Within the Box

A Game of Lies



What you saw inside the black box was stacks and stacks of cash.

You couldn't believe what your eye was seeing. Quickly opening up the black envelope that was on top of the box, you saw the words ‘ENTANGLED LIES TOURNAMENT’ on the card.

Bringing the box into your house, you slowly counted the money that was inside the box. “97… 98… 99… 100. 100 million dollars? This money is definitely real…” You sat there with a stunned face, staring at the money that was just in front of you.

*Who sent this to me? Did they send this to the wrong person? Why is there so much money? What is Entangles Lies Tournament? When did I sign up for such a tournament? What am I supposed to do now?* All this thoughts was running through your head while you are sitting there staring at the money.

Your eyes lingered over to where the black box was sitting and you peered inside. There was a DVD stuck to the bottom of the box. With shaky hands, you took the DVD out and inserted it into the DVD player. The television immediately flickered to live and a face wearing a mask appeared.

“Allow me to introduce myself, Miss Park Hye Rin. I am the dealer, Ricky. If you’re watching this, that must mean you have decided to participate in the ‘Entangled Lies’, didn’t you? Cancellation of this decision will not be accepted. It is clearly written in the card that was sent to you.” The dealer said.

You stared at the card that was in your hands. “Open this box only if you want to participate. Cancellation will not be accepted.” It was the very last sentence in the card. *Why didn’t I read the card first before I opened the box?*

Ricky continued. “I am now going to explain the rules of the first round of the ‘Entangled Lies’. The rules are actually very simple. In this game, both opponents must try to rob each other’s money. It does not matter how you accomplish this as this game is based on mutual consent, taking your opponent’s money is not considered a criminal act. So, there is no need for you to worry. The game will last for 30 days, starting from the day the opponents are decided. The person with the most money in the end will win the game. After the game has ended, ELT (Entangled Lies Tournament) Secretariat will send someone to retrieve the money. We will retrieve the complete sum handed out in the beginning which will be 100 million dollars. If you succeed in obtaining any money from your opponent, that sum will become your prize money. This means you can earn a maximum of 100 million dollars.”

He paused awhile before continuing. “If you have lost any money to your opponent, you are to compensate for the missing sum, even if you have to make a loan. That is to say, if you lose, the highest possible amount of compensation is 100 million dollars. I wish you a successful fight.” After saying the last sentence, the television went blank.

“A loan… of 100 million dollars? You got to be kidding.” You said in disbelief while shaking your head before it hit you that everything that had just happened was definitely real, you immediately got up to check if all the windows was locked and quickly closed the curtain before collapsing back down on the floor next to the money. 



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Zexeve #1
Update please.