Day Nine

Simon Says (Sequel to Creeper Stare)

Er ... that 'updating every Thursday' thing isn't going to happen .. erm. Sorry ;____; Classes started again and well ... even if I do have free time, I have a hard time trying to think of an update. I think I should start planning out my chapters OTL

Don't worry you guys! This isn't the end of the story, there is a few weeks left of their bet as well as hectic drama involving Daniel and Simon's past. I'm pretty sure this will be at least 20-25 chapters. 30 tops. 


"Well look who found herself a boyfriend." Mina smugly announced. 

"Ugh, you've been saying that since yesterday." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in front of my chest. 

Word spread around school that Simon and I were dating since we did kiss in public, plus Simon was considered popular even if he hadn't been in my college long. Once my first class was finished, Mina practically tackled me as I exited the classroom, forcing me to spill the details of what had happened prior. 

"I'm just stating the facts." Mina shrugged her shoulders. 

"So ..." She nudged my arm with her elbow. 

"What?" I looked at her weirdly.

"Is he a good kisser?" Mina smiled cheekily. 

"YAH!" I cried out, causing a few students to look at me. 

I smiled apologetically and then averted my attention back to Mina, glaring at her. 

"You're really disturbing, you know that?" I sighed, ignoring her question completely. 

Mina only shrugged her shoulders as the two of us walked out of the science building. I felt awkward as we walked, noticing whispers and stares as we made our way around the college campus. 

"Mina ..." 


"They're staring at us." 

"Nope, they're staring at you." 

I elbowed her. 

"I'm just saying! You're the talk of the day; which makes me wonder if there is a difference between high school and college." Mina shook her head. 

You'd think I'd be used to this kind of attention but I'm not. Back in high school, I was considered as one of the popular students because I was Daniel's girlfriend and also because I was my uncle's niece (we both attended the same high school and he was incredibly popular to both the students and teachers). 

I didn't really care for the title but it annoyed me because I didn't really have much privacy plus Daniel had admirers that pestered me almost all the time. 

"I thought I'd have a quiet life." I mumbled. 

"Well, its your fault for picking the popular ones!" Mina grinned, patting my shoulder. 

"Yah, do you want to die?" I growled, glaring at my friend. 

"Careful, college girls are crazier than high school girls. If one of Simon's admirers see you act like this, they'll tell on you." Mina teased, sticking her tongue out at me. 

"I'm gonna need to find a new best friend." 


I ditched Mina to study in the library. She was getting extremely weird with her questions, which made me want to slap her cause I've only been 'official' with Simon for a few hours. 

I was sitting at the far back corner of the library, hidden behind bookshelves, hoping no one would come over here. Luckily, only a few people have passed by where I was sitting, only because they needed a book but other than that, I was alone in silence. 

I sighed, closing my math book. I hated that I in math, only because I didn't bother to pay attention nor did I try. 

Oh well. If I can get a C, I'll be fine. 

I scrunched up my face, opening my math notes from before. I heard footsteps which got me to lift my head up from my notes. 

"Why?" I sighed, closing my notebook. 

"Are you really stalking me know?" I said out loud. 

"Rin Ae, can we talk? Seriously this time?" Daniel stood in front of the table, his hands in his pockets. 

"Oh so you're saying the other times we had a conversation you'd been kidding?" 

"You know what I mean." 

"Hm ... Nope, not really considering I have no idea who the hell you are."

"Can we please just talk?" His eyebrows creased, his voice desperate. 

I sighed loudly, knowing that if I continued my actions, he'd eventually blow up and probably devise a plan to trap me inside a room just so we can talk. After all, I was his best friend before we got together so I know his temper really well. 

"Fine." I pointed at the chair parallel for him to sit in. 

"Can we talk somewhere else?" He asked. 

"We either talk here or we don't talk at all. Your choice Daniel Chae." I crossed my arms against my chest. 

He sighed and pulled the chair out, so he can sit down. 

"I'm serious about what I said before, that I want for us to try again." He said. 


"Wait, let me finish." 

I bit my tongue, glaring at him.

Didn't he hear? I'm with Simon now!

"I know you're in a relationship with Simon but it doesn't mean you can't see me either." 

What the hell? Are you insane?

"I'm not insane, I know what you're thinking. You guys just started so it's not like you're serious or anything. You guys can openly date, or something." 

"Daniel freakin' Chae, do you realize how stupid and desperate you sound right now?" I looked at him, surprised out of my mind. 

He merely shrugged. "Don't care." 

"And you think, just because you're asking me, I'll go and comply to your request?" 


"Well, hate to burst your 'hope' bubble, but no. Simon and I are in a closed relationship, meaning I'm dating him exclusively." I grabbed my math book and notebook, quickly stuffing them into my backpack. 


"Daniel, we've had similar talks like these before and they always end the same way; me walking away from you because I've just had it. I'll admit, I still have feelings for you but it isn't how I felt towards you before. Get it through your damn brain that I don't love you anymore. You broke my heart Chae and I cannot forgive that. No matter how long we've known each other, it doesn't change the fact that you cheated on me. Yes, people make mistakes but that doesn't mean I have the heart to forget such a thing like that." I got up from my seat and draped the strap of my backpack onto my left shoulder. 

"Wait." Daniel stood up and grabbed me by the earm. 

"Let go of me Chae." 

"You think I'd let go of you?" He pulled my body back, causing me to look back towards him. 

"Do you honestly think I'll go and make the same mistake, again? Seo Rin Ae, don't act like you've forgotten me. I may have been the idiot that let you go but I won't lose you again. I'll show you that my feelings towards you never changed and have in fact, grown stronger after our break up. I'll ing prove to you that we're meant to be and that I'm worthy of your affections." 

He leaned closer to my face, causing me to heat up. 

"And I'll make sure that your lips won't forget mine." He let go of my arm and walked away, leaving me flustered. 

"Ah crap." 

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Sorry for not updating on Friday! x-x GAH. I tried to fix a writing schedule and I already screwed up :c sorry guys >< I'll try to update tomorrow @_@


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Chapter 11: Im reading this in 2014 and hahaa I know its a bit tooooooo late to say how I wish you would continue writing this fic. But just so you know, i really love reading this fic! :)
gumimako #2
Chapter 11: i am officially in love with this fic!
missgeminie #3
Chapter 10: i'm loving the story so far~
can't wait for more!!!

min_22 #4
Chapter 10: it's been a long time! thanks for updatingggg
KLove208 #5
Chapter 10: Is she going to tell Simon what happened between her and Daniel in the library??? Omo omo omo!! Can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you for updating!
Chapter 10: gahhhh!!!! can you pls remove daniel out he's pissing me off.. the nerve of that guy..
nanacho #7
Chapter 9: ayyy~~ finally they're together >< happy to see they together now <3
but, what abt Daniel and Hana? This story's not ending yet rite? update soon author-nim ><
Chapter 9: YAY! Finally~! The long-awaited kiss, and not just that, they're even a couple now! *happy dance*
Chapter 9: kyaaaaa finally took her long enough to realize!!! err i've been wondering if i should leave a msg lol i still see my name bellow..
min_22 #10
Chapter 9: so cuteeeeee