We shouldn't lose hope yet.


Luhan POV

Alot had happened since I had been reunited with Kris,the most important being Taemin's death,I somehow feel responsible for the whole thing. If I had let someone else keep watch that day,I wouldn't have been kidnapped and Taemin wouldn't have met Minho and no one would have died ,and Hongki and Mir would be happy again . I had ruined it all.

"You okay?"Kai asked me softly.

I spun around quickly in shock.

"You scared me."I exclaimed.

"Thats not answering the question"He pointed out.

Kai had always been able to tell my moods with little effort,he always tried so hard to make me feel better to make me feel comfortable and I always threw it back in his face,I knew I had hurt him in the past,and I felt terrible about it.

"I just feel like it's all my fault that everyones died"I explained

"Why do you feel that?"He enquired 

"If I hadn't gone missing Jessica wouldn't have got killed,and Minho and Taemin would have never met and they would still be safe"I elaborate

"Yes but you also helped them,Minho and Taemin were happy,they found something to love,its rare for something like that to happen in this enviroment,and their probably together again now"He said trying to make me feel better.

"I'm sorry"I blurted out.

"For what?" He asked ,stunned at my outburst.

"For hurting you,for not loving you back when I should have,I'm sorry for making you sad"I admitted.

He seemed shocked that I had brought it all up again,and I felt guilty for reminding him of it all,of his feelings. By this point he stiffened and wasn't even looking at me anymore.

"It's not your fault,Kris lead me on"He said,before getting up and walking off towards TOP,Sehun and Jonghyun.

What had he meant by Kris leading him on,it made no sense. Then it dawned on me,but there was no way ,Kris wouldn't do that,would he?

Kris POV

Once my patrol was finished, I went to seek out Luhan and found him sitting crosslegged in the middle of our tent a stoic expression on his face. I was automatically filled with worry,was he ill.

"Honey,are you okay?"I asked gently ,walking over slowly. When he didn't answer my worrying amplified and I placed my hand on his cheek only to be shrugged off,what the hell.

"Whats wrong?"I demanded,shocked by his behaviour.

"What did you do to Kai?"He asked quietly.

"Nothing ,he's outside right now,just fine"I explained,confusion clouding my mind.

"Thats not what I meant, when Kai asked me out two years ago,and I broke his heart,and I felt so guilty ,so guilty and now he tells me that it isn't my fault,that you lead him on,what does that mean Kris...Don't just stand there ANSWER ME"He exclaimed

I jumped when Luhan shouts,it's so rare for him to shout at anyone let alone me.

I sigh slightly before sitting opposite him,I only hoped that he could forgive me.

"Remember when we started dating,and everyone thought we were the cutest couple"I began,Luhan nodded.

"Well Kai had been on holiday when we started going out so he didn't know we were dating ,and he came to me one day a month after we started dating ,and told me that he really liked you but was worried you would turn him down ,so he asked for my advice. I don't know what came over me,I guess I thought it would be funny ,and for a while it was. I told him that he should just ask you out ,that I had heard from someone that you liked him too. I got him to ask you out when I knew you were dating him. 

It was a joke,it was meant as a bit of fun"I explained.

Luhan didn't say anything he just stared at me with a blank expression on his face.

"Baby,talk"I begged.

"When he came round and asked me out you were in my house,you came out while he was there ,you watched me turn him down,you watched me break his heart, and you knew all along that he liked me,you set him up to be embarrassed,how could you do that,he was your friend"He hissed.

"It was just a joke"I swore

"Who pulls that kind of joke on one of their friends Kris,seriously. I felt so bad and it wasn't even my fault you ."He snarled.

"Its not like that"I begged.

"You know what I can't even look at you right now,i'm going to stay with Lay tonight,you can share with Xuimin"He said.

And with that he left,rushing off away from me,

If only he knew how bad I felt about what I did too.


I had been talking with Sulli and Xuimin when Luhan had come over begging to stay with me for the night,from what I could gather him and Kris had ,had a huge arguement.

Xuimin of course had agreed to swap ,not wanting to see a friend in distress.

Well ,looks like i'm going to have get my investigating mind on to sort out this problem.


Authors note:

Okay i'm so sorry about this chapter,I just didn't know how to write through this writers block i'm having,I should be better tmoz.

Also who would you like to have a whole chapter dedicated to ,such as who's POV:







G Dragon 


Or anyone else,let me know.

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Shernny #1
Chapter 20: Well,at the end..they all died happily..they were do in peace..Cant believe Sulli and Lay had a son somehow G and Sunny who've for so long dont hav one..haha..whatever..this is a happy ending indeed..one question,if they had made to the coast..why did they died..and how??
Shernny #2
Chapter 19: Cant believe Seungri oppa died..huhu..but I was a bit happy coz G and Sunny alive together w/h the others..
Shernny #3
Chapter 12: This is daebak! Totally love it! I like GSun (Gd and Sunny)..oh,and read my fanfics..I'm still new everyone! I'll be honored if you guys leave some comments and let me continue what I've written. Thanks!
Shernny #4
Can't believe that Sunny and GD had been together for 3 yrs..so romantic...I really love this author-ssi!
JaeYong_TY #5
Chapter 15: mir died

i feel nothing right now

great story so far but
mir died :'''(
Chapter 20: Aww, that's such a bittersweet ending.
Chapter 19: Jonghyun also deserves a moment of silence. (¡-¡)
Chapter 18: Seungri and Sehun deserve a moment of silence. (._.)
Chapter 17: Won't the cars attract walkers?
Chapter 16: I'm sorry for T.O.P-spamming but he is really wise in this fanfic.