Finding the Box

A Game of Lies

Your life was simple. Really really simple. Simple to the extend that others would find it too boring and would probably find other things to do. Everyday you would wake up, head off to work, drop by the orphanage if you have some spare time before heading home to cook dinner for yourself. You have been living by yourself ever since my parents passed away 4 years ago and this was just the right kind of life that you thought you wanted to have.

Flashback to 3 days ago

"Annyeonghaseyo! I found this $10 note on the park bench near the swing!" You said proudly while handing it to a policeman in the police station stationed near the park.

"Oh! It's just a $10 note. I doubt anyone would bother coming here to claim it even if they lost it. You can just keep it for yourself!" the policeman replied in shock.

"No!!" You exclaimed. "I can't keep it for myself. What happens if the person that drops this actually come and look for it? You're a policeman and you're asking me to keep the money for myself?! No! I will not take this money! You can keep the money here in the police station." 

The policeman sigh, shaking his head "Alright alright. I'll keep the money here in case someone comes back and look for it. Please fill in this form and you can leave already."


Watching you skipping out of the police station happily, the policeman turned to his partner and whispered, "Ehh Chunji! Isn't it kind of weird to actually turn in such a small amount of money when you can actually keep it and spend it on, erm, maybe food? :D "

"Do you think we should invite her fo..." Chunji shouted excitedly, jumping around happily. "Shhhhh! Do you want everybody in the park to know about this?!" L.Joe smacked him on his head. 

"Yahhh!" Chunji pouted before burrowing his face into the pile of paper on the desk to search for the slip of paper that you just filled up and before he can shout at again, L.Joe stuffed the form into his face.

(Imagine this is how messy the police station office is >.< Ignore the guy at the back!)


"Hmm, Park Hye Rin! I hope this will be interesing!" Chunji eyed L.Joe and smirked.

End of Flashback



"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYE RIN NOONA/UNNIE" the children shouted in unison at the orphanage when you reached. "WE HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU!" they beamed their largest smile at her.

You took the present from them happily and opened it up. The moment your eyes saw what was in the box, you threw the box as far away from you as possible. 
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" You screamed a super high pitch that you think will most likely break the glass.
Inside was filled with all the creepy crawlies that you hated.The only sound you could hear in the background was the laughter of all the children. This was probably the 27th time you fell for their 'present' trick. 

"THANK YOU FOR THE PRESENT!" You looked up and smiled at them. "I really appreciate it! Really! If only the present you gave me doesn't contain the things that i hate." You gave them a wider smile.No matter how many times they pulled a prank on you, you can never ever get angry at them maybe because you truly believed that one day, they would really give you a real present instead of giving you things that you disliked.


Ever since your parents passed away, you always celebrated your birthday alone and you were really glad that you had those children in the orphanage to help you celebrate your birthday even though they gave you nasty present. The thought of the children remembering your birthday kept you smiling and dreaming while walking home.

You suddenly stopped when you kicked something hard and you realize that you have already reached your doorstep. Bending down to see what you have kicked, you found a big black box by your side. Curious at what is inside the black box, you open it.

You gasped and literally froze on the spot upon seeing what is inside.


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Zexeve #1
Update please.