Opponent... Jay Park?

A Game of Lies


"Please! Please, I'm asking you... Please help me! I really, really have no idea where this money came from!" You said desperately to the policeman, Chunji, which was in the police station. 

“Hmm, but the box did have an envelope with your name on it right? Didn’t it? And, you’ve already opened it! We can’t accept this as ‘lost property’ anymore. As you know, the police are not allowed to act unless it turns into a real incident. So thinking about it, you could just be using us to hold onto the money for you?” Chunji said, feeling a little annoyed.

“But… But maybe someone will really come to steal this money!”  You said and dropped the entire box on the desk near Chunji.

“Well, then at that time, you can come and file a damage report, okay? For now, we can’t do really do much for you.” He smiled sheepishly at you.

*Great! Then what am I supposed to do with this now?* You thought hopelessly.



Hugging your knees tightly while sitting on your bed with your blanket over your head, all you could do was just to stare at the sum of money that was right before your eyes. No matter how hard you pinch yourself or blink your eyes, the money just would not disappear. You were shivering quite badly, not because you were feeling cold but due to the fact that you were afraid. Afraid of what would actually in the game. Just then you heard a *THUD* sound coming from your mailbox. You stared at where the sound came from with a frightened face before edging slowly towards the edge of your bed.

Walking to where your mailbox was, you slowly squat down before it. Gathering all your courage, you reluctantly stretched out your hand towards the mailbox handle and open it. “My opponent...” You stared at what the envelope had written before quickly taking the black envelope out from the mailbox. You fumbled with the sticker on the envelope for a while before finally managed to open it. All you did was stare at the card that was sitting in the envelope before decided to pull it out to take a look.

“It… It can’t be… Jay… Jay Park?!” Your eyes widened in shock as you stared at the card with your opponent name on it.



You were walking to the address that was stated in the envelope carrying your big bag of money while thinking that it was such a fortunate coincidence, to think that your opponent would actually be Jay, your childhood friend that you had lost touched long ago.

“Yahh, Jay! Open up!” You shouted as you knocked on his door.

“Yo, Hye Rin! Been such a long time since I last saw you!” Jay shouted back while giving you a peace sign when he opened the door. “I’m so glad to hear that it was you who got chosen!”

“I’m glad too! If somebody else were to by my opponent…” You replied back feeling relieved.

“WHAT?! Your… Your opponent? You… You mean all that rubbish that those guys were saying, about robbing each other’s money and us being opponents, those rules, YOU… You actually believe that?!” Jay asked shockingly while laughing.

“Huh? So you mean it’s not like…”

“Of course not! This is definitely about something else! You’re still as naive as ever, Hye Rin. Actually, you know, this is nothing but a cleverly-designed fraud.” Jay told you while inviting you into his house.

“What? Are you serious?” You asked in disbelief.

“Well, let’s assume for a moment that your opponent wasn’t me, but somebody else. Hmm, let’s call him ‘X’. First of all, you wouldn’t know who is X and X doesn’t know you are too, so you will zero information about your rival right?”

You nod your head and he continued.

“And then, maybe one day, without you even noticing, 50 million dollars just poof, and disappear from your stack. Now now, who will you think took your 50 million dollars?”

“Hmm, X!”

“Yeap! That’s right. You will naturally suspect X of robbing your money. But in fact, it was someone else who did it. The ‘Entangled Lies’ secretariat! You see, even if they were stealing your money, since you didn’t know your opponent, X can only be the one that you will suspect to be the culprit, so in the end, both you and X will end up in debts!

“That’s….That’s… That’s very terrible!” You exclaimed. “I would most probably would have fallen for that.”

“Yupp! I think you would have fallen for that too since you always believed everything that anyone says. For now, we must hurry find a safe place for us to hide our money! There’s no way to tell when they will actually come to steal our money!” Jay said with an worried look on his face while  taking out his 100 million dollars.

“Me me! I bought my money with me too!” You beamed at him. “Because I was scared to leave it at home when’s there nobody around.”

“You’re right! It’s way too dangerous to leave it unattended for even a second!”

“But… But… Now what should I do with this money from now on? I can’t always keep it at home with fear of anyone coming to rob it away from me.” You sighed.

“I know I know!” Jay jumped happily around. “How about renting a deposit box at the bank? This way, they won’t be able to get their hands on our money for the whole 30 days It will be safe!”

“It’s a good idea! But…” You looked down worriedly.

“Hey hey! Don’t worry! I know you’re worried about the formalities, right? No worries okay! I’m gonna take care of your share as well, is that alright? In this kind of situation, we need to help each other out right? And you’re my long time no see childhood friend! Why would I not help you?” Jay placed his hands on your shoulders to calm you down while giving you his best smile.

“Really? Thank you very much! Please take care of my share okay!” You said happily while giving him a big hug.



That night when you got home, the moment you stepped into your house, you heard a loud * THUD* sound coming from your mailbox. That sound made you instantly froze in your track.




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Zexeve #1
Update please.