How They Met

How They Met


Wufan was a little upset. He bought this really nice apartment in some city he didn’t really care to remember but he never actually thought about the size of it. His furniture didn’t even take up an entire room. Now he had an empty apartment because the only things he brought with himself was a large king-sized bed, a big, black leather couch with matching loveseat and reclining chair, a 3-piece dresser set with 2 nightstands, and a mahogany dining room table with 6 chairs. His kitchen was empty, save for a few dishes that he took from his parents’ home in Canada. The extra bedroom was home to a colony of dust bunnies and an old desk that the last tenants left behind. The hallways were quite bare and the extra room, which Wufan had deemed his office, housed a large box that was the large desk he’d ordered.

When he finished setting up the large desk in his office, Wufan was somewhat happy. He hadn’t needed the instructions (except maybe for a few directions, but really why was there a different screw for each part of the desk.) He smiled to himself and went to finish setting up the rest of his new home. When he was done, he felt good. There was still time to go grocery shopping. But as Wufan walked from his bedroom to the front of the apartment his mood soured. Why did it look so bare? His couch set seemed to take up a quarter of the large living room, and his kitchen didn’t even look like its cabinets were full of dishes.

He sighed. Now he had to go buy more furniture because he was not going to live in a semi-deserted apartment.  Whatever. He could do that tomorrow.

Wufan grabbed his phone and his wallet on his way out of his new apartment. The door swung close behind him before he stopped it with his foot.

Keys. He turned around and headed back into the apartment, snatching his keys off the back of the couch before turning and heading out the door again. He let the door slam shut behind him and walked to the elevator. He pressed the ‘down’ button and waited for the ding that announced the elevator. He sent a text to both Luhan and Chanyeol, telling them he was going to have a ‘house warming party’ which was really just the three of them eating and hanging out.

Luhan replied back almost immediately telling him Sehun was coming  asking if he could bring another person. Chanyeol’s reply came a few minutes after Luhan’s, saying he would be there at 8.

Wufan responded to both texts before turning his phone on silent. He knew Luhan was going to nag about what they were eating and he was not ready to be bombarded with suggestions and ideas and threats.

He stepped onto the empty elevator and pressed the L, backing up a few steps to lean against the wall. The elevator stopped on the 12th floor and a small feminine guy got on.  He smiled at Wufan and nodded. Then he got confused, “Oh I’m sorry, I thought it was going down.”

Wufan cleared his throat. He hoped the guy didn’t notice him staring. “Oh no. It is. I just moved in on the 13th floor and I’m going back out for groceries.”

The girlish-looking guy nodded, “Aaah, ok. Well I’m Yixing, I live on the 12th floor.”

Wufan smiled at him and stuck his hand out, “Nice to meet you, Yixing. My name is Wufan.”

Yixing grabbed his hand and shook it. Wufan was surprised, his handshake was pretty firm for a weak looking guy. Wufan pulled his hand back slipped it into his jacket pocket.

Yixing’s arm fell to his side, “Well, since you’re the new guy and I’m going shopping as well, how about we go together?”

Wufan thought about it. He didn’t know where any stores were. He also didn’t know anyone to help him out. And Yixing looked adorable standing there looking nervous.

The elevator doors opened to the lobby as Wufan answered. “Weeeell.. Sure why not?

Yixing’s face went from anticipation to disappointed and hurt to excitement in the 5 seconds it took for Wufan to say that. “Really? We can go together? Great! Let’s go!”

Yixing grabbed Wufan’s hand and practically dragged him out of the building and down the street. Wufan was basking in the warmth that came from holding Yixing’s hand so he let himself be hauled through the city to the grocery store.

Yixing was a fast walker and Wufan had long legs so they made it to the store in ten minutes. Yixing let go of Wufan’s hand to grab a cart and wheel it back to the tall male who seemed to be overwhelmed by the store. Yixing pushed the cart in front of him to get his attention, “You ok?”

Wufan was standing right where Yixing left him, in the middle of the doorway. His eyes were wide and moving from side to side. He seemed to have stopped breathing.

Yixing grabbed his arms, “Hey, are you alright?”

Wufan was amazed. It looked like this store sold e v e r y t h i n g. Wufan would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a tiny bit overwhelmed. The Walmarts in Canada have nothing on this place.

He snapped out of his daze when someone touched his face. His eyes locked on Yixing’s and he remembered that he was in public. And with a hot guy. Wufan smiled at Yixing, “Yeah sorry, just… wow… this is… a lot.”

Yixing chuckled, “Yeah, I reacted the same way when I found this place.”

Wufan’s eyes went wide as he looked at Yixing, “Really?”

Yixing laughed softly and shook his head, “No.”

Wufan scoffed and rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. “Whatever, shall we grocerize?”

Yixing laughed harder, “Grocerize? What on Earth?”

Wufan shrugged, “I don’t know. Let’s just hurry up.”

As they walked through the aisles, they asked each other questions. General questions like favorite foods and colors and likes and dislikes.

Wufan was happy he’d agreed to tag along with Yixing. He was actually having fun. Usually his trips consisted of slipping into some random market and just grabbing food from the shelves before hauling to the registers to avoid everyone.

Yixing though. He carefully grabbed cans and packages, reading the labels. He checked the ingredients, the nutrition facts, expiration dates, e v e r y t h i n g. Wufan liked how Yixing was careful about deciding what went into his body. Wufan told Yixing of his job as a bodyguard-for-hire and how he got to travel around the world to protect people. Yixing told Wufan of his job as a photographer. They talked about the pros and cons of their jobs, impressing the other with their passion for their ‘careers.’

Wufan just walked next to Yixing as they traded stories about their pasts. Wufan told Yixing of the time he had to chase a train because his client got on the wrong one. Yixing told Wufan of the one time he fell asleep on a plane and ended up cuddling the elderly man next to him.

All too soon, their cart was full and they made their way to the register. As they waited in line, Wufan noticed some guy eyeballing Yixing. Wufan furrowed his brows and glanced at Yixing, who was humming as he went through their car to make sure they had the right things. Wufan didn’t like the look of the guy so he wrapped an arm around Yixing’s shoulders and pulled him closer. The man locked eyes with Wufan and walked away almost as soon as Wufan’ glare hardened.

Yixing chuckled and Wufan looked down at him, still not removing his arm. “What?”

Yixing smirked, “I saw that, boyfriend.”

Wufan’s cheeks turned red but he still didn’t take his arm off of Yixing’s shoulders, “Well he shouldn’t have been eyeballing you like a piece of meat.”

Yixing’s smirk turned into a smile and he looked up at Wufan, “I can handle myself, ya know.”

Wufan’s mind flashed back to when he first met Luhan. He had mistaken him for a civilian and got laid out, quite literally on the hot sidewalk of Vancouver. He shuddered, Luhan was too strong for his size.

He looked back at Yixing, “I bet you can but it never hurts to have some hot eye candy acting as your protection. Now does it, boyfriend?”

Yixing flushed and looked down at the cart. The line moved and they both put the groceries on the counter.

As the woman finished ringing the items up, both Wufan and Yixing pulled out their wallets. Wufan smiled at Yixing, “Fine, we can split it.” Yixing smiled back and Wufan handed his card to the woman, “Could you ring it all up on this please?”

The woman chuckled as Yixing threw punches at Wufan, “You jerk! Why’d you lie to me?!”a

Wufan chuckled and wrapped his arm back around Yixing’s shoulder, kissing his head.

“Isn’t that what boyfriends do, baby?”

Yixing turned red again and hurriedly grabbed the bags of groceries, quickly walking out of the store. Wufan snatched up the remaining bags and ran after him, “Sweetheart! Wait! Babe come on!”

Wufan was laughing as he caught up with Yixing, who ignored him on the walk back to their apartments.

When they got to their building, they headed up to Wufan’s place to put the groceries away.

Wufan held the door open for Yixing, who blushed and walked inside quickly. He found the kitchen and set the bags down on the table, taking the groceries out.

Wufan walked in and narrowed his eyes, “I thought you said you had to go grocery shopping too?”

Yixing chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, “Well I only said that because I wanted to hang out with you…”

Wufan was shocked. He’d only known the guy for a few minutes but Yixing still wanted to hang out with him. “Well, where were you planning on going before you met me?”

Yixing shrugged, “Just out.”

Wufan narrowed his eyes again, “Out as in where?”

Yixing sighed, “I was going to go shopping anyway, just not grocery shopping. And you said you had to go shopping so I thought why not buy groceries instead of clothes and you just seemed so handsome standing there by yourself on the elevator I couldn’t help it I really wanted to get to know you but I didn’t know how and you said grocery shopping so I lied just to stay with you.”

Yixing was rambling. He knew he was rambling. Wufan knew he was rambling too but he just thought Yixing looked so cute standing in the middle of his kitchen looking flustered and nervous.

Wufan laughed softly and Yixing’s gaze shot up to look at him. Wufan smiled at him, “It’s ok. As long as you cook dinner for me. It’ll be your way to make up for inconveniencing me.”

Yixing’s face lit up when Wufan said dinner but changed to upset when Wufan finished talking. He thought Yixing was an inconvenience?

Wufan saw Yixing’s face change and walked over to him, grabbing his arms.

“I was just kidding. I had a great time hanging out with you and I hope we can have a lot more fun in the future.”

Yixing’s grin could put the sun to shame. Kris was overwhelmed. How could someone’s mood change from happy to sad to ecstatic in a matter of seconds? Yixing was definitely interesting. 


A/N: What am I doing here? Why am I writing this? What the hell is wrong with me? This won't be updated regularly because my brain is just churning out fic ideas so I'll be writing many, many more stories and whatnot. This should be updated every 2 days or so. Love is War is updated every day so if you read that you won't have to worry because that's the main fic out of all my stories. Please enjoy! Comments are love!

Much love muchachos <3

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Chapter 10: lol at luhan's text hahaha.. awwww, wufan must be felt a lil bit lonely :3
update soon, author-nim :D i'm soooooo happy when i saw your update haha~
Chapter 10: Hahaha :)) Laughing at Lulu's text.
Anyway, was that Yixing recent trip? Then he met Wufan along the way?
kpopper_rae5 #3
Chapter 4: I think i just got mindfc*ked near the ends of this chapter. So yixing and wufan new each other in the past...? Wtf?! Please explain.... T__T
Chapter 4: I love the way Wufan brags about him n Yixing being hot. Damn right, they're the hottest couple XD
Chapter 4: whoaaaaa this chapter was cute! for real.. "i'm hot. You're hot. it makes sense" <- that sentence was soooooo right, author-nim :) and i looooove this updates :D
thanks for updating, author-nim <3
Chapter 4: Time travel yes thank you
Chapter 4: Yixing and wufan in teenager? this related to exoergic?
If yes,then there's a possibility yixing and wufan find a capsule or something so they can turn to be young and traveled the time. . .okey,its just me and my imagination
Chapter 4: woah!! time travel involved, nice!!~
Chapter 8: hahaha.. poor wufan~ :)
well, update soon, author-nim :D
Chapter 8: :3 :3 :3
ooh wu fan poor you~ kkk