Chapter 8: Han Mi Nae: Puppy: Part 1

Criminal Minds

Mi Nae pouted at the small cat in front of her. She just didn’t know what to do with the animal. She’d been a vet for the longest time, and honestly, she couldn’t find a thing wrong with the cat other than it was being moody toward her. It hadn’t been hurt, but it was acting as if it were the king of the world right now. However, the little high-schooler that had brought the feline to her in the first was swearing by her life that something was wrong with her cat. It wasn’t eating, but it wasn’t depressed or ill. She was always being mischievous and breaking things around the house as well, which apparently was something the family had never had a problem with before.


“You just want attention don’t you?” The cat meowed before sitting up to clean its paws with his tongue. Thinking of an idea, Mi Nae sat down and opened her arms with a smile. “Come here! I’ll pay attention to you!” The animal cutely cocked its head to the side before snobbily meowing and turning around, leaving Mi Nae to count to ten before returning the smile to her face. “Rude little cat.” She went to get some paper work and food which she set in front of the cat. The animal eyed the meal hungrily and Mi Nae watched attentively, scribbling down anything it did before eating. However, instead the animal gave another meow and turned away from the tray before hopping off the table and making it ways out of the medical room to go back to its owner. Her face dropped as she ran after the cat.


“Wait come back---“


“Ahhhh!” The high pitched scream alerted both Mi Nae and the cat, and the two found themselves running toward the main lobby. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and Mi Nae wasn’t quite sure of what to do in this situation. She stared in shock at the man who had just entered the clinic with a gun, his face the most merciless thing she’d ever seen. Her client clutched her cat closer to her heart as she froze where she sat, tears running down her face and silently muttering prayers that she hoped would get her out of the situation alive.  He turned his head toward Mi Nae and she instantly put up her hands—a sign to show that she had nothing of danger to him. He scoffed, and turned his gun to the innocent girl who followed suit, and that’s when Mi Nae noticed it—the bullet that was cleanly buried into his left shoulder and the blood that was quickly beginning to stain the back of it. He was injured. Still, she didn’t know whether to attack him—she was never good at anything physical—or help him. She was a vet after all. But vets only helped animals, right?


“W-what are you looker for from us?” However, her question remained unanswered, and she watched him keep the gun on the high school girl and her cat as he began to eye the small clinic. Curious and dire to get him out of her clinic, she silently searched with him giving a silent sigh of  relief when she noticed his eyes set on a pack of bandages she always had by her desk for animals that needed immediate treatment.  “I…I can help you.”


 She gulped when he turned to her, the gun now aimed at her head. Mi Nae bit her lip, silently wishing she hadn’t said anything in the first place. Keeping the gun steady on her, he began to walk toward the bandages, and she noticed the way his left side slouched compared to the rest of his body, and she frowned. He had to be in a lot of pain, and she could practically see how tense he was, which definitely wasn’t going to help the pain that surely was shooting through his body at every move he made. “I’m not a doctor, but I can help. Just please, release the girl and her cat without harming them.”


She watched as his eyes switched between her and her customer before he walked toward the girl in the chair, and easily pressed his gun to , never taking his eyes away from hers.


“I’ll let you go, but if you tell anyone about this, I’ll make sure your whole family won’t be able to be found or traced.” She nodded, a hand pressed over and her face drowning in tears. Smirking, he moved away, keeping the gun on her as she quickly made her way out of the clinic. As the tinted glass door closed, he walked toward the door, watching her as she made her way down the street, and past a few cops who seemed to not notice her. She disappeared around a corner and he sighed before taking the blinds and closing them, before switching the open sign to a closed one.


Relieved, Mi Nae stepped towards him beginning to help, when her turned and pressed the gun to the side of her temple.


“The same goes for you. Now hurry up and don’t play any games. I don’t have all day to spend in this place.” Mi Nae smiled and slowly wrapped her fingers around his gun, bringing it down to his sides.


“I don’t have a problem, but please. I can’t work under pressure. I don’t want to injure you farther.” He scoffed, but complied as she showed him to the patient’s…err animal’s room, and made him lay on the bed. He still kept the weapon in his hands, but had put on the safety lock. Smiling, Mi Nae began to operate, her first objective being to take out the bullet. She knew the pain he’d be in and if he didn’t relax, it would only make it worse, so she did the only thing she could do. She talked.


She told him about herself and how much she liked Italian food. She even told him about how she had studied in Paris before coming back to Korea. Slowly, he had begun to relax, and she noticed the way his shoulders slumped, showing that he was no longer tense; however she never stopped talking, even while he screamed bloody murder as she removed the bullet from his shoulder. She continued to tell him how her day had been (excluding when he’d walked in) and how much she wished her job gave her a longer lunch break.


Throughout the whole process, he hadn’t spoken; even to tell her to shut up. He just quietly listened, grunting harshly every now and then as she tied the bandages around his strong chest and over his shoulder until she was finished. However, she wasn’t satisfied.


“You’ve lost too much blood to even try to walk out of here you know.. You can’t just walk around like this. He refused to say anything as he continued to put on his shirt, wincing at the pain that still shot through his body, just not as badly as before. “You’re going to pass out on the side of the road if you keep this up! Your body needs time to—Are you even listening to me?”  He turned away from her, grabbed his gun, and left. And that was all Mi Nae would ever see of that man again.


Or so she thought.




The same day, she reopened the clinic after he’d left, and she cleanly mopped up any spot of blood that were on her floor before going back to work as if nothing had occurred. Later that nice, she had decided to go see a movie with her two best friends that were dating. Again. Bad idea. Of course, it was fun hanging with them, but there was always this air of being the third wheel that hung around her shoulders. They were always holding hands or hugging each other, or sharing cute pecks on the lips, and even worse, they had brought her to a romantic comedy. Romance wasn’t exactly…Mi Nae’s favorite genre of anything except maybe books, but even then she always found it a little too corny.


However, in no time, she had made it back to her apartment. Standing at her door,s he began to rummage through her insanely organized purse. It had to be in here, right? It was definitely in there. It had to be. She fretted as she began to search her jean pockets, coat pockets, shoes, everything, and she sighed. Of course. She’d left her keys back at her clinic. Grumbling about her bad luck, she walked back to the small animal clinic cursing the world and her bad luck.


As she arrived at the door though, she hadn’t thought about it. Her clinic keys were also on that keychain.


“Why does life hate me?!!?” She groaned before jumping around in frustration. She grabbed the door handle, ready to push and pull until the alarm came on, however at the first push, it swing open, and Mi Nae had to question whether she’d locked the door before she left. She was sure that she did. It locked from the inside which was her dilemma, but it was open. She smiled. Maybe her luck was getting better?


She walked inside and noticed that her chairs were out of place, and her desk had been rummaged through. Instantly, she tensed. Was there a robber in her clinic? She couldn’t fathom why unless all they wanted were animal paperwork which didn’t have any value at all. Still, she noticed the light to the operation room and, and grabbed a vase. She may not be the strongest, but she was sure she wasn’t helpless either. Raising the jar over her head, she crept into the room, nearly glaring at what she saw. The same guy that had come earlier that day now lay on the floor, the pillow from the bed, now under his head.


“Yah! This is not a hotel you idiot!” She walked over and kicked his shin. She was impressed though. He’d gotten in without setting off the alarm. She set the vase on the table and left the room to retrieve her keys on her desk. He hadn’t said a word, and she went back to the room to see him still in the same position he’d been in when she’d found him. Sighing, she kneeled next to him, and that’s when she noticed that she hadn’t seen his chest rising. Quickly, she had his wrist in her hands, checking his pulse, which was extremely slow.


She instantly removed the new shirt he was wearing only to see the one under it beginning to be soaked with more blood, and his bandages completely soaked. She turned him over, hoping the pressed of his body on the wound would stop it from bleeding meanwhile, she panicked. She’d never treated a real patient before. Scared, she got everything that she could make use off, and using all the strength she had, pulled him forward as she straddled his lap, allowing his head to rest on her shoulder as she carefully removed his clothing from his body, including the bandages. She was extremely careful with his left arm, something he hadn’t been. Just by looking, she could tell he’d already tried to do some kind of extraneous activity sooner than he should have.


For the second time that day, she cleaned the wound and re-bandaged it. However, he needed an IV, which she had but wasn’t quite willing to attach to his body. She wasn’t very..experienced with veins that were in the human body at all. So after several pokes into his right arm (which she was surprised didn’t wake him up), she had finally struck the vein, though his arm remained bruised and probably would for a bit of a time.


When she was done, Mi Nae was completely exhausted. All she ever asked from the world was a good life with normal, nice good days at work, but no. Nope. Never. Because life was a pain in the . She wasn’t going home tonight, and she knew it. Her roommate wouldn’t be quite happy with that, but she had a patient. So with that said, Mi Nae began to strip herself of her jacket, and got into the bed, a little sour that she was missing the pillow thanks to the uninvited guest that seemed to lie on the floor as if nothing was wrong with him and that he was just in an incredibly deep sleep. She wished she could do more for him, honestly, but she was only a vet. They worked with animals, not humans. She’d nearly killed him just trying to get a needle into his body. Maybe she should have signed up to be a doctor? She chuckled and shook her head, turning in the bed to stare down at her new patient. 


She tucked her hands under her head and curled into a little ball, her shoes now left on the floor. Already, she was planning to wake up early in order to buy some food and a few drinks for the man. For the first time, she found herself sleepless and only lying there to stare at him. His looks seemed plain at first glance, but they were much more of a boyish handsomeness that wouldn’t have been seen by a person who wasn’t looking. His dark caramel colored locks suited his milky skin, creating a rather beautiful contrast. His chest began to find its beat again, and was rising and falling at a regular pace, showing her that he was slowly recovering.


She turned and thought about what he would be like if he wasn’t in such a situation. Would he be the same ruthless killer she’d seen hours ago, or was he sweet and caring, only doing what he did because he was desperate? She found herself scoffing and shaking her head before turning to stare at the strange man. That was right. He’d never given her a name to begin with, did he? She blinked. His lips slowly curling up into the first and only smile she’d seen from him. Even she could feel herself beginning to smile while just looking at his own. Cocking her head to the side, her smile widened.


It was okay to admit him to her clinic.


He looked like a puppy anyway.


I'm not sure if you all saw the application review, so here it is!! Check it out!

Normally. i wouldn't leave mycompuetr until I finish part 2 and post it as well, but excuse me. OTL. I need fooooooood. LOL





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Because I love you all-- Thanksgiving update tomorrow! Enjoy the holidays! (( i'll try to entertain you))


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reading everything again, because the feels i get when i read this story
everything is just so great, you have a real writing talent there ;)
hope you'll be updating soon, but don't rush!
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 19: So the girls gang up on the guys??? Is that wat this is??? I am confused bbut so far its interesting and I love how they always have to leave at the end...this makes me more curious...keep it up also camt wait all of altogether....
pandaexpress2808 #3
Please update soon. It's a really good story.
yunhee_ah #4
Dear authors , please update soon ! Its a really good story
Sounds great! Can't wait to read :)
Chapter 19: Hey~!I really like your story~!I liked Nabi's and Mi Nae's the best so far~!!!lol,I liked Mi Nae's beakhyun,puppy comparison~!
Also what's up with D.O?
And I'm still curious as to how the 12 girls fooled the exo members~!
Please update soon~!!!!!^_^