Chapter 8: Han Mi Nae: Puppy: Part 2

Criminal Minds

The next morning, Mi Nae did just as she had planned. She’d pulled her jacket back onto her shoulders and laced her shoes, leaving one last glance at the stranger before leaving the closed shop, making sure to take his gun with her before she left.  Well. Food and drinks were her plan, but Mi Nae found herself in a mall shopping for a few clothes, because she knew the ones he wore were ruined she stood looking at three different shirts, not sure which one would look better on him. She’d lift one up and decide, but as soon as she glanced at the other she was undecided again. Finally, she left after having bought all three.


Looking down at her watch, she counted the hours from when she’d finished bandaging him last night to that exact moment. He had been asleep for twelve hours, now going on thirteen. He had to be awake by now. So when she opened and unlocked the doors of her clinic, it was no surprise to hears light cursing and shuffling from the room. Smiling, she quietly tiptoed and stood by the door, his back turned to her. She watched as he pulled open and close several drawers before she spoke up.


“Looking for this?” She showed him the gun that she’d kept hidden in her purse, and he glared walking toward her, but stopped as she placed her hand in front of her, her palm facing him as if she were telling him to freeze. She smiled and pulled out the food she’d bought earlier. “Here’s something to eat. Oh! And I bought you some clothes; I didn’t know which to choose so I got three.” He eyed the food before gently taking it from her hands as well as the clothing.


“You’re awfully nice to a man who almost tried to kill you and your client.” She shrugged with a smile.


“Almost. I’m Mi Nae.You are…” She watched as he began to bite into the food as if he hadn’t eaten for days, and honestly, he might not have. Feeling the awkward atmosphere, she decided that maybe conversation would ease him up.


“Why were you bleeding in the first place?” He didn’t reply, but simply continued to eat his food. “Okay…is there any reason as to why you came back after I let you go yesterday? Miss me?” She teased, and he scoffed.


“I just happened to be near, and your lock was the easiest around to pick. Figures.” She soured and crossed her arms.


“You know that if you try to leave again, you’ll just end up in the same predicament.” His chewing slowed and he stared down solemnly at the food she’d brought.


“I know.” He said quietly.


“You’re welcome to stay here.” He scoffed, and quirked an eyebrow, eyeing the place.


“In a clinic? No thanks. Don’t you have animals to take care of here? Like that ugly cat?” Mi Nae glared at him, before thinking about his words and grinning. Noticing her grin, he looked up cautiously.


“What? Is there something on my face?” He grabbed a napkin and began to wipe at his mouth wildly, but she shook her head, her smile forever on her face.


“No, it’s just that you remind me of a puppy. Coming here and putting up a fight even though you’re hurt. Then you dislike cats. And you’re all bark and no bite. What should I call you? Chance? Wolfie? Caramel?” His jaw dropped as he glared at her, putting his food down on the tray, and angrily scoffed.


“My name is Baekhyun. B-A-E-K-H-Y-U-N. Baekhyun. Not Chance or Wolfie or ugh Caramel!” Mi Nae smirked.


“Finally! I thought you’d never tell me your name!” She pouted. “I had to go through all that just to get your name!” He paled before sighing and standing.


“I’m done and leaving. Give me my gun.” She shook her head furiously, and pulled the gun out of her purse, staring at it as she held it, tracing her fingers over the designs.


“You’re injured. I’ll give it back when you’ve recovered.”


“No. I want it now.”




“Yes! Give it back!”




Give. It. Back.”








Baekhyun stopped mid-sentence and paled noticeably as a bullet just flew next to his head and embedded itself in her wall. The two exchanged glances in silence as they stared from the gun to the bullet hole in the wall. Baekhyun blinked, rage beginning to fill his expressions.








“NO I WON’T TOUCH IT ANYMORE I PROMISE!!!” Mi Nae stuck the gun in the file drawer and raised her hands in defense. Baekhyun seemed to have calmed down, but still remained angry that he, the owner of his own gun, was not allowed to have it; still, it was better in the file drawer rather in the hands of this lady. First helping and taking care of a stranger, then firing a weapon at him? She had to be crazy. After that, the two sat there in silence, Baekhyun not really interested in the rest of his food, and Mi Nae still feeling guilty about firing the weapon.


“Hey. Why is that gun so important to you anyway?” Baekhyun  shrugged at the question, before closing his eyes with a smile.


“My…brother gave it to me. It means more to me than my life,” His eyelids flashed open as he glared at her. “So don’t touch it anymore.” She smiled nervously and nodded, and her lips parted to ask another question when the door heard knocking on the clinic door. They exchanged glanced and Mi Nae staring between the door and Baekhyun.


“What do I do?!” She whispered and Baekhyun rolled his eyes.


“It’s your clinic, why are you asking me?!” She pouted, but told him to stay silent as she closed the door to the operation room and went to unlock the closed lobby door.




Baekhyun shook his head as the girl carelessly left him in the room with a gun. Quietly, he snuck to the same file cabinet and opened it. He gaped. It was gone. Gone. She, she put it here right?! He panicked, and searched around the room again as quietly as he could. However, he had no idea where she’d put it.  He tiptoed to the door, and slowly opened it to a crack where he stared at a man who was talking with Mi Nae. His eyes were obviously flirting with the vet who simply wasn’t getting. Baekhyun scoffed. ‘Clueless.’ He eyed her until his gaze landed on her rear end. Not that he was a ert, but he gaped as he noticed his gun tucked tightly in her back pocket. She had lied to him! His eyes followed her every move cautiously until the uninvited man left, and he walked up behind her, quickly swiping the weapon from her, startling her in the process.




“You said you’d leave it in the file drawer.” He shook his head not believing that he’d actually trusted her before walking back into the operation room keeping the gun in his possession. When he thought about it, he really didn’t have anywhere to go. “I think I’ll make this my house.” Mi Nae felt her jaw drop at his ego. Make this his house? She had just offered for him to stay—Oh this, this idiot!




The next few weeks, which were longer than Baekhyun expected, he’d ended up staying at the clinic. It didn’t take him long to get comfortable with the place or the crazy vet that was running it. Honestly, she acted like a five year old toward him, and they bickered nearly all the time, but little by little he was getting attached. He could finally relax even when she was around, and had no problem with her touching his gun, as long as he was in the room anyway. He would often talk about the rest of s and how she would remind him of them sometimes, but he never gave her names. They teased each other often, and soon Mi Nae’s roommate began to notice her presence away from their joint apartment.


And it was true. She hadn’t wished to go out for lunch as long as she used to. She rarely left to eat at her favorite itelisn place and finally her roommate with the forever long crush got tired of it.


“Can we go out on a date tonight?” Joon Ha asked and Mi Nae frowned, slightly flustered.


“I can’t, I have—“


“Please?” And she gave in. Minate stared at herself in the mirror. She looked nice for once. Her hair had been nicely curled and she wore earrings and a necklace. Her clothing was fashionable for once, even the heels she wore seemed to come together with the whole wardrobe perfectly, but she couldn’t remove that tugging feeling that was telling her that she’d dressed up for the wrong person.


So on their way to the movies, she’d begged Joon Ha to stop at the clinic for a few seconds so she could check up on something. Nodding, Joon Ha stayed in the car as Mi Nae walked inside the darkened place.


“Baekhyun?” Her voice echoed throughout the office when she hadn’t seen him in the room he usually remained in, but when she heard a door open she spun around with a relieved smile.




At hearing his name, Baekhyun opened the door of the office bathroom where he was brushing his teeth and peeked his out head out. His eyes widened at the sight before him, and he gulped, nearly dropping his toothbrush. Mi Nae stood in front of him with a guilty smile. Baekhyun hadn’e ever seen her like that before. She usually came to the workplace in tacky clothing that he normally found cute, but at the moment he questioned if he was looking at the same Mi Nae he usually saw every day. His hair showed that she’d put effort into it, hell, everything did. And he was just amazed.


“I’m going out tonight. Don’t wait up, I’ll be back but it might be late. Take care.” She smiled and left his sight. The moment the door close, Baekhyun locked it and stared longingly at the car she’d just gotten into and the man whom he noticed to be the same man that would visit her each day for lunch break. Joon..Jeon Ha? Her roommate. As the car drove off, the loneliness set in again. Loneliness wasn’t something Baekhyun was used to. He’d never been the type to get lonely but everytime he sat in that office alone, he could help but think how much better it would be if Mi Nae were there.


He stared at himself in the mirror as a slow smirk made its way onto his face. Oh he’d get pay back. He’d definitely get  payback.




That night when Mi Nae returned, Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen.


“Baekhyun?” She called again, hoping he was just in the restroom like last time, but he wasn’t. there was no response in the dark clinic. Worried, she made her way through all of the rooms of the place, but still nothing. Had he left? Sighing, she slumped back to the operation room and frowned. “Baekhyun where are you?” She muttered.


Suddenly, she felt herself being grabbed from behind, a hand placed over . Hot breath rolled against her neck and shoulder, making her shiver in the arms of her captor.


“You were worried, weren’t you?” At the voice, Mi Nae glared, relaxing as his hand moved from . However, when he didn’t let go she frowned under his touch. Her lips parted as she thought of something to say, but immediately brought them together when she felt his head rest on her shoulder, and his hand fall from only to secure tightly around her waist. “That should have been me.” Her eyebrows furrowed together.




“I’m jealous.” He whispered into her neck. “You never dress up like that around me.”


“Dressing up takes a lot of time and I find it uncomfortable.” Baekhyun only snuggled deeper into the side of her neck, aware of the blush that had already intruded her cheeks. Yet, to her dismay, he let go of her completely and chuckled, walking away.


“He’s a lucky guy.” Frowning, Mi Nae stood there, not knowing what to do. Well, on the contrary, she knew exactly what she wanted to do, but was unsure of Baekhyun was joking or not. didn’t matter right? Taking an inhale of good luck, mi Nae turned and followed him, catching him in her arms as she buried her face in his back where his wound had healed with only a scar left. Baekhyun smirked, already knowing that this would happen. “Han Mi Nae, what do you think you’re doing?” He teased lightly.


“Something I should have done instead of go on that date with Joon Ha.” Ah Joon Ha. That was his name.  Baekhyun twisted in her arms and placed his hands firmly on her waist as he leaned forward until his temple rested on her own.


“And what would that be?” He grinned as he saw the smile forming on her face. And just like he’d planned, she took his lips, cupping his cheeks with both her hands. Baekhyun moved his hold fron the sides of her waist and placed his arms around the small of her back and pulled closer as he deepened the kiss, enjoying the taste of her lips on his. He’d waited far too long for this, and he had a feeling that she had done the same. She ran her fingers through his hair, gentle twisting the strands through her fingers as her body mindlessly arched toward him, needing more of his touch which he happily complied with.


In the moment, bother had begun to lose air, but neither wanted to be the first to pull away. But being the man he was, Baekhyun left her lips first, bringing her closer to him as he felt her cheek rest against his chest.


“Idiot Han Mi Nae. Your boyfriend won’t be happy with you.” She clutched him tighter.


“He’s not my boyfriend.”


“Mhm.” Mi Nae soured.


“And I’m not an idiot.” Baekhyun chuckled, thinking she would have overlooked that part of his sentence. Gently, he placed a kiss to her forehead.


“Of course not.”


“Is that sarcasm?”


“Of course not.”




Mi Nae spent that night at the clinic, and when she realized she had to change, she groaned as she pulled herself away from Baekhyun’s iron lock to head back to her apartment. When she arrived, she opened the door to find Joon Ha sitting on the sofa, fingers laced and a look of thought that was broken when her presence entered.  His things were packed beside him, and the apartment seemed half empty already.


“Joon Ha? What’s going on?” He gave a lazy smile and stood walking toward her. Confused, she simply remained in his grasp that encircled her in seconds.


“I’m leaving.” She blinked up at him sadly.


“But…why?” He chuckled.


“Don’t think I haven’t noticed that guy lurking around your clinic recently. He’s done a better job than I have with my feelings for you.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’m leaving you in his care, so warn him that if he hurts you, he has me to go through.” Sadly, she smiled and nodded as he let go and gathered his things and made his way to the door. Before he turned to leave, he stood there and gave her one last smile.


“Thank you for last night.” With that, he left a confused Mi Nae staring at his back as he drove off.




That same day and on, Baekhyun had started living in her apartment. He wasn’t as bad as she thought he would be, and she could finally take two patients at her clinic again like she used to do before her own stray puppy wandered in.


Months went on and she never heard from Joon Ha only finding out that he left the country for the states. What he was to do there, she didn’t know. No one did. Just that he was gone. However, in her apartment he was easily replaced by Baekhyun, and she was honestly feeling guilty about choosing him over Joon Ha, but something about Baekhyun just seemed more inviting, despite the fact that their meeting over a year ago consisted of him almost killing her.


One day though, she’d found that one of her client’s birds was fatally ill and unfortunately, she had to leave on her day off to tend to it. She wasn’t really sure when she’d get back either, but Baekhyun had been understanding and allowed her to go. Still, she went determined to come home early.




Baekhyun had nothing to do anymore, now that Mi Nae had gone to work. He had actually wanted to come with her just to get out of the place, but she’d insisted that he stay. The feeling of loneliness had faded though. He didn’t have to be lonely, she was his. No one was going to take her from him. No one.


A few hours later he was interrupted.




Baekhyun stared at the cellphone the girl had carelessly left and shook his head. He didn’t want to answer it. Especially if it were her parents. They were always ushering him to ask her to get married, and he’d brought the idea up to her once, and he could see the terrified look in her eyes, so he decided he’d just wait until she brought it up. Unfortuantely, her parents weren’t so easy about it. He could swear that there was a message on her phone each day from them.




Baekhyun groaned and stood, walking to the cell phone and answering despite his better judgement.




“Byun Baekhyun.” Baekhyun froze and turned off the distraction of the television.


“Who is this?” He hissed into the phone and stared at the caller ID but nothing displayed on the screen. Not even the words ‘unknown’ or ‘private caller’.


“Ah, how long has it been? A year? Nearly two, don’t you think?” Baekhyun ran his tongue over his teeth, an angry habit.


“Stop the games. Who is this?”


“It’s more like who are you? Playing some innocent robber that only needed medicine and help? Now, now you know that’s not you at all.” Baekhyun inhaled, resting his hands on his waist as his grip on the cellular device. “Anyway, have you heard from Kyungsoo these days? Oh that’s right. You all haven’t seen him for a while. What about the others? Suho? No? Well guess what? I know exactly where every one of them is at this exact moment. If you want, I can even tell you where Mi Nae is and where her parents live too.”


“Stop. Don’t hurt her or her family. They haven’t done anything to you or me. I don’t know who you are but you aren’t going to use them! You want me right? What!? What do you want?” The voice on the other end chuckled.


“Leave. Now.” As he finished, Baekhyun jumped as Mi Nae entered through the door looking as exhausted as ever. She smiled curiously, wondering why he was talking on her cell phone. Baekhyun sent her a smile and mouthed “parents” and she rolled her eyes making her way to their room. When she was out of ear’s reach, Baekhyun felt his jaw tighten.


“I can’t.” He whispered. “Not right now.”


“Time’s wasting. Remember. I know where her parents live.” Baekhyun wore on his lip as he paced back and forth.


“Five minutes. Can I just have five more minutes with her?”


“The clock is ticking.” He dropped the call and made his way into their room, taking no time to embrace Mi Nae into a hug. She smiled and returned the gesture.


“I have to go.” Her smile faltered as she looked up at him confused and disbelieving. He felt his heart shattering already.


“What? Why?”


“I just. I have to. I love you.” He kissed her, tightly pulling her against him, and she returned the gesture desperately before pulling away, tears already in her eyes.


“But why?”


“It’s for you. I’m keeping you safe. Be careful of everyone and anyone you meet alright?” She shook her head as he began to make his way out of the apartment, making sure to grab a small picture of her. She followed him, shaking her head.


“Baekhyun where are you going?!” He turned around and pressed one more kiss to her lips, before staring into her eyes.


“I’ll be back. I don’t know when, but I will. I promise. Wait for me.” She felt more tears coming as he walked down the stairs of her apartment complex, down the street, and out of her life. Just like most had before. But she shook her head, wiping her tears. Fine. She’d wait. She’d wait for him as long as she had to.




“Sir, he’s finally left the apartment.” An informant rang throughout the office.


“What a stupid idiot. I never agreed to those five minutes.”


“What do you suggest we do?” A few second ticked by before a smirk curved onto an unknown face.


“Kill the parents.  They aren’t worth much anyway.”







 Sooo. How do you like it. It WAS cute right? Until the end. O:

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Because I love you all-- Thanksgiving update tomorrow! Enjoy the holidays! (( i'll try to entertain you))


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reading everything again, because the feels i get when i read this story
everything is just so great, you have a real writing talent there ;)
hope you'll be updating soon, but don't rush!
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 19: So the girls gang up on the guys??? Is that wat this is??? I am confused bbut so far its interesting and I love how they always have to leave at the end...this makes me more curious...keep it up also camt wait all of altogether....
pandaexpress2808 #3
Please update soon. It's a really good story.
yunhee_ah #4
Dear authors , please update soon ! Its a really good story
Sounds great! Can't wait to read :)
Chapter 19: Hey~!I really like your story~!I liked Nabi's and Mi Nae's the best so far~!!!lol,I liked Mi Nae's beakhyun,puppy comparison~!
Also what's up with D.O?
And I'm still curious as to how the 12 girls fooled the exo members~!
Please update soon~!!!!!^_^