Chapter 6: Kim Lucy: History: Part 1

Criminal Minds


Kai was tired and annoyed. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t found a new target in days, or maybe it was the unfortunate fact that his most recent target happened to be broke. How did he come to that situation? Well, he was in a bar much like this one and the woman had had several male partners for the night, and by several he thought, why not get in on the fun? So there he was, telling her sweet nothings, dancing too-close-for-any-spiritual-figure-to-fit, and together they made it into her apartment just in time for her to pass out next to him in a remote room. He, of course pretending to be asleep, left her there clutching a pillow rather than the man she had lain down with. He searched the whole home to find nothing of value like he thought he would. Instead he found letters. Government letters. The lady was in serious debt, but was wasting her money in clubs and therefore leading Jongin into thinking she was worth his attention. So wrong.

So now here he was, yet again, sitting in another club. This one was, unfortunately, not a strip club. Well, not to the public at least. The stripping happened in the back—the V.I.P. room—and there was no way he’d be able to get in there. So for now, it was more of a gambling bar, and he asked himself why he hadn’t appeared far earlier. He stared at the players cautiously; both men and women  constantly threw money on the table like it was nothing. And he wasn’t talking about a few dollar bills; he had obviously hit the big bucks.

“Welcome to Cici’s Arena. What would you like to drink, sir?” A feminine voice ripped his attention from the green all around him, and he smiled while giving a sly glance to her name tag—Ara. Pretty name. He took another glance at her now turning impatient expression. Pretty face. He glanced up and down. Nice body. He grinned up at her with a wink.

“Nothing. I’m fine.”

“ert.” He could only half-shrug as she walked away. Not like it was a lie. But he was only a ert when need be, and right now. He needed it. He needed a target, and all the women around him seemed to have come with their husbands, who had probably convinced them that the place was a small casino. He scoffed with a shake of his head. Women. They always let their emotions, their love—blind as it was—for their partners affect their thinking. He could guess that approximately 100% of them had no idea that when they weren’t home, their husbands were spending time in that V.I.P. room. Things like that were the reason he was so confident in his job. He could never fully and truly fall for a woman, in fact, he was too good at remaining cold toward them—despite his…escapades every now and then. Apparently, now.

He eyed a woman that seemed already tipsy as is. An eyebrow quirked as he saw her trip on the way to bar, and had to keep himself from laughing. She was a potential candidate right? He shook his head. ‘Idiot.’ Somehow, though, she’d made her way close enough for him to hear her order.

“Red Rose Cosmo. Actually, make that two.” She said. Her voice practically screamed exhaustion. Red Rose Cosmo? What was that? He glanced at the menu, a smirk slowly spreading over his features as his eyes returned to linger on his new target. Want to order the most expensive drink in the club? He could play that game.

He sat for the longest time ears always listening and eyes always watching. He refrained leaving from boredom if it took her practical years to finish one glass, but as he sat he counted the glasses that refilled and the bottles that emptied. Now she was on her last glass as they both watched the bartender invert the whole bottle just for a single drop more. Lady must have problems if she was drinking all this on her own. The perfect problems at the perfect time for him. His eyes examined her disappointment when she’d realized the same thing he did—she was out, and judging by her expression, she wasn’t willing to buy another.  Within moments, and to his surprise, the glass was gone with one full gulp. She really had problems.

And he’d help her out.

Lucy groaned as she noticed the floor coming closer at a speed she didn’t quite approve of. With a scrunch of her face, she braced herself for impact only to find a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. Well. There was something new. With a shake of her head and the help of a stranger, she composed herself to a much better balanced stance than she was in earlier only to meet the eyes of a curiously attractive man. She did everything she could to keep her jaw from dropping at his smile. It was insanely attractive, like him, and intensely hypnotizing. She noticed his brows furrow together in concern and confusion, and—like a gentleman—directed her toward a private booth where he let her start to work through her drunken state.

“Are you okay?” The world around her was spinning, but she attempted to nod her head, but it probably only looked like she was shaking her head in weird ways. Great. Another person in her life that thinks she was crazy. Fortunately, she had too many other problems with her life to care for one stranger she wouldn’t meet ever again. He smiled as his eyes wandered around them before holding out a hand. “You want to dance?”

Wait. What?

She stared at him dumbfounded not comprehending his actual desire to remain near her. Or get closer. She was sure a normal man would have left by now. He seemed to have noticed her hesitation and he smiled that smile and took her hand in his without consent.  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He grinned and before she know it, she was on the dance floor with him. Their bodies far too close for her usual liking of contact. But…she liked it. As their bodies moved in sync, she could feel her drunken state sweat away. She hated that. Most women would love to be able to get rid of their drunken state by cardio, but no. Not Lucy. She wanted to stay drunk forever. She didn’t want to remember everything.

“I did it for you to live, not for you follow." The moment those words echoed into her ear, she knew that she hadn’t drank enough. She was hit with the sudden reminder that these things could only last for a time, and when that time was over, you would always have to go back. No matter what you did.

Gradually, her dancing started to get lazier, slower, and  her newfound partner noticed.

“Tired, beautiful?” She smiled. Someone actually thought she was beautiful. Then she remembered her job, her face darkening. Everyone thought she was beautiful.  So beautiful they couldn’t keep their filthy hands away. Still, this stranger had no idea, and she couldn’t judge him like the other erted men here. She nodded with more control this time and he smile sweetly. Yet somehow, she could just tell. His smile mirrored her own. It was gentle, but it didn’t reach his eyes nor his heart. He must have had problems. Big ones. “I’ll take you home.” She grabbed her things, and the man proceeded to take her home.  As she directed him where to go, she noticed how steady her voice had gotten and how the high had left. Not she was only left with minor emotional rollercoaster feelings.

“I’m Kai.” She blinked, not realizing that the entire time, they hadn’t introduced themselves.

“Lucy. Kim Lucy.” He nodded, pulling into the parking space of her apartment complex.  She had planned on never meeting him again. She simply wanted to get out of the car, go home, and never see the man again, but she watched as he got out of the vehicle as well, ready and quick to follow her inside. She didn’t want to reject him on the side of the road and so she did something she never should have. She allowed him to make it to the front door of her apartment.



Kai smirked behind the woman. He was certain she’d fallen for him and his trick. She was the easiest bait there was. Introductions had only started in the car, and he liked that every time she set her eyes on him, all she seemed to see was a gentlemanly young man—was he not? ‘343A’ Mentally noting the apartment number he allowed her to unlock the door. Way too easy. She turned with a thankful smile that he kindly returned. Her eyes secured the coast—something he noticed many women did when allowing someone into their home. He’d done. Finally. A target worth targeting. He was a genius. An attrati—

He was cut off mentally by a soft kiss and the slam of a door followed by the giggling of the woman he’d just been entangled with only minutes ago, though they quickly dissolved into sobs.

What. The. Hell?

He pressed a finger to his lips before his hands at his sides. And kicking the air. Really? Really?! Jongin was tired of these false leads. Oh no. He wasn’t leaving. He was getting this target.



That night, Jongin spent the night in front of her door before he was awoken by the rustling of the door knob signaling that she was leaving, and he found himself hiding from her view. Just where was she going this early in the morning? If it were him, he’d still be dead asleep. Nevertheless, he found himself following her to what he found were dance classes. To be honest, Kai was shocked. Rather impressed and most of all amazed. The tipsy, uncoordinated girl from last night’s bar had suddenly transformed into one of the greatest dancers he’d seen. Her balance was perfect and her moves were sharp. He foot work was…incredible.  What had started out as stalking actually turned into enjoyment for watching the class (though he debated that he still danced better). It wasn’t long before the class split and he found himself stalking kids.

“Yah! Kid!” Two kids turned at the call and inched away from him as if he were creepy. He wasn’t. Right? “That girl’s the assistant right?” They exchanged mischievous glances before nodding excitedly.

“You mean Teacher Kim!”

“She sooo hot! That’s why I signed up.” The other boy nodded in agreement.

“Pfft. That’s why 75% of the class signed up.” They exchanged glances before laughing deviously and walking off, leaving Kai there shaking his head. Has she always done this job? He simply couldn’t see what was wrong with her life that caused her to get drunk at a bar. He would have thought it was just for fun, but she was alone. Drinking alone is never fun. She lived in a relatively nice apartment in a relatively nice neighborhood. She was a dance teacher for kids who practically adored her. So what was wrong?

“You…You’re that guy from the bar…” He froze and turned to see the girl who was now dressed in sweatpants and a tee. Her hair remained in a high ponytail as he watched her begin to wipe the sweet from his face. She was gorgeous.

“A-ah. Yes, I usually pick up a friend’s younger brother here, but apparently they just moved yesterday and just notified me a few minutes ago. I was just going to leave, but now that you’re here, would you like to grab a cup of coffee? It’s on me.” He gave her his signature lopsided grin that he knew drove all women around him—older or younger—insane. She pinked at his proposal but shook her head.

“I have somewhere to be. Thank you though.” Kai frowned as she politely bowed and left his sight in a near sprint, her hair bouncing behind her until she was gone from his sight. Smirking, he shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pocket.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily Kim Lucy.” And he stalked onward.



Kai stood in front of the bar after a long day of stalking. He spent most of his time groaning and muttering that this kind of thing was Sehun’s job—not his—and it bored him even more that the only other thing she had to do was stop at the post office with a few letters of mail. She’d chosen a boring day at home over coffee with him? He’d never understand how or why, but around nine, she’d stepped out of her house, dressed in another flashy outfit. This time, following her took him back to the casino.

Stepping inside, he saw her sitting in the exact same chair as the night before only with a lighter beverage choice. Running a hand through his hair and his lips, he neared her.

“I think there’s a meaning if we continually meet up like this, you know?” She turned, a cute shocked expression on her face. She hadn’t planned on seeing him again, but no. Fate had denied her that wish and here he was again. The second time in one day. Kai was something else, and she had no idea. He seated himself beside her without permission and sent her another charming smile.

“It’s odd you keep finding me.” He nodded in agreement.

“It is. I don’t usually meet strangers more than twice, but here we are. Third time’s the charm, am I right?” Jongin blinked as he saw her truly smile for the first time since they’d met—and he nearly felt horrible for targeting her. She was an exact depiction of an angel when she smiled. The coldness in her eyes left and was replaced by a genuine happiness. He was practically at a loss for words now. She was absolutely the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. Ever.

“Are you going to answer or just stare at me?” He shook his head and stared at her blankly. She had spoken again? He’d been too caught up picturing her smile to notice. For the first time, Kim Jongin found himself nervous in front of a woman. Her beauty was almost intimidating, and he had really good looks, but nothing to match up to a simple smile. Nothing. 

“Ah. Sorry. What was that again?” She laughed and shook her head.

“I said, ‘I didn’t think you were the stalking type.’” He froze. Had she found him out? How long had she known that he’d been following her? This was bad. This was very bad. His target was compromising him already—

“Stop, stop. I’m just kidding.” He relaxed into a smile, before outstretching a hand.

“Dance? Don’t refuse because I know you can.” She smiled, but this time it didn’t reach her eyes. Still, she took his hand, and they were on the dance floor once again.  

Each moved in tune to the other, never once getting tangled in the crowd. Their bodies touched and rubbed and  shook in all the right places. Each time they made eye contact they had moved closer until they were connected. Her hands roamed his body while his would caress her each time they neared and would lace his fingers with her own when they separated. Somehow, in each other’s grasp, there were no worries. No insecurities. Just that sensation. A sensation neither could recognize, for they hadn’t felt it before. Somehow, it allowed them to forget. It made her forget her mother. Her mother that died a e. It made him forget his brothers. His brothers that he could no longer see, no longer contact, no longer speak to. For once, they could feel completion.

Something they hadn’t felt for a very long time.



It only escalated from there, and here they were in front of their newly purchased hotel room. She was pushed up against the door, mouth connected to his with a hand around his neck and the other tightly his shirt. He, on the other hand, was attempting one handedly open the door with a key card as his other hand was wrapped around her waist as hot breaths mixed. They didn’t care who saw for once. They just wanted to be themselves.

His hold around her tightened as the door swung open to keep her from falling backward. His other hand now free, roamed her body, and with a kick behind him, the door was shut. Both were quickly losing breath, but neither wanted to pull away from the heaven they’d been indulging in. She was the first to pull away and he used that time to light her off her feet and into his arms bridal style. She let out a gasp which he quickly covered with another kiss. Skillfully, each kicked off their shoes in their current position, and it was not long before Lucy found herself with her back against the bed sheets.

"Mine." He rasped.

Kai nearly had to force himself away from her sweet lips to trail down her jaw and to her neck where, as an experienced man in this game, he found the one spot that made her his within seconds. He and at the spot, groaning as her began. Simultaneously, they began to undress the other, lips connecting, parting, and connecting once more, and continuing when they were finally deprived of their clothing.

That night, they drowned each other in 'I love you's, 'I want you's and 'I need you's.  There was nothing to remember. Neither had a history just their current selves. There was no dark past, but instead what seemed to be a bright future. They enjoyed each other, and for once…they found someone they would never want to forget.


Made a new poll. Again. Like today. Take it please? :P 


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Because I love you all-- Thanksgiving update tomorrow! Enjoy the holidays! (( i'll try to entertain you))


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reading everything again, because the feels i get when i read this story
everything is just so great, you have a real writing talent there ;)
hope you'll be updating soon, but don't rush!
love_fic_kush #2
Chapter 19: So the girls gang up on the guys??? Is that wat this is??? I am confused bbut so far its interesting and I love how they always have to leave at the end...this makes me more curious...keep it up also camt wait all of altogether....
pandaexpress2808 #3
Please update soon. It's a really good story.
yunhee_ah #4
Dear authors , please update soon ! Its a really good story
Sounds great! Can't wait to read :)
Chapter 19: Hey~!I really like your story~!I liked Nabi's and Mi Nae's the best so far~!!!lol,I liked Mi Nae's beakhyun,puppy comparison~!
Also what's up with D.O?
And I'm still curious as to how the 12 girls fooled the exo members~!
Please update soon~!!!!!^_^