Chapter 8: Conserve energy

I'll Be A Big Fat Liar If I Say “I Like You!”
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It is seven am in the morning, Se Hun is walking slowly towards the institute. He must be in rush because his schedule starts in exact seven but today he decides to be a little laid back. He needs to not to stress himself to gain some courage from today.

                He enters the room gently, and fortunately the door of the today’s classroom is located at the back. He won’t notice for sure. Slowly but surely he sits beside Yi Xing.

              “Hey…” Se Hun greets as he takes the seat.

              “You’re late, that’s a surprise.” Yi Xing points out.

                The professor gives the class seat work to do and he leaves the class for a while. Yi Xing is busy analyzing the problem given, while, Se Hun is staring shoes.

               “Why don’t you start doing the exercise?” Yi Xing asks.

                “I will do it later.” He replies soullessly.

                 Maybe, they don’t spend time with each other like what Lu Han and Min Seok do, but Yi Xing knows procrastination is not Se Hun’s style. And it is very obvious that he’s lifeless today.

                “Are you fine, you seems lifeless since you entered the class?” Yi Xing ask.

                “Yes. I’m just conserving energy.” He answers.






                   Yi Xing asks Se Hun to go out and take some snacks to eat. They placed themselves to the school garden since there is no many students there.

                  “Are you sure you don’t want to eat?” Yi Xing asks as he shows a candy bar.

                    Se Hun shakes his head in response.

                   “You said that you have to conserve energy, candy bars can give energy.” Yi Xing puts his candy bar to Se Hun’s pocket. “What you will do, by the way? Why do you need energy?”

                     Se Hun is about to open his mouth but Lu Han’s voice interrupts him. “Se Hun-ah!”

                    “We thought that you were absent, we didn’t notice inside the room.” Min Seok points out.

                     “I was late.” He answers.

                     “Our next class was suspended since our professor is absent. The girls are doing their plates for tomorrow, we should join them.” Min Seok grabs Se Hun’s wrist.

                     “The girls? So Min Jeong is there?” Se Hun asks.

                      Min Seok stops dragging Se Hun. “Why? You don’t have anything? Don’t wory, Min Jeong is there. She is complete with things.”

                      Se Hun tries to yank his wrist away from Min Seok but it is difficult for him. “Gosh, your short but you’re really strong.” He mumbles as he tries to get out of Min Seok’s grip. “Hyung, I don’t want. I’m not ready, yet.”

                     “Why?” Lu Han asks.

                      “Because he’s saving his energy.” Yi Xing answers.


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Bloopp #1
Chapter 9: Hi authornim! really nice story do update soon ><
Chapter 9: Yay, you updated! Aw Min must feel so wronged. Can't wait for next update!
chocolate_icecream #3
Chapter 8: So... he's gonna confess? XD

I'm kinda sad too. And yeah, we can do nothing. It's his decision anyways .-.
chocolate_icecream #4
Chapter 5: This story is nice XD
Update soon, please
Chapter 4: I love this story!! Wow Sehun is being really random. please update soon:)
CottonBunny #6
Chapter 4: Aww Sehun is so cute not knowing anything and asking questions that don't even make sense lmao XD
Chapter 3: update soon,authornim^^