Chapter 4: Zhu Zhi Xing: Monster: Part 2

Criminal Minds



Chen didn’t know what to do with his life. It had been four days since he’d been wandering, and he hadn’t had any food since. Four days ago, everything went wrong on that mission and four days ago, he had to split from the family he loved so dearly.  He didn’t care about himself, but about the others. He worried for Tao and Xiumin who was just as much of a child as their youngest, and Luhan. One of his closest besides Xiumin, (even as the older of the bunch) would worry just as he is now and was probably dying of stress. Luhan cared for all members dearly, much more than himself, and the guy was probably trying to figure out how to survive without knowing they were all doing well. Kris and Lay would be just fine as they were the more mature, though Yixing would be sentimental about their split, he’d be fine. ‘Pictures, he’d definitely have lots of pictures.’ Chen thought with a bitter smile trying to keep himself intact…but he wasn’t sure he could do it. Even if they did by chance meet on the street, it was automatic. They didn’t know the other and they carried on as if they never did. Chen sincerely hoped on his life that he never met one of the members, because he would never be able to handle it.

“You look like you’re about to cry.” He turned shocked to see the same girl he’d kidnapped at this same spot years ago sitting opposite of him. He could help but stare. Was this really happening? It was only yesterday that he’d come to her for help, fully knowing that she’d be too scared to, and left with a pained heart. Yet here she was only a few feet away from him just like he had been all those years ago. Her hair was still the same short blonde it was before—she’d kept it neatly trimmed and her skin the same porcelain white that had entranced him enough to let her go. He faced the same soft, yet bold features as he did four years ago.

“Is there something on my face?” She questioned coldly as she slit her eyes toward him. He deserved that. With a laugh, he shook his head no and stared up at the sky wondering if this was really happening. After everything that had occurred and he’d put her through… “Stop with the sad look.” He smiled and nodded.

“I wish I could.” She turned toward him unsure why, but willing to listen.

“They’re gone.” He knew she didn’t know what he was talking about, but he was on the verge of breaking down. “They’re going to be alright, right?! What if something happens? What am I supposed to do without them? They’re probably suffering right now, and what am I doing? I’m sitting on a bench like a loser who can’t even figure out his life—“

“Shut up.” He paused shocked by her words. She turned to him her expression trying to remain cold, but he watched as her eyes softened towards him. “If you spend time worrying over them instead of yourself, you’ll die that way, then what will they really do? You’re so caught up in finding them that you probably didn’t realize how loud your stomach was. I’m surprised it didn’t interrupt you one bit.” He gaped at her. His stomach had made a noise? He frowned. He was so used to the feeling that it was more of a common, invisible pain.

“Sorry.” He whispered again. Silence enveloped them immediately after his words and neither said a word, and both were unsure if they really enjoyed the other’s presence.

“Come on.” He whipped his head toward her.


“Your stomach. It just growled, again. We’ll get some food and…” She let out a deep, strangled breath. “sleep. Even monsters need rest.” She muttered and continued on her way. He stared at her back for the longest while in shock before pulling up a small smile.

“Thank you.”



“There’s your room. Stay in it. Do not touch any of the paintings. Or you’ll be the one to die this time.” Chen grinned and raised his hands in defense. He’d just eaten the best Kim Chi Fried Rice he’d tasted in his life. Zhi Xing was actually quite the cook. She had even apologized, saying it was the only thing she had in her house and that she was unable to make anything else, but he’d appreciated it. He remembered when he questioned her during the silence of their meal time.

”I…nearly killed you… Why are you even letting me in your presence, let alone your home.” She paused and stared down at her dish in what seemed were bitter memories and spoke.

“Even monsters have a reason.”

Chen wasn’t sure he didn’t have one, but when he thought about it, his brothers were reason enough to do anything that was life risking. He’d die even if it meant saving only one of them.



Though Zhi Xing had only planned his stay to last a few weeks, apparently that was dangerously too long. After a week or two, she began to get comfortable around him. Every day he was there, she still had the haunting dreams, though she was getting more sleep than before, it still affected her. She’d also found that Chen was actually a rather sweet and caring person when he wasn’t doing what he did. She’s found out that it was his ambition and need to keep his brothers safe that ddrove him to all those things, and it was how they made their living and names. He kept asking her to give him things to do to help pay off his stay, but she was too afraid to have him touch anything more than a few broken canvases. Still, he’d began to do his own little things like cleaning and washing dishes after she’d had a long day in her studio.

They’d often end up on the sofa watching tv and to her shock, once, she’d laughed so hard she had lean on him for support, and she could practically cut a line through the tenseness of the room. Somehow, he’d adjust quickly enough to place an arm around her before she pulled away uncomfortable and disappointed with herself. She was treating him like an actual person. He didn’t deserve that. She abruptly left the room completely missing the pained scowl he’d managed before angrily shutting off the television and pegging the remote on the couch to head to his room which was opposite of hers.



The past few weeks were hell for Chen. He’d admit it. Despite her cold appearance, he’d found a way to fall for Zhu Zhi Xing and couldn’t figure out why. It was a reflection of the same day he’d let her go. He did it without reason, and until this day could not think of one. However, he’d found himself growing attached to the hard-shelled-soft-insided girl, but he didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t right in his book of morals and ethics. He’d spilled far too much blood to be saved, and it would firmly be that way.

He left his room, smelling the sweet cooking and sat himself at the dinner table helping himself to the dish. From the moment he entered the room he felt her watching him like a lion eyeing his prey, but he’s found out quickly that she did this when she was curious, and when he finally couldn’t stand it, he sighed.

“What do you want now?”

“Why did you let me go back then?” She questioned forwardly. He chuckled and shook his head.

“I got in so much trouble for that, you know? Kris almost had Tao kill me on the spot, if they hadn’t protested including Tao, I wouldn’t be here today. I was even suspended from my job for several mo—“

“You didn’t answer me. Why?” Chen quieted as he stared at his reflection in the soup.

“Because. You reminded me of me before…then.”

“You could have changed. You could have stopped!” Chen shook his head.

“If it was for us all. I wouldn’t have. Excuse me.” He left her dumbfounded in the kitchen as he rejected his food. He wasn’t hungry anymore.



That night Chen nearly jumped out of bed with the scream he’d heard. His ears felt like they were bleeding and he was pushed into alarm as the screaming continued, screeching through his door. He pushed the door open, running into her room with no hesitation and let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as he saw she was just dreaming.

“Shhh. Stop it. Everything’s fine.” He knew. He knew she was reliving that night, and unconsciously placed her hand in his until her scream soften to a complete silence.

“Chen..” She mumbled. He felt the knot of guilt building in his throat. She wasn’t even calling him by the right name. He was responsible for those dreams, and he knew it.

“It’s Jongdae…” He muttered. “and I’m right here.”



Zhi Xing awoke to the smell of breakfast and sat up hoping the house wouldn’t burn along with it. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she walked into the kitchen just in time to catch Chen discarded a few burnt pieces of breakfast.

“What are you doing?”

“Cooking.” He said with his brow furrowed in concentration, and she watched as he cracked an egg placing it into the frying pan, and allowed her eyes to wander to the egg carton she’d bought only the day before that now held only two eggs. Her eyes widened and she ran over pushing him from the stove and turning everything off. “What are you—“

“You.” She pressed a firm finger against his chest. “have used up two weeks’ worth of eggs idiot! We’re eating out for breakfast.” With that she left to get ready, knowing she’d need to buy a whole new batch of eggs for the outrageously hungry male.


Chen and Zhi Xing sat on the fateful bench again, each nibbling on a pastry with a cup of hot chocolate. Neither had said a word since the breakfast incident and neither had anything to say, or so she thought until he broke the silence.

“You know you—“



Chen stared at his cup of hot chocolate in dismay and annoyance. Zhi Xing who wasn’t sure if what she thought really just happened leaned closer to look inside the cup of hot chocolate.

Sure enough, there were bird droppings in his cup of hot chocolate.

Her grin had already spread and she tried her hardest to stifle the laughter that so desperately wanted to come out until she was making weird hiccup-like noises. Chen glared.

“Go ah—“

“Oh my god a bird just pooped in your cup!” She laughed throwing her head back and nearly looking like she was having a seizure as a laughing fit overcame her once more. “I can’t believe—It had such GOOD aim!!” She cackled and Chen frowned down at his hot chocolate a smile slowly making its way upon his face at the sound of her laughter. It was angelic, though nothing like the tinkling of bells. It was composed despite  how hard she was losing it. It—

He stopped in his tracks as he felt her latch onto his arm burying her face into the sleeve of his big jacket.

“Your hot chocolate!! Picture! I need a picture of it!! Ha, you’ve been targeted!! Pollie wants a pooper!!!!” He stared at her corny jokes in awe until…

She pushed him.

He gasped his hand suddenly leaving his cup of coffee which… conveniently landed in her hair…along with the bird traces. Her laughter died down and he didn’t dare laugh for fear of death.


“Sorry.” He whispered.




Later, Chen was subject to washing her hair of the bird leavings and was now drying her as she stood in front of him a sour expression rather obvious on her face. Though he had initially planned to joke about it, he was too entrance in drying her hair to remember to do so.

“Chen?” He moved the towel to the back of her head which was still quite wet. He just had to do this and comb it a little and it would be fine—“Chen.” He snapped out of it.

“Ah…sor—“ He stared at her face which had a blush painted against her cheeks, probably from their outrageously close proximity. He didn’t know what it was something about her face.., the way her short, yet stylish hair cheeks that were far sweeter than she let anyone catch on. The wet hair…

He dropped and towel and leaned closer watching the blood darken in reaction.

“Chen what are you…?”

“Shh.” He leaned in closing the distance between them, allowing his lips to rest upon hers in a soft manner. He didn’t want to shock or scare her away, but he didn’t want to pass up the chance. Selfish. That’s what he was.  He didn’t deserve this in any way, yet here he was, claiming it as his before claims could be made. Still… He pressed a hand at her nape, gently messaging the soft skin with his thumb as he felt her melt against him. He could feel her thin arms encase him against her body, deepening the innocent kiss until she had no more breath to share.

He let go first, eyes wide in shock as to what just happened compared to her calm, half-lidded eyes.

He was the first to speak.

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why?” She whispered.

“Because now I won’t be happy with what I have.” He whispered capturing her lips a second time and encircling her with is arms to the point she was pressed against him and her arms tightly strung around neck. Her head tilted, allowing him more access that he took advantage of rather quickly. Setting her on the bathroom counter, he slid his hands down her body feeling curves he’d never known before and allowing them to rest at her sides as he deepened the exchange, pressing his tongue against her lips which opened with no hesitation. He felt her fight back, her arms pulling him lower and closer to her until she was able to press her legs around his waist. He lifted her and they took that time to catch breaths as he led her to her room, allowing her back to sink into the mattress to the point where he hovered above her for moments simply staring at her loving the breathless look, but his mind was taking him to a place he didn’t want to go to yet. Slowly and forcefully, he backed away smiling at her confused expression.

“I’ll go back to—“

“Jongdae.” He froze at that name and her hand which had caught his own before he could leave. Unsure, he turned to stare at the girl who was heavily blushing. “please stay… That night you came… the nightmares went away.”

Dumbfounded he just nodded, and climbed into bed beside here. Almost immediately he felt her climb above him and rest her head on his chest, her eyes finally drifting to get the sleep she desperately deserved.



Two years Later

“Jongdae, I’m going out to buy some things, I’ll be back.”  He smiled and nodded waving her a goodbye as he continued to finish the kitchen. He turned and waited for the door to close to begin singing again. After an oddly long bit, it closed and he began singing his heart out to new and out dated songs…but everything went black.


Chen woke up in the middle of a forest, tied to a tree. Shaking himself from his trance of sleep, he began to work to get himself untied—he was an expert after all.

After wriggling, twisting, and pulling he was finally away from the tree binds and dropped to the floor along with a sheet of paper.

Chen Chen, I just know how you love kidnapping. The sensation isn’t fun though is it? I just wanted to inform you all that you didn't end us, just as we didn't end you. But this time, there won't be any more mistakes. What can I say? You’re a monster. I would get away from the little missy while you still can. You can't always be where she is, and as long you're by her side, you put her in danger. It's funny. You all just going and thinking you're capable of living normally, when you and I both know you can't. I'll see you soon. Count on it. 

Thirty minutes later, Zhi Xing arrived with her newly purchased groces to see her door still wide open. Slowly, she stepped into the home looking around and feeling paranoid in the dead silence. Chen wasn't home. She'd know if he was, he was a very move-around kind of person, and he would sing constantly. She dropped her bags and looked around searching for any clues to where he had could have gone this late. She spotted the window. The moon was high in the night air and her protector was missing. She didn't want to sleep.. She knew if she did, the nightmares would return.




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Because I love you all-- Thanksgiving update tomorrow! Enjoy the holidays! (( i'll try to entertain you))


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reading everything again, because the feels i get when i read this story
everything is just so great, you have a real writing talent there ;)
hope you'll be updating soon, but don't rush!
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 19: So the girls gang up on the guys??? Is that wat this is??? I am confused bbut so far its interesting and I love how they always have to leave at the end...this makes me more curious...keep it up also camt wait all of altogether....
pandaexpress2808 #3
Please update soon. It's a really good story.
yunhee_ah #4
Dear authors , please update soon ! Its a really good story
Sounds great! Can't wait to read :)
Chapter 19: Hey~!I really like your story~!I liked Nabi's and Mi Nae's the best so far~!!!lol,I liked Mi Nae's beakhyun,puppy comparison~!
Also what's up with D.O?
And I'm still curious as to how the 12 girls fooled the exo members~!
Please update soon~!!!!!^_^