
Perfect Landing


"We can't let her know any more about her past. She will remember us, the hijack and all. We have to stop her. We'll bring her away after her school finishes and don't let anyone see it."

"Yes sir."


Eunji walked out of the school. As usual she had her earphones plugged in. The wind was howling, she could hear the whistling sound, seem like t was going to rain. I better rush home. She thought. 

Her car had arrived, she quickened her pace towards the car door. She placed her hand on the handle. CLICK. 

"Hey Uncle- UHMMMM!"

A moist cloth covered , she struggled to breathe. All she could smell was the heavy toxic that wrapped . Eunji's vision started to blur, it was quickly fading, she knew she could not hold on any longer. Then it all came to a halt, she collasped into the arms of a stranger who dragged her into a vandalised van.


I have to tell her how I feel, hopefully she'll agree to run away with me... Trudging along the path, in his deep thoughts, Hoya walked along the cobblestone path. The leaves were everywhere, autumn was coming. The clouds loomed about, he looked up and thought, seems like its going to rain soon. He hurried, being impatient to hold in his confession.

Eunji? I knew it. Good thing Sungjong told she'll be the last to leave.

He smiled to himself, seems like the perfect chance was here. He accelerated his walking to a slight jog, he could not wait to see her.

"Eun- HEY STOP," Hoya gasped. His eyes wide with horror, unknown men were lugging Eunji into a van, he hollered, "EUNJI!"

His voice fading into the distance as the van disappeared into the horizon. I have to catch up with them!

Turning, he ran over to his motorcycle as quickly as he could.

Wait for me, Eunji, you'll be fine. I promise.



This is the before the intense chapter!! Sorry it took so long for the update. :( my computer got confiscated /cries/ please do look forward to the next chapter, its getting really exciting :D

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AyumiYakumo #1
Chapter 23: great story ~ !
Shamelessly promoting my other story here ;)
Mitsuki_96 #3
Chapter 23: I just started to read your story and I must say that I really love it! :D I like the real ending with Woohyun but also the endings with Hoya and Myungsoo. ^^

Of course I'm going to read your new Story as well~ :)
ITS FINALLY FINISHED YAY! Hope you guys enjoyed it XD
TheBigBadWolf #5
Chapter 21: i like the first ending where she ended up with woohyun (though L is my one and only true love) *bats eyelashes dramatically* keep up with the good endings (y)
As requested I'll be doing alternate endings. I'll do Hoya's followed by Myungsoo. And I'll do an angsty one yup!! So look forward to it!! XD
Hi everybody, I'm shamelessly promoting my other fanfic here. (oops)
Its a BAP with Infinite fanfic. Please do take a look and subscribe if you like it. First chappie's coming out on 1st Dec
GUISE the story may be finish but I'll be more than willing to do alternate endings here. So just request it and I'll write another one :)
Hello. Would you like graphics for your story? Come and check out ∞ Infinite Possibilities ∞ :)