walked into his bedroom. 6:32 PM. It was too early to get in the bed but too late to go back out. Wufan sighed, deciding to take a shower before checking his computer for any jobs.

Wufan showered as quickly he could while tired. He stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and headed to his office to log onto his computer.

He dumped himself into the office chair, sighing heavily as he patiently waited for his computer to boot up. When everything finished loading, Wufan leaned forward and opened up Internet Explorer. His default homepage had been set up by one of the guys at the agency, the man making it easy for Wufan to access everything he needed without knowing anything about computers.

Wufan snorted as he thought about Lay. The spy who created a thousand viruses just by mixing a bunch of different computer codes together. Compared to him, Wufan was like a techno dummy, not even able to understand what was so wrong about Internet Explorer.

Wufan read over his next mission, which wasn’t for another few months fortunately. Apparently, he’d have to meet with 2 of Malaysia’s biggest crime mobs and moderate a treaty signing. Hopefully both mobs really wanted a truce and the most Wufan would have to do is sit and look angry.

Once he’d checked the status of his latest order of weapons, he shut down his computer and went back to his bedroom, not caring at all what time it was as he fell face first onto his bed.

He was asleep within seconds.


The next morning, Yixing was surprised when Wufan’s door flew open before he could knock. Wufan stood on the other side, grinning, “Ready?”

Yixing nodded dumbly as Wufan strutted out of his apartment, closing the door behind him as he headed to the elevator.

When they were outside, Yixing led Wufan to the left of the apartment complex, “To the mall!”

They walked a few blocks before Yixing stopped and raised his arm to call a taxi. He flagged down a speeding black car and beamed at the driver, “To Nanjing Dong Lu please.”

The cabbie nodded and slammed his foot down on the gas pedal, not caring that Wufan hadn’t closed the door yet.

Yixing grinned at the anxious Wufan, “Any crazy cabbies in Canada?”

Wufan shook his head, “But I think my mother could give this guy a run for his money?”

Yixing threw his head back and laughed as the cab driver sped through traffic to their destination.


When they finally arrived at the shopping mall, Wufan stared up at the 8-story building, “Those are all stores?”

Yixing nodded happily, “Yep! And I’m going to teach you about all of them!”

With a cackle, Yixing grabbed the whimpering Wufan’s arm and dragged him into the busy shopping mall. 


A/N: filler chapter is filling yummm

much love :)

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Chapter 10: lol at luhan's text hahaha.. awwww, wufan must be felt a lil bit lonely :3
update soon, author-nim :D i'm soooooo happy when i saw your update haha~
Chapter 10: Hahaha :)) Laughing at Lulu's text.
Anyway, was that Yixing recent trip? Then he met Wufan along the way?
kpopper_rae5 #3
Chapter 4: I think i just got mindfc*ked near the ends of this chapter. So yixing and wufan new each other in the past...? Wtf?! Please explain.... T__T
Chapter 4: I love the way Wufan brags about him n Yixing being hot. Damn right, they're the hottest couple XD
Chapter 4: whoaaaaa this chapter was cute! for real.. "i'm hot. You're hot. it makes sense" <- that sentence was soooooo right, author-nim :) and i looooove this updates :D
thanks for updating, author-nim <3
Chapter 4: Time travel yes thank you
Chapter 4: Yixing and wufan in teenager? this related to exoergic?
If yes,then there's a possibility yixing and wufan find a capsule or something so they can turn to be young and traveled the time. . .okey,its just me and my imagination
Chapter 4: woah!! time travel involved, nice!!~
Chapter 8: hahaha.. poor wufan~ :)
well, update soon, author-nim :D
Chapter 8: :3 :3 :3
ooh wu fan poor you~ kkk