Meeting the swindler

A Game of Lies


Hello! I'm back with another update! (:
Enjoy reading! (:



~ Next Day ~

“I have to get it back… the 100 million dollars… I have to get it back… no matter what it take” You mumbled to yourself nonstop as you walk towards the police station slowly.


“Hmm, I don’t think that this is enough to make an incident report. At least it’s not something that the police could actually take action against.” Chunji told you calmly while walking around his office.

“But… But I was deceived! Doesn’t this count as fraud? Doesn’t it?” You asked desperately.

“I don’t know!” Chunji groaned.

“You know, it’s difficult to put up such a case for prosecution in the court and there are definitely different opinions about this case even amongst those law experts. Hmm… Maybe… Maybe it’s best to ask for a swindler for his opinion!” Chunji grinned at you.

“Huh? Ask… Ask a swindler?” You asked while giving a puzzled look.

“Yupp! Ohhya! That’s right!” Chunji exclaimed.

Chunji look around him before started whispering to you. “Listen carefully okay. I shouldn’t really be telling you this… but… since you really needed help. I guess this wouldn’t hurt. Well, tomorrow, a swindler will be released from prison. He got caught 3 years ago and he’s said to be a genius!”

“A… A genius swindler?!” You gasped.

“Shhhh! Not so loud! Now get going! You have nothing that you want to report anymore.” Chunji quickly shooed you out of the police station while smirking happily.


You ran all the way to the nearest library and up the staircase to where the newspaper room was at. Taking a whole big stack of newspaper from three years ago, you started flipping through every single one of them to see if you could find any clue about the genius swindler that Chunji had just told you secretly.

After going through stacks and stacks of newspaper for four hours, you realized that you were only left with the very last newspaper and you have not found a single thing about the genius swindler that Chunji had said.

*Aissh! Is that stupid policeman bluffing me? I’ve look through almost all the newspaper and there’s nothing about someone going to jail for three years and is a swindler!*

You eyed the last newspaper and slowly took in a deep breath. *Please! Please whatever I need to find to be in there!* You thought to yourself while praying that the very last newspaper would really have a clue about the swindler.

Slowly flipping through the newspaper, you saw something that caught your eye.

Major multinational organization driven to bankruptcy, Man arrested under suspicion of fraud.

“YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY! I FINALLY FOUND IT!” You shouted at the top of your lungs, not caring that you were in the library.

Looking back closely at the newspaper, you saw a picture of the swindler and his name.

Suspect: Lee Hong Ki


~ Day of release from prison ~

“Front door? The front door? Where is it? Where’s the front door? Just where is it?” You asked yourself frantically while looking around for the prison door.


You fell to the ground as you hit someone hard. Looking up to see who you had bump into but instead you found the person staring at you before turning around to walk away. You continued sitting on the ground, stunned for a moment before getting up to take a closer look at the picture on the newspaper.

*This… This is the guy that I’m looking for!* You screamed in your head.

“Ahhh! Wait! Please wait! Hongki ssi! Please wait!” You shouted at the figure that was walking away from you.

The figure turned around and stares at you while you continued shouting frantically at him.

“Please… Please help me! I was cheated out of my money! I want to get it back. I beg you! Please! Please lend a helping hand!” You bowed at him and begged him.

But when you look up, you found that the man was already roughly 300 meters away from you.

“PLEASE WAIT! I REALLY NEED YOU HELP!” You screamed as you ran after the figure.

“Please wait, Hongki ssi!” You ran in front of him to block his path.

“If you’re in trouble, go and tell the police or find a lawyer.” Hongki replied coldly without taking a glance at you.

“No... I can’t do that! The police told me they couldn’t investigate this matter.” You shook your head violently.

“Yahh! Just who the hell are you anyway? I just got out of prison only so what the hell do you think you’re asking from me?” He spat back while staring at you coldly before walking away from you.



Hongki finally appeared! :>
Do you think Hongki will help Hye Rin in the end?

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Zexeve #1
Update please.