Getting Hongki to listen

A Game of Lies


“How long do you intend to follow me around?” Hongki stop abruptly in his tracks and asked you.

“Un… Until… You listen to what I have to say. Please! I’m not asking you to help me get the money back but if you could just listen…” You told him, desperately.

“Aishh! Okay okay. I get it.” Hongki replied back feeling annoyed. “I just have to listen to your story only right?”

“Really?” You nodded your head furiously while smiling happily at him.

“Wait here for me. I’ll just go home to drop by bag.” Hongki mumbled.

“Okay!” You beamed brightly at him while watching him walk away.


~ 3 hours later ~

“Phew… He’s late…” You murmured to yourself while looking around.


~ Another 2 hours later ~

“What? You’re still waiting for me to appear? Just get it already, will you?” Hongki asked himself, feeling amused at how long you have waited for him already before walking away.


Not long later, it started raining heavily. You hurriedly looked around for a shelter so that you could stay there and wait for Hongki to arrive. “I’m so hungry.” You complained to yourself while rubbing your hands together to keep yourself warm.


~ Next Morning ~

“What are you doing? Move away! Go away! Shoo!” A cleaner screamed at you while using her broom to shoo you away from the place you were sleeping at.

“Yahh!” Hongki shouted at you.

“Hongki ssi!” You smiled happily at him. “You’re finally here!”

“What’re you still doing here?” Hongki asked you, irritatingly.

“But… But you said, I should…”

“After bring kept waiting for so long, you would usually go home right?” Hongki asked you before you could finish your sentence.

“But… But you said… I should wait here for you to come back…” You stuttered.

“That’s why you’re getting deceived!” Hongki raised his voice a little. “You’re too honest for your own good, that’s why you’re getting deceived! Just go home!” Hongki turned around and started walking away from you.

“Is… Is this a bad thing? Is it bad? To be idiotically honest… Is it bad?”  You said while looking at the figure that was walking further away from you.

Hongki turned around to stare at you and thought for a while before sighing, “Haiish, I’ll just hear your story. That’s all. Okay?”

“Jincha? Okay!” You grinned happily at Hongki.

“You didn’t eat the whole night right? Let’s go to the noodle stall nearby. You can eat and tell me your story at the same time.” Hongki sigh in defeat.



~ At the noodle stall ~

“What? 100 million dollars?” Hongki asked you in surprised. “That’s really hard to believe.”

“But… But all of this is true! Really!” You quickly answered him.

“So, what do you want to do? Do you want to win the game? Or do you want to quit such a game?” Hongki asked you gently.

“I want to quit! I’m not interested in the prize money at all. I just want to get my share of the 100 million dollars back only. I don’t want to end up having a debt. I don’t feel like taking away Jay’s money at all.” You told Hongki nervously.

“Hmm… 100 million dollars… Let’s go!” Hongki grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the noodle shop.

“Yahh! Where are you dragging me to?” You shouted at Hongki while trying to wriggle your wrist out of his hands.

“If you want your money back, just shut up and follow me!” Hongki screamed back at you while letting go of you.

 “Erm… You’re heading to Jay’s house right?” You asked him softly.

“Yeah. If not where could I drag you to?” Hongki cocked his head sideways while looking at you in amazement.

“Erm… Well… If you’re heading to Jay’s house, I don’t think you know the way there right?” You replied.

Hongki stared at you for a while before realizing that he have no idea where your opponent was staying and he would be just walking around randomly if you had not reminded him.

“Well, lead the way there!” He smiled sheepishly at you while scratching his head.

*Aissh! What’s wrong with this guy? He can be so nice and kind this second and another second later he can be so mean! Is all swindlers like this?* You thought to yourself, shaking your head as you lead the way to Jay’s house. 



Sorry. Its a short update only :/
The next chapter will be quite a long one! ^^

Anyway, how do you think Hongki is gonna help Hye Rin get back her money?
Comment and let me know! (:

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Thank you! (:


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Zexeve #1
Update please.