Chapter 2: Eunji: Acquaintances: Part 1

Criminal Minds


Today seemed to be just one of those days. The sky was unnecessarily gloomy, and the streets seemed so dark that she questioned if there was actually a sun behind the ominous clouds; still, all she had to do was look at any grade school science book to prove that question wrong. Honestly, she would admit it, today she was tired. Usually, she could wake up early and finish classes without needing a wink of sleep, even after the day was over. She pushed through most situations, but today she was tired. And she knew exactly why. She was walking home today. That's right; she was actually going home for once, a rare practice in her book. She was actually making her way right now, and after three weeks was finally going to see her father again. She frowned. For what? An hour? Maybe two? Of course, she didn't mind things like this, but the routine often frustrated her. She understood why, she really did. Business was no joke, heck; she was even planning to major in it. So why was she unhappy? Because she knew her father was unhappy. Of all people, she knew he would have liked to spend years with her, just being there for the oh-so-many days he'd missed out on things in her life. Things that made her smile, things that made her cry, and things that made her angry--he wanted to be there for all of that. 


She sighed.


But business was business, and she was already used to it. 


"So, you going to take it? That's the cheapest I can get you of this. It's the newest drug out there, fresh on the market, and I had to go through a lot of trouble just to get it. I mean, I should at least get an extra 20% interest fee just for that." Xiumin pleaded, shifting his eyes from the small bottle of intensely red liquid before him to the man seated across, an amused expression on his face. It'd been two weeks since he'd had to operate on his own. Usually he had Yixing here to talk a client into a buy as he wasn't too good with words. He was just a dealer. He could virtually get his hands on nearly any drug, new or old...with the right tools and people that is. He could name every side effect of practically any drug using memory alone. He didn't know why but the life hazards interested him, and with his mother having been an underground botanist and his father a chemist, he held the knowledge of not only selling, naming, and finding drugs, but he could make them too. However, since last time, a failed operation cost the whole team their livings, and now he was operating alone. Only a day after that had he found out about this new drug--Nitromia--and it ticked him off. For some reason, Xiumin couldn't figure out what went in the thing. Several times he's tried to create it himself only partially succeeding. Registered side effects wouldn't occur because he'd made it to weak, or it'd miss the smell because he'd put too much of something else. He'd figure it out eventually, but right now, he needed to get some money in his hands for the purpose of actually leading a life. So here he was, in the house of one of the biggest clients he's ever heard of, just waiting for him to accept the deal. All he needed was for the man to accept, and he'd be ₩900,000 richer. Enough to pay for more ingredients to make and sell a few more narcotics. Maybe then he could finally afford an apartment.


"Tell me, why is it worth so much?" Xiumin grinned, leaning back in his chair. That's right. That's how it's supposed to go. Casually, he lifted the glass and took a small sniff of the beverage he'd been offered. After deeming it good enough, he downed the liquid, leaving the empty glass to land on the mahogany end table next to him with a pure 'cling'.


"Well, as you know it's formally known as Nitromia, but you can find it by the name of 'Bloody Valentine' or 'Scarlet Knife' because of its trademark blood red pigment. Taken in small doses, you can get higher than any other drug out there. It can give you major hallucinations, and even a contact of mine told me he started seeing dead people! Everything is hilarious..." Xiumin noted skillfully before pausing to meet the eyes of the old man. "But don't heed the cautions and after about six hours of all that, things get real. Heavy dizziness and nausea can be experienced. "I like to call this the 'Do or Die' stage. If you can chug about two gallons of water down and get rid of it within thirty minutes, then you'll be fine. You might have black urine for a few days, but you'll survive." The man inhaled, crossing his arms.


"And if you don't?" Xiumin's grin only widened in pride.


"One hour later: Dementia and Involuntary shrieking. The user becomes hostile and is most dangerous. Three hours later, and you're dead...but," Xiumin leaned closer lacing his hands and resting his chin on them. No one could have missed the amused and malicious twinkle in his eyes. "the sensations, hallucination, and even the ual feeling is very 'to die for'."


"Have you tried it?"


"Of course? What kind of dealer would I be if I haven't?" 


"I want the whole briefcase." Xiumin smiled, lifting the mobile safe in his lap and placing it on the table separating the two of them. Likewise, the old man handed over his own briefcase. They exchanged eyes for a few moments before anxiously unlocking each and taking a peek inside. Xiumin eyed the fresh cash, inhaling before giving a low whistle and closing it, coming to a stand. Satisfied, he held out a firm hand that was immediately and gladly accepted.




"Ahh yes! I remember that! Idiot ran into the very bar without even feeling it! Ugh, the money." Confused, Eunji kicked off her shoes, and set her books down next to them, walking into her father's home. (She remained at the dorm where they had agreed would be safest.) Rarely did he have company when he knew she'd be coming. Even the lights of the house were on, and knowing her father, if it weren't for said guest, they'd all be off in his attempt to 'conserve energy'; energy being his own synonym for money. After an inhale, she stepped out of hiding, giving two knocks on the wall.


"Am I interrupting something?" The laughter stopped as she watched her father twist his head, sighing in relief when he'd seen that it was her.


"Eunji! Eunji! I forgot you were coming today. Aish, my memory. Forgive your old man, okay?!" He laughed in her face. She sighed and surveyed the room, her eyes landing on the large bottle of soju and the two glasses beside it. Drinking. She rolled her eyes, carefully directing him back to his seat so as he wouldn’t trip over his own self. The other guest seemed to still be smiling, his glass still completely full of the soju. 'He must have just poured another glass..' She inferred. Never had she ever been in her father's drunk presence--it wasn't often he drank. Still, she knew him well enough to know that if he was anywhere near a bottle of alcohol, he must have paid a client a large sum of money. She spotted the two suitcases, one slightly opened with a shining red. 'Bingo..' 


"Oh Eunji! Eunji! This is ahhh this is Kim Min--" The latter shot him a glance and she watched as her father shook his head, doing his best to compose himself. "Xiumin, I mean. His name is Xiumin. You've seen him once before, yes? Introduce yourself! We're very good partners!" She twitched, but nonetheless, put up the best smile she could muster.


"Hi. I'm Nam Eunji..." She spared a glance at her father who nodded approvingly. "His daughter." Xiumin stared at her, eyes wide then switched his vision to her father. Then back to her.




"Let it out, and we'll have to kill you." Xiumin stared at her blankly, before sighing and raising his hands in defense. Kill him? Good one. Broken up or not, if they found out he was dead, this family might as well say goodbye to everything and everyone connected to it. Especially if Kris found out. Xiumin shivered. Who knows what he'd have them do to the family.


"Actually I was just leaving. I'll see you another time President Nam." The old man nodded rapidly; he was too busy pouring himself another glass to even really care.


"Eunji walk him out! Oh, how about tomorrow? Today's not a good day for us. Tomorrow it is! Hahaa!!" He downed another glass, and Eunji found herself nearly laughing at her father's behavior before gesturing Xiumin to lead the way. 

Xiumin couldn't help but stare at the girl. Honestly, she was very attractive. He hadn't even known that President even had a daughter. He even brushed it off as a rumor, but when she'd walked in today for the second, he found it nearly suffocating to remove his eyes from her presence. Her caramel-mocha locks were exceptionally radiant as was her skin.

Her hair shined profusely, even under the home's dim lights. Despite her obviously tired exterior, she was no less beautiful that he could imagine her on a good day. Unfortunately, even the clouds weren't going to show him her true beauty as they blocked the sun from view. What a bummer. He heard the doors close behind him, and he turned to smile at her.


"Thank you." He looked around for a trace of some kind of vehicle. "Did you walk here?"  She nodded, ignoring his presence and focused on making sure she'd gather every and all of her things. She had actually walked here? According to the rumors, she attended Yonsei university, which was a good walk from their current location. "I'll take you home."


She looked up, her eyes already judging. He could already name the questions forming in her mind. Was this guy worth trusting? What was he after, more money? Was he going to make her try a drug as well? He placed the suitcase of money into his vehicle and turned back to her, raising his hands in surrender. "Okay, if you don't want to, I guess I'll take my lea--" He was cut off as her stomach interrupted.  He drew his eyes from her abdomen which she covered with her books to her face which was slowly increasing in just as much pink as there was silence. She stared into the distance, avoiding his eyes--embarrassed. Xiumin couldn't help but burst out laughing, his lips lifting showing off his perfect white teeth and a bit of gum. "Your stomach! It just--"


"No it didn't." Somehow he managed to laugh even harder.


"But we just--" 


"No." He laughed some more, his eyes scrunching into thin lines as he leaned on the car for support. Geez, if someone had seen him, they would have thought he really had tried out the Nitromia. Silence from her continued as he laughed, his air support weakening until he was able to breath normally...well with a few chuckles here and there.


"Would you like lunch? I mean, it's the least I can do for laughing." He chuckled a bit more at the end of his sentence. She glared at him, and walked forward, pushing her books into his hands, and helping herself into the car. Stupid stomach. Stupid world. Stupid men. Xiumin let out a few more 'ha's' and gently set her textbooks into the back of the vehicle. He noticed several books on business, accounting, economics, and one or two on politics. He never would have guessed she was the serious doctor-lawyer-president kind of person.  Still, he got in, and took a shortcut to one of his favorite restaurants.

Unsurprised, Eunji found that the guy was actually a gentleman and had taken her to one of the upper class restaurants in town. He had obviously been here before, not even waiting to be hosted to a table. He found his way past the happily chit-chatting guests, up the stairs, and out onto the roof. It was evening, and dim lights were kept on above the building seeing as night would be approaching and despite the full moon, the clouds refused them any moonlight at all. Still, the night was warm enough to wear jackets weren't needed, and he quickly removed his own.


"How are we supposed to eat here? You didn't even tell people that we were here. Are we even allowed to be here??" Xiumin rolled his eyes. Her rain of questions was already terrifying. He smiled, but stood up, digging a hand into his pocket, ignoring the confused eyes. "You. What are you doing?" He ignored her until he finally grasped a piece of paper, and removed it from his pocket returning to his previous position. He unfolded the sheet and handed it to her.


"Here's the menu, I already know what I want." He began excitedly, ready to tell her paragraphs about the place. "I keep that with me at all times because I eat here so often. Their food is amazing. You should try--" 


"I already know what I want." He pouted but sat back with a sigh. Silence engulfed them, neither wanting to talk to the other at first, until they heard footsteps. To her surprise there was, indeed, a waiter making his way to him.


"Tell him what you want." She exchanged glances with Xiumin and ignored his request, waiting until the waiter actually got to her side. She looked down at the paper, pointing at two different things, which he assumed was her meal and drink, while he merely shot the worker a nod, already knowing what he usually ordered. In his absence, the two sat in silence. Eunji peering around at the scenery, and Xiumin peering at her. He didn't know why, but even if he wanted to take his eyes off of her, he couldn't.


"Do you really do them?" Xiumin blinked, not comprehending as to what she was referring to. Does he really do them? As in...women or...? Obviously catching his confusion, she rolled her eyes, and elaborated. "Drugs. Do you really try them before selling?" He leaned back in his chair, face returning to a serious expression.


"Of course not. If I tried every single narcotic I sold, I wouldn't be here now, showing you this nice restaurant." She nodded, ignoring the latter part of his sentence. 'Of course not.' The words rang in her head. She remembered her father specifically telling her he didn't buy drugs unless the dealer his or her self had actually tried it. So this guy..


"I'm quite drug free actually." She would have choked on air if she cared. A drug dealer, drug free? She smirked shaking her head. 


"No really. If you want I'll take a test." She challenged him with a life of her eyebrows. He simply smiled back, and shrugged. He wasn't trying to convince her anymore and she slightly considered it. Was he really clean?


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Because I love you all-- Thanksgiving update tomorrow! Enjoy the holidays! (( i'll try to entertain you))


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reading everything again, because the feels i get when i read this story
everything is just so great, you have a real writing talent there ;)
hope you'll be updating soon, but don't rush!
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 19: So the girls gang up on the guys??? Is that wat this is??? I am confused bbut so far its interesting and I love how they always have to leave at the end...this makes me more curious...keep it up also camt wait all of altogether....
pandaexpress2808 #3
Please update soon. It's a really good story.
yunhee_ah #4
Dear authors , please update soon ! Its a really good story
Sounds great! Can't wait to read :)
Chapter 19: Hey~!I really like your story~!I liked Nabi's and Mi Nae's the best so far~!!!lol,I liked Mi Nae's beakhyun,puppy comparison~!
Also what's up with D.O?
And I'm still curious as to how the 12 girls fooled the exo members~!
Please update soon~!!!!!^_^