Declaring War

A Game of Lies

Hi guys. I know its been ages since I updated. I'm so terribly sorry.
I was so busy with school that I couldn't find time at all :/
Please forgive me!
Sorry for the short chappie :/ I'll try to have a double update today alright! (:


The next morning, Hongki and you were hiding behind some trees while waiting for Jay to step out of his house. "Do you remember what you're supposed to do later when that guy step out of his house?" Hongki lazily yawn while looking at you. "Yupp! I remember! I need to ...." Even before you could finish her sentence, Hongki push you out onto the open area. "Go! Pali Pali!"

You looked infront and saw Jay locking up his gate. You quickly ran over while trying your best to give a very confident look. "Jay!! I have decided to participate in ‘Entangled Lies’ for real and for the 200 million dollars that you have, I’M GOING TO TAKE ALL OF IT!"  You shouted at him while screaming out the last part before running away quickly. *Declaring war? Take away all the money from me? She must be dreaming. It’s impossible. She's so naive!* Jay shook his head while laughing to himself.

"How did I do? Was it successful?" You smiled while looking at Hongki. "What do you think?" Hongki spun you around and you saw Jay laughing to himself with an amused look on his face. "I failed. I failed. I failed. He didn't believe me." You knelt down on the floor, looking down while mumbling and shaking your head. "Yah! This is just the start only. It’s not the end yet. Stop giving that kind of face. Come on, let's go. We have things to do"

"So, what are we going to do now?" You asked while running after Hongki. Hongki suddenly stopped and spun around. "Stalk Jay.” He replied you with a very serious face. "Mwoh?! Are you serious? Stalk Jay?! I'm not a stalker! Why should I stalk him? I... I mean I'll get nothing out from him when I'm stalking him, right?"

"Then you can forget about taking back your money." Hongki told you before starting to walk off again. "Wait up! Can you please tell me what're you planning?" You ran after him and stop him. "I just told you. STALK HIM!" Hongki screamed out the last two words at you. "Okay then. I'll stalk Jay if that is going to help me get my money back." You told him. "WE are going to stalk that guy. WE." With that, Hongki started walking again leaving you behind staring at him.

*Aissh! Can somebody please tell me what's this guy is thinking? He's so weird! If I have to stick around him to get my money back, I better get used to his weird temper!* You thought to yourself while staring at the figure that is infront of you. "Are you coming or are you going to stand there and continue to space out?" Hongki shouted. You snapped out of your thoughts after hearing Hongki's voice. "Coming! Wait up!" You shouted back.



"Okay. I'm going to get something. You just stay here and observe his house and him if you see him. Get it?" Hongki asked you. "Yupp! This is an easy task so no worries!" You replied while nodding your head.

At a nearby park not far away from you, Jay was walking home after buying some groceries when suddenly Hongki appear infront of him. “What do you want?” Jay asked defensively. “Hmm, let’s just say I’m telling you something important. It seems like I’m going to take as HyeRin’s right hand man in this game. We are inevitably going to get the 200 million dollars from you. Good fight.” Hongki answered Jay calmly. “Well, I would love to see that.” Jay replied and continues walking. “You’ll definitely will. We already have a secret plan in reserve.” Hongki told him. After hearing what Hongki said, Jay immediately run all the way home without stopping.

*Just what is their secret plan? Just what is it?* Jay couldn’t stop thinking about it after hearing what Hongki told him at the park. Walking towards his open window to get a breather, he saw a glimpse of someone staring back at him. Looking closer to see who it was, he realised that you were holding a binoculars and was looking back at him with it. Feeling intimidated, Jay quickly closed his window and curtain and walked away. “Just what is she doing? Using binoculars to observe me?!” Jay complained while balling his hands into a fist and started banging his wall.


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Zexeve #1
Update please.