New Member

[PG-13] Just A Dream

"So what's going to happen now?" I asked Sunye when she picked up.

"What's going to happen?" She was silent for a few seconds before she realized what I was talking about. "Oh. Well, like we said during our interview, there will be a new member in the Wonder Girls.. and as for Hyuna, she wants to continue school."

"Oh." I was at a loss for words.

"Sorry, but I have to go Ji," Sunye hurriedly said. "We have to resume our photo shoot. I'll call you tonight, maybe. If I don't have time, I'll text you."

Before I could answer, I heard a beeping noise and figured that she had hung up on me.

* * *

Seunghyun hyung was out with his friends, Youngbae was taking a long time in the washroom, Daesung was surfing through random channels on television, Seungri was annoying me and I was trying to focus on a new song I was writing. It was a pretty peaceful afternoon, considering how Seunghyun hyung isn't home and Seungri isn't running around the place, annoying everybody.

"Hyung. Hyung! HYUNG!" I heard Daesung shout from outside my room and Seungri and I ran to see what happen. We found Youngbae and Daesung gaping at the television screen.

"What's the matter?" I asked, as Seungri walked over to the couch.

Seungri answered the question for me. "The girls are on the news again." He looked at me and I knew immediately who the girls were. I didn't take a second to think and just ran in front of the TV.

"We promised the other day that we would reveal who the new member for Wonder Girls is, right?" Yeeun posed a question directed for the camera and smiled.

"Well, the promised day is today." Sunye smiled and she moved over, revealing who the new girl was. She was pretty, skinny but not stick-thin girl with dark skin for a Korean. "Our new member is Kim Yoobin, and she was a Good Entertainment trainee before she came over to JYP Entertainment to join us!"

"Well there you have it folks!" The interviewer took over. "The lovely Wonder Girls have just unveiled to the public who the new member is and she definitely fits in as a Wonder Girl. Let's hope that all of you fans of Wonder Girls will accept and acknowledge her!"

The program on the television changed to a chicken commercial and I turned it off. We all sat there in silence until Seunghyun hyung came back and snapped us back to reality. 

"What's the matter?" Seunghyun hyung asked us all. He chuckled. "You guys look like you've just seen a ghost pass by or something."

"Hyung," Seungri spoke first. "The girls have just revealed to the public who their new member is."

Seunghyun hyung took it in a bit slowly, compared to the rest of us. "The girls? Who... the girls... the Wonder Girls?" He turned to look at me to make sure Seungri wasn't playing around with him.

I nodded, to show that the annoying kid wasn't joking. "They were on TV just a few minutes before you came back.."

"Who is she?"

"Well.. I was thinking of going over to the JYP Entertainment building tomorrow," I said. "Do you guys want to?"

Everybody else nodded, so Seunghyun hyung had to give in.


Sorry for updating this chapter so late guys! >_< I probably lost followers, but I guess I can't blame it on them. Anyway, I've been pretty busy writing another story so.. I'm in the middle of thinking of a way to end this story.


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purrplelover #1
is ji going to check out yubin? lol<br />
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or is he doing it for top hyung? hehe ^_^<br />
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cant wait for the next update :)
AhJinzxzx #2
Hello! Hope you update soon!
purrplelover #3
awww, so yubin is goin to make an introduction soon ^_^ <br />
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cant wait for the next update :)
purrplelover #4
omg, dun tell me wonder girls got into an accident or sumtgh? am i right? or they went to america already? cant wait for the next :)
purrplelover #5
btw, just want to let u know that i link ur story over at my gye fanfics blog, credit is stated of course =)
purrplelover #6
OMG!!! things are getting interesting - cant wait for more G-Ye and the rest of the WB<3
please update soon<br />
WHOO! i finally caught up to reading this ^^ kfl;jsa;ldfalsdjfk... OMONA! so Jiyong nad Sunye are together? :O interesting ^^ I cant wait to read MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update soon and FIGHTING :))