Chapter 3: Kim Ara: Royal Flush: Part 2

Criminal Minds


He was true to his word. The next day Ara found him at the club, and the day after that, and the day after that, always stopping for unknown periods of time. Once, she'd seen him and gave a wave, and he smiled, waved and had left. Sometimes he'd stay to examine her technique as she played a game of poker. He'd situate himself directly over her shoulder, peering down at her cards. Sometimes too close. She shivered remembering one experience where she was about to win--or she thought so--but he'd leaned forward ever more just enough to have her slam down her cards in surprise, therefore calling a fold before she could even bet. However, when it came down to it, she had the lowest hand around, and she was betting that's weeks' salary too. She couldn't be more thankful, but she was still sour about it. But it was alright. She won the next three hands anyway. 


It had gotten to the point where their bittersweet relationship began to lose all the bitter. He'd come by sometimes leaving a gift to her boss, who'd subsequently gave to her. In return, she'd make him a few free drinks or let him into the VIP area with her pass. Holidays were usually quite busy and so often he'd stop by and work as a volunteer waiter, helping her around.


"If you get hurt, what would the club do without its number 1 waitress?" He smiled up at her, lifting a bottle on his tray. She'd smacked him for that one. It didn't hurt though. But she had to force herself to run to another table to keep him from seeing the spreading blush over her cheeks while he laughed at her.

And Valentine's Day. She could never forget that day.  


"Why are  there so many people here today?" Ara complained, once again lifting her rounded tray completely full of half-filled glasses and full bottles ready to be delivered to their rightful table. "Shouldn't these people have somewhere to be like in relationships?" 


"Not everyone has a girlfriend or wife as pretty as you waiting for them at home." She froze at the voice, completely refusing to turn around. Her face was beet red, and honestly, she was sure that he knew about it. He was insanely cheesy. She'd noticed that about him right away. She spied for an escape and remembered her drinks waiting patiently to be delivered.  She made her way toward them only to be pulled back by the wrist and twisted into his arms. "Not today. You're off, and I'm taking your place." She didn't know what to do honestly. Was she supposed to just stand there, or hug him back, or--Nope. Nope. Not going to happen. No kisses here-- 


He pulled away, pressing his lips to her forehead and gave her that cheeky, dimply, adorable smile. Yup. That was it. She froze on the spot a little, and he just left her standing there dumbfounded as he chuckled delivering the drinks to their rightful owners. 'Did what just happen, just happen?' She questioned herself this several times while standing there. 

A worker passed and she jumped, whipping her head side, seeing Yixing getting cussed out by a customer for his late drinks. He did what he usually did--smile innocently and continue on. She found herself watching him until he came back, with a grin knowing she'd be too stunned to leave anyway.

Yixing escorted Ara outside with a kind of pride he couldn't explain. He'd grown close to her over the while and enjoyed her presence at all times. It was best to tease with cute, corny sayings that he could say were 100% accurate. She was very beautiful. She was the reason he hadn't moved on to another town like he had been doing before he'd gotten here. As he pulled the girl along behind him, he couldn't help but notice that she was still in a daze from their previous...mingling.


More pride surged through him.


Only he was able to do that to her. 


"It's cold. Take my jacket and go--"


"Yixing, what the heck was that?" Yixing blinked, pulling his jacket back as he stared back at her.


"What?" He asked cutely.


"You know what!" She whispered harshly, her eyes darting to the sides to see if anyone was around. He smiled and shrugged still trying to get her to at least put on his jacket. He could feel the cool night air and the bartender's uniform didn't look anywhere near warm. She looked from the jacket to him and shook her head, crossing her arms. "I have work. I need my week’s payment." He rolled his eyes.


"You'll still get paid, and I'll work it for you. Won't that be enough?" She shook her head.


"That's not how I work." He chuckled and sighed.


"Like I said, you play by the rules to much. It's kind of cute. Slightly frustrating, but cute." She blinked looking up at him, the heat on her cheeks enough to keep herself warm without his jacket (though she did kind of want to put it on. Yixing watched her eyes nailed on his jacket and smiled stepping forward. She stepped back. They played this forward-back game until she found her back against the cold brick wall. He inched toward her, until he was directly in front of her, face only centimeters from hers, but still he moved forward, slipping the jacket onto her body as he stared at the brick wall behind her to keep his thoughts sane. Being this close to her was like ambrosia. She smelt like--honestly didn't know what, but he loved it. It was a unique scent--pure. When he was this close he found it hard to resist. 


"Yixing what are you.." She trailed as his faced moved away from her ear and more to her front, pressing his nose against hers. She felt a little awkward now. She was used to compliments and comments, but not actual..Intimate touching. Okay, it was just their noses but, it was--


She was interrupted by Yixing who had his eyes fixed on her lips, then switched his sight to her eyes briefly before going back to staring at her lips.






"I really want to kiss you right now.." Ara stared at him. This was the moment of truth for her. She didn't like him..did she? She gulped thinking of her reactions and how often her cheeks were blushed these days. When he wasn't around she felt kind of lonely, he made her mood better than it usually was, even if it was already going well. The way his lips had felt against her skin only moments ago inside. "Ara-"


She kissed him. It was Valentine's Day, and for the past few years she ended up celebrating it alone. No. She wasn't going to take that anymore.


Yixing on the other was nearly as shocked as she was when he felt her lips against his. He didn't think she'd ever do it...and if she wasn't going to let him, he wasn't going to act on his feelings. No matter how much they wanted to burst out inside of him, and they usually did 90% of the time. He could only relieve himself by telling her cheesy lines that she never took seriously until now... Out of nowhere, he felt her arms snake around his neck pulling him down. For a moment, he'd forgotten about how much shorter she was compared to him. He bent down enough to tighten his hold around her waist bringing her closer to his as he lifted her of the grounded.


"What--" He laughed, setting her back down as he heard her breath hitch in . She really wasn't used to this relationship type thing was she? Still, the moment he recovered from humor, he found himself pushed up against the wall as she'd initiated yet another kiss, this time letting him have permission. They wrestled like that for a bit, the heat of their breath creating small clouds of steam in the night air, and despite the biting cold, each found themselves hot and covered with a thin layer of sweat. As expected, she pulled away first, catching her breath as he wrapped his arms inside her jacket and around her waist pulling closer to him as he nipped against her earlobe. 


She giggled breathlessly from the sensation, pulling her shoulders up and scrunching her neck under his lips. He smiled. It was one of the rare times he heard her laugh like so. It sounded so...mesmerizing. His grip around her tightened causing her to look and he smiled down at her pressing his lips against her ear.


"We have customers." She scoffed as she removed her bartender's apron and tugged his jacket closer to her.

"Correction. You have customers."




That day was unforgettable. It had been two years since she'd met Yixing and a year and a half since they'd been together. Though they hadn't officially told her co-workers or her family, or Yixing's mysterious brothers that he’d mention from time to time, it was obvious they were together. They clung together, but never attached enough to be that one couple everyone hated. She'd gotten Lay a job at the club's gambling room where he was paid part-time for playing all sorts of games and making sure not to lose any. He would also receive a portion of the money won, which he'd generously split with her to help her family's bills. Her family was doing much better now (despite not knowing where the extra income came from), but her brother still hadn't shown himself yet continued to send money. She was grateful for once in her life finally. 


Yixing woke up to a note posted on the door of his actual home. He still hadn't told Ara where he truly lived for both their safety. She hadn't pressed him about it, and he was fine with that--a little guilty--but fine. Slouching, he rubbed his eyes and walked to the door assuming it was from the landlord.


But as he read it he felt his heart stop.


 "I just wanted to inform you all that you didn't end us, just as we didn't end you. But this time, there won't be any more mistakes. What can I say? You're a detriment to business--both of you. I would get away from the missy while you still can. You can't always be where she is, and as long you're by her side, you put her in danger. It's funny. You all just going and thinking you're capable of living normally, when you and I both know you can't. I'll see you soon. Count on it."


He stared at the note for several minutes, re-reading it and hoping at one point he'd wake up. Unfortunately, things weren't always fairytales. He always knew he and Ara would come to an end eventually, he had just wished it wouldn't be so soon. He removed the note and brought it with him, as he got into his car, not bothering to wash up or pack. Setting the slip of paper into the glove department and headed toward the club where Ara worked.

He parked outside, but refused to go in, knowing that if he did, there would be no way he'd be able to walk away without her. He knew she'd be on trash duty this morning and wrote her a note, pressing it to the back door, and walked back to his car. Sighing, he bid her a mental goodbye and cranked his engine driving off, he'd make one more stop at his apartment.


At the same time, Ara had opened the door to throw away a night's worth of trash, not seeing his car was heading back inside, seeing a slip of paper fall off the door. She shrugged, assuming it was trash and walked back in, not bothering to check it. 


2 Weeks Later


Ara found herself daydreaming about Valentine's day once more. What had her thinking back to this? The fact that she hadn't seen him in a while. Once, he'd asked her that if he didn't come to see her not to search for him, but now she was getting lonely. She'd almost lost her job, for doing something mindless--forgetting that Yixing wasn't there to help her with drinks. She'd assumed that he'd taken a  customer's drink to their table when in fact they had never received it in the first place. 


Thinking she was just exhausted, her boss let have some time off, which was what she was doing today. She knew better, but she was going to find him and ask him what the heck was going on. 

Arriving at the mini-Casino she noticed a man sweeping outside, but it wasn't Yixing. Worried, she got out of her car to ask him questions. 


"Excuse me sir, do you know the address of the person that was renting this place?" 


"Lay?" She stared at him confused before remembering that Yixing often went by that.


"Yes. I have important business with him, but I need his address." The man made a sour face as he thought.


"Well normally, I try to keep my Customer's information private, but that rascal hasn't even paid the rent yet. Aigoo, and I'm short on money this month. Here  Now if you find him, tell him I have serious business with him too." She nodded, bowing thanks before heading to the address. 


When she arrived she nearly choked on air, wondering if it was right. she had been led to a high-class apartment building, and she knew Yixing was a gambler, but so much as to live in a place like that? She shook her head but walked inside anyway. Even the security was high and she was patted down to the last bone for suspicious items. Still, she skipped the lobby desk and headed straight up to the room he'd been staying in--Room 361. She stood in front of the door for the longest time, wondering if it would be wise to even open the door. 


"Nope. I have to do it." She assured herself before twisting the knob, which she found completely unlocked. Shocked, she walked in, and it was like a new world. Everything was completely nice and neat. Pictures frames hung around where she could see Yixing and 11 other guys which she assumed were his mysterious family, even though some didn't even seem related by physical looks. She walked through the house more, finding his bedroom door open. Excited, she ran toward it, only to find an unmade bed and a completely too-neat room. There was one photo lying on the bedside table. She stared at it, seating herself on the soft mattress. Recognized it as a picture they'd taken together and ripped in half. She kept the half with him and he kept the half with her...or so she thought. She looked at the photo and the words written in black marker beside it.


'Ara, I'm Sorry'


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Because I love you all-- Thanksgiving update tomorrow! Enjoy the holidays! (( i'll try to entertain you))


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reading everything again, because the feels i get when i read this story
everything is just so great, you have a real writing talent there ;)
hope you'll be updating soon, but don't rush!
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 19: So the girls gang up on the guys??? Is that wat this is??? I am confused bbut so far its interesting and I love how they always have to leave at the end...this makes me more curious...keep it up also camt wait all of altogether....
pandaexpress2808 #3
Please update soon. It's a really good story.
yunhee_ah #4
Dear authors , please update soon ! Its a really good story
Sounds great! Can't wait to read :)
Chapter 19: Hey~!I really like your story~!I liked Nabi's and Mi Nae's the best so far~!!!lol,I liked Mi Nae's beakhyun,puppy comparison~!
Also what's up with D.O?
And I'm still curious as to how the 12 girls fooled the exo members~!
Please update soon~!!!!!^_^